We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are elizabeth thomson please sign in and let everyone know.

Private v state school admissions (offers made)

We're waiting for elizabeth thomson to read recent responses and update the status.

elizabeth thomson

Good afternoon,

I am writing to request the following information under FOISA:

In each of the last six academic years, how many offers of a place to begin an undergraduate programme at your institution were made to:

1. rUK (England, Wales, NI) domiciled students? How many of these gained their entry qualifications at a private or fee paying school?

2. EU domiciled students? How many of these who gained their entry qualifications at a private or fee paying school?

3. Scottish domiciled students who gained their entry qualifications at a private or fee paying school? if any of these applicants were in the SIMD20 regarding deprivation, please state how many.

4. overseas domiciled students? How many of these gained their entry qualifications at a private or fee paying school?

I would prefer the information broken down by academic year.

If you require any clarification or further information please let me know asap.

Many thanks.

Yours faithfully,

elizabeth thomson

Freedom of Information Unit, University of Stirling

Dear Ms Thomson,

We acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request and will respond as soon as possible.


Freedom of Information Unit
University of Stirling

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Freedom of Information Unit, University of Stirling

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Thomson


I refer to your Freedom of Information request regarding private v state
school offers made.  The responses to your questions are in the attached



You have a right under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
(FoISA) to request a review of this decision by the University of
Stirling. If you wish to exercise this right, you must write to the
University to request a review within forty working days of receipt of
this decision. Your request for a review must be in writing and you must
specify your name and address for correspondence. You must also identify
the decision that you wish reviewed.


If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of a review, you have a right
under the FoISA to appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner. If you
wish to do so, you must appeal to the Commissioner within six months
following the date of receipt of the review notice.  Details on how to
appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner are available on their
website www.itspublicknowledge.info/Appeal


You also have the right to appeal to the Court of Session on a point of
law following a decision of the Commissioner.


Yours faithfully

Freedom of Information Unit

University of Stirling


show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are elizabeth thomson please sign in and let everyone know.