Progress of Wiltshire Councils review of Avon & Wiltshire Partnership (Mental Health ) AWP Services Task Group
Dear Wiltshire Council,
I understand following the serious nature of numerous issues identified in a number of reports either commissioned by , seen by , or supplied to Wiltshire Council a committee or steering group called 'Review of AWP Services Task Group' was initially discussed then set up and has planned a number of meetings from 2010 - 2011 onwards that continue to this day and into the future I believe ? May I please see the areas of concerns that have been identified and discussed that lead to the setting up of this group, all the documents the group were supplied with, their remit,reports correspondence notes emails and data they have been given and received and sent, agendas and minutes of the meetings they have held and details of any feedback or audit received by the council in respect of this groups progress and effectiveness.I would be especially interested to see evidence of where patients or carers have been invited to have any input into this task group to date. May I please ask the councilors, staff and others working on this task group have their identities left on the documents you supply please, as I wish to see the caliber of those carrying out this important task and the timely progress each is making.
Yours faithfully,
Steven King
Request for Information – reference RFI - ENQ00767-REQ001
Thank you for your request for information received 26 January 2014.
In response to your request officers have provided the following, and
attached, information:
Origin and progress of the Review of AWP Services Task Group
Trowbridge members of the Health Select Committee (HSC) were concerned
about reports they had received from constituents about the closure of
Charter House, Trowbridge, a facility run by AWP. They were concerned
that, from their perspective, yet another health facility was being
withdrawn from the Trowbridge area.
As a result of their concerns, the item was featured on the agenda of the
HSC on 14 March 2013. The Committee received a briefing paper from AWP,
was assured that the closure was temporary and that a review was underway.
HSC 14 March 2013, minutes with AWP briefing paper on Charter House (Item
Following a review of the overview and scrutiny function, Councillors had
agreed that, where possible, it was desirable for scrutiny to become
involved at the policy making stage. As AWP had informed the Committee
that they were undertaking a review, the Committee agreed to the formation
of a Task Group to work alongside AWP. The resolution from the HSC
meeting of 14 March notes: To agree the creation of a Task Group to
consider the review being undertaken by AWP on care provision for people
with dementia in Wiltshire.
Councillor business was suspended prior to the Council elections in May
2013 and there was a further delay in setting up the Task Group due to
leave arrangements and other commitments.
The first meeting of the Task Group was held on 18 October 2013. The Task
Group members are Cllr John Noeken (chairman), Cllr Nina Phillips and
Steve Wheeler; all are members of the HSC, in addition Steve Wheeler is on
the Board of Wiltshire Healthwatch. Julie Hankin, Clinical Director for
Wiltshire, attended the meeting and gave the Task Group a verbal
presentation on the services provided by AWP, the main points of which
were recorded in the draft notes of the meeting (attached).
At the meeting on 18 October, a further meeting was arranged with Julie
Hankin in December, but this was subsequently cancelled as the Task Group
wished to hear evidence from other agencies. Julie Hankin also invited
the Task Group to visit the AWP facilities at Fountain Way, Salisbury. A
visit was organised for 20 November 2013, during which the Task Group
heard about the work of the unit and had a guided tour of the Amblescroft
It was felt that the Task Group would benefit from more members and 2
additional members have been appointed to the Group. They are the Chair
of the Wiltshire and Swindon Users’ Network (WSUN) and the chair of SWAN
A further Task Group meeting is planned for 13 February when the Task
Group will hear from the commissioners of the service at the Clinical
Commissioning Group and the Council.
In preparation for the meeting the Task Group members have been alerted to
the document ‘Living Well with Dementia’ – national dementia strategy
Asked to revisit the Draft Dementia Strategy from the agenda of the HSC 14
Jan 2014 – item 8
and provided with copies of:
‘[4]Closing the Gap’ – Govt priorities for essential change in mental
[5]No health without mental heath – a guide for Overview and Scrutiny
published by ‘mind’.
[6]No health without mental health
Information that is already published is exempt under [7]Section 21 of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Some email addresses have been withheld from the information supplied.
This is where the addresses are private and are therefore deemed personal
information. [8]Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act applies.
If you are unhappy with this result, you can raise a complaint under the
council’s [9]Review Procedure for Information Requests (enclosed) within
40 days of receiving the information. When you have exhausted the
council’s procedure you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office
at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF,
[10] or 01625 545745. If you would like to discuss any of
the information provided to you or would like further information on the
review procedure, please contact me.
Information supplied under the Freedom of Information Act and/or
Environmental Information Regulations will be subject to copyright
protection under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Information
can be re-used for the purposes of research for non-commercial purposes,
for private study or for news reporting and reviews, without requiring
formal consent. However, if you wish to re-use the information for
commercial purposes, including publishing, you are required to seek the
permission of the copyright owner. Permission to re-use Wiltshire
Council’s copyright information is granted in the form of a licence.
Authorisation to re-use copyright material not owned by Wiltshire Council
should be sought from the copyright holders concerned.
Yours sincerely
Sharron Evans LLM
Principal Information Officer
Corporate Information Team
Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - 01225 713643
Wed am - 07920 234851
[email address]
Web: [11]
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Dear Wiltshire Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Wiltshire Council's handling of my FOI request 'Progress of Wiltshire Councils review of Avon & Wiltshire Partnership (Mental Health ) AWP Services Task Group'.
Thank you for the quantity of information supplied in this instance, but I am sorry to inform you that although this is of interest, my primary reason for making this request was in light of TWO specific reports ive obtained " The review of governance and management arrangements at Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust on behalf of NHS South of England " in January 2012, and " Independent Investigation report into the alleged falsification and / or alteration of service user records - Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust " in August 2012, that was reported by 30 of Wiltshire Councils own Social Workers working in AWP ? I am aware significant concerns were also raised with a number of agencies in the months prior to these reports being ordered, and know you are also involved in the commissioning of services from AWP. I trust therefore you will in fact be holding considerable information also relating to matters leading up to the preparation of these reports, which I trust will also have been passed to the AWP Services Task Group and all other groups or committees set up by or including Wiltshire Council staff or councilors ?
Again, thank you for the information provided so far, but I trust now I have made my request maybe clearer you will have no difficulty in supplying the information I am seeking that has not been disclosed so far ?
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Steven King
Dear Mr. King,
Request for Information – reference RFI - ENQ01098-REQ001
Thank you for your request for information received on Wednesday 19 February 2014.
Your request is being considered and if the information is held you will receive the information requested within the statutory timescale of 20 working days of receipt of your request as defined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
I may contact you during that time if the request needs to be clarified; this is to ensure that we provide you with the information you require.
Please note that some information you have requested may not be provided to you; this will only be information that can be withheld by law. If we find it necessary to withhold any information we will explain our reasons for doing so at the same time as we provide you with your copy of any information that can be released to you.
Yours sincerely
Tina Hubbard
Clerical Assistant
Corporate Information Team
Wiltshire Council
01225 7-18381
Request for Information – reference RFI - ENQ01098
Further to your email of 19 February. This was logged as a new request by
this team as you mentioned reports that had not been mentioned in your
original request. However, it now appears that it relates to the same
issue as RFI ENQ00767.
The officers state that they hold no more information on this than has
already provided. Other officers who were dealing with this matter have
now left the council and the information is no longer held on our systems.
Wiltshire Council has not withheld any information in relation to this
request under the exemptions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
If you are unhappy with this result, you can raise a complaint under the
council’s [1]Review Procedure for Information Requests (enclosed) within
40 days of receiving the information. When you have exhausted the
council’s procedure you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office
at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF,
[2] or 01625 545745. If you would like to discuss any of the
information provided to you or would like further information on the
review procedure, please contact me.
Information supplied under the Freedom of Information Act and/or
Environmental Information Regulations will be subject to copyright
protection under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Information
can be re-used for the purposes of research for non-commercial purposes,
for private study or for news reporting and reviews, without requiring
formal consent. However, if you wish to re-use the information for
commercial purposes, including publishing, you are required to seek the
permission of the copyright owner. Permission to re-use Wiltshire
Council’s copyright information is granted in the form of a licence.
Authorisation to re-use copyright material not owned by Wiltshire Council
should be sought from the copyright holders concerned.
Yours sincerely
Sharron Evans LLM
Principal Information Officer
Corporate Information Team
Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - 01225 713643
Wed am - 07920 234851
[email address]
Web: [3]
Follow Wiltshire Council
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Dear Sharron Evans, Principal Information Officer,
Corporate Information Team Governance, Wiltshire Council
Thank you for the information you have provided, but due to my mental health difficulties I am finding it difficult to read and understand the amount of information supplied electronically.
In this instance may I please request you send me paper copies of all the information provided please.
I should mention I cannot see where the issues raised in respect of the Review of Governance and Management Arrangements at Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust ( report commissioned on behalf of NHS South of England ) and the Independent Investigation Report into the Alleged Falsification and/or Alteration of Service User Records at Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust where I believe 30 of Wiltshire Councils Social Workers Whistleblew that they had been instructed to falsify or alter service user records...a report commissioned in part by yourselves. I do not understand why where it was agreed the AWP taskforce group set up by Wiltshire Council to properly look at these matters has no records of this work they are supposedly doing ?
Whilst you have supplied me with a mass of slightly relevant and non relevant information I cannot see where the matters identified in the two reports ive identified and read and which you would certainly hold are receiving the necessary scrutiny they surely deserve ? I wonder of this has just been swept under the carpet again like so many other matters are ?
Whilst writing I should make you aware of patients and carers attending AWP Board meetings and feedback sessions in Wiltshire are still alerting the board that
their patient records have been - and still are being - falsified to this date, and I wonder why this Task Force Group has not spoken with any of the patients affected - these are VERY SERIOUS matters ?
It further concerns me AWP do not record in their Board minutes the concerns being raised by patients and carers ?
Yours sincerely,
Steven King
Dear Mr King,
Request for Information – reference RFI - ENQ01098 and RFI ENQ00767
Thank you for the email below requesting the information to be supplied to
you in hard copy.
RFI ENQ01098 contains no information. I assume you mean the request prior
to that, RFI ENQ00767.
In responding to that request we supplied links to many documents, and
there are further links within those documents. I cannot supply all of
that information in hard copy at the council's expense as this would
involve a lot of paper and officer time.
Some of that information will not be of interest to you. Please would you
identify which documents you require in hard copy and I will endeavour to
Alternatively, you can visit your local library where you can use the
computers and print off the documents you require straight away. There is
a charge of 10p per sheet.
Yours sincerely
Sharron Evans LLM
Principal Information Officer
Corporate Information Team
Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN
Mon, Tues, Thurs - 01225 713643
Wed am and Fri - 07920 234851
[email address]
Web: [1]
Follow Wiltshire Council
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