Requests similar to 'Private v state school admissions (offers accepted)'

Private v state school admissions
Response by SRUC to elizabeth thomson on .


Thank you for your email.  I am currently out of the office and will reply to emails on my return.   Please note my working days are Mondays, Tuesday...
Private v state school admissions (offers made)
Response by SRUC to elizabeth thomson on .

Waiting clarification

Thank you for your email.  I am currently out of the office and will reply to emails on my return.   Please note my working days are Mondays, Tuesday...
Scottish domiciled students
Response by SRUC to elizabeth thomson on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for your email.  I am currently out of the office and will reply to emails on my return.     Please note my working days are Mondays, Tu...
Academic journal costs
Response by SRUC to Stuart Lawson on .


Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will reply to emails on my return.   Please note my working hours are Mondays, Tuesda...
University bus service subsidies
Response by SRUC to Adam Hodgson on .


Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will reply on my return.  Please note my working days are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thur...
Response by SRUC to John Gallacher on .


Thank you for your email.  While I am working flexibly during Covid-19 please note my main working days are Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and there...
Sale of College Assets
Response by SRUC to Jamie Mann on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will reply to emails on my return.     Please note my working hours are Mondays, Tu...
Internet filtering and blocking policies
Response by SRUC to Open Rights Group on .


Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will reply to emails on my return.    Please note my working hours are Tuesdays, We...
Ghostwriter in the university
Response by SRUC to Wan Ulfa Nur Zuhra on .


Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will reply to emails on my return.    Please note my working hours are Tuesdays, We...
Thank you for your email.  I am currently out of the office and will reply to emails on my return.   Please note my working days are Mondays, Tuesday...
Average expected study hours
Response by SRUC to J. van Herk on .


Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will reply to emails on my return.     Please note my working hours are Mondays, Tu...
Stress Management
Response by SRUC to John Gallacher on .


Thank you for your email.  I am on leave on Monday 18th May and will reply to emails on Tuesday.    Kind regards Devon            ...
Facility Time
Response by SRUC to John Gallacher on .


Thank you for your email.  I am on leave on Monday 18th May and will reply to emails on Tuesday.    Kind regards Devon            ...
Staff Accessing College Buildings
Response by SRUC to John Gallacher on .


Thank you for your email. I am currently on furlough from 10 June to 1 July inclusive.  I will not have access to emails during this time. If you re...
FOI Request – Confidential waste
Response by SRUC to Chris Pearson on .


I will have intermittent access to email on Thurs 19 Aug.  I will reply as so as possible. If your query is urgent please contact [email address]....
Funding for Mental Health in Colleges AY21-22
Response by SRUC to John Gallacher on .


I will have limited access to email on Wed 13th October and will reply as is possible. Kind regards Devon                   Pl...
2020/2021 University admission statistics
Response by SRUC to Matt Watson on .

Awaiting classification

I have limited access to email on Fri 14 Oct and am on annual leave from Mon 16 to Wed 19 Oct.  If your query is urgent please contact [email address...
SIMD0-20 Applicants, Offers, and Entrants
Response by SRUC to James Walkinshaw on .

Awaiting classification

I am currently on annual leave returning to the office on 20th Oct.  Please contact [email address]    Kind regards Devon          ...
Governance spending
Response by SRUC to PippyPigStockings on .


We refer to your submission through the “What do they know” website and would advise that in order for a request to be treated as a valid request und...
HE director pay
Response by SRUC to Daniel Payne on .


Dear Mr Payne   Regarding your FOISA request on director’s pay I am writing to let you know that this information is already in the public domain...
Information on the sale of Elmwood golf club
Response by SRUC to Shonagh Neville on .

Long overdue

I am currently out of the office. Please note my usual working pattern is Monday - Thursdays, and Friday mornings.   Kind regards Devon Plea...
Legal Costs
Response by SRUC to John Gallacher on .

Awaiting classification

Dear John   Please find the table for the attached FOI below.  Hopefully this formatting works better.    Period Jan 2019 – Dec Jan 2020 – Dec...
Mental Health
Response by SRUC to Jim Brown on .


Please see attached.   Regards     Helen Howden Solicitor and Deputy Company Secretary   SRUC Peter Wilson Building West Mains Road...
HE courses external examiner reports
Response by SRUC to William Thomas on .

Long overdue

I am currently on annual leave returning on Monday 21 October. Please contact [email address] if your query is urgent. Kind regards Devon Please...
Estate information
Response by SRUC to William Thomas on .

Long overdue

I am out of the office on annual leave and will return on Monday 11th November. Kind regards Devon Please don't print this e-mail unless you rea...