Projects to the Combined Authority
Dear Liverpool City Council,
According to an officer of the Council staff are currently being told to make considerable funding asks of the Combined Authority with Mark Bousfield, a Director or the CA advising people to increase funding asks on the premise he will get them approved. The suggestion is that Mr Bousfield has been promised a job at the Council and that he was likely to be leaving the Combined Authority and that he is directing monies to Liverpool Council projects before taking on that role. The staff member has suggested there has been no appointment process by the Council for the promised job.
Please consider the following an FOI request:
Has Mark Bousfield been promised a job at Liverpool City Council?
What appointment process has been applied in offering a job to Mr Bousfield?
Has Mr Bousfield been advising Liverpool City Council staff on how to get funding from the Combined Authority while also being responsible for managing funding at the Combined Authority?
Will Mr Bousfield have any role in the Festival Gardens project going forward?
Given conflict of interest issues with regard that project and Mr Bousfields association with representatives of Midia Group what is the current status of the project?
Yours faithfully,
James Buchanan
Dear James Buchanan
Please see attached our response to your recent information request.
We thank you for your patience and understanding whilst Liverpool City
Council, in common with other public authorities is currently dealing
with, responding to, and affected by the current public health emergency
arising from Coronavirus which has meant that our staff are being diverted
to maintain essential services for the residents of Liverpool.
Liverpool City Council
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