Process for evaluation of Hen Harrier Action Plan
Dear Natural England,
Please could I see all papers, correspondence etc to date related to the development of the evaluation of the southern reintroduction proposed in the Hen Harrier Action Plan. More precisely, at this point, I would like to see details of all discussion and communication related to the process of designing the evaluation, selecting the evaluators/researchers, costs, timescales etc. I am not at present principally seeking information about the specific evaluation criteria. I would like to see all papers related to the development of what might be called an 'invitation to tender' (though different language may be used in this context.) I would like to see all material discussing the process of developing such a document and/or more generally a process for selecting a research/evaluation team. Broadly, what are Natural England's proposals for soliciting research/evaluation proposals, how will proposals be sought, how will they be assessed, how will the winning proposal be decided, how will independence be secured?
Yours faithfully,
Alan Cranston
Dear Mr Cranston,
RFI 4082 - Access to information request – Acknowledgement
Thank you for your request for the information detailed in your e-mail
below, which we received 6 November 2017.
We are dealing with your request under the Environmental Information
Regulations 2004.
Your request is being considered and we will send out our response within
the legal deadline of 20 working days which is 5 December 2017. If, for
any reason, we are unable to meet the deadline we will keep you fully
informed of the reasons for this.
Yours sincerely
Chantal Cooper
Adviser – Legal and Governance Team
Natural England
Email: [1][Natural England request email]
[2]Make a request for information to Natural England
Dear Mr Cranston
Please find attached Natural England's response to your request for information.
Darren Green, Senior Adviser – Access to Information
Natural England, Legal Services,
County Hall, Spetchley Road,
Worcester, WR5 2NP
T: 0208 026 0936
M: 078101 56750
[email address]
Make a request for information to Natural England
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