Private v state school admissions (offers made)

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are elizabeth thomson, please sign in to send a follow up message.

elizabeth thomson

Good afternoon,

I am writing to request the following information under FOISA:

In each of the last six academic years, how many offers of a place to begin an undergraduate programme at your institution were made to:

1. rUK (England, Wales, NI) domiciled students? How many of these gained their entry qualifications at a private or fee paying school?

2. EU domiciled students? How many of these who gained their entry qualifications at a private or fee paying school?

3. Scottish domiciled students who gained their entry qualifications at a private or fee paying school? if any of these applicants were in the SIMD20 regarding deprivation, please state how many.

4. overseas domiciled students? How many of these gained their entry qualifications at a private or fee paying school?

I would prefer the information broken down by academic year.

If you require any clarification or further information please let me know asap.

Many thanks.

Yours faithfully,

elizabeth thomson

Devon Taylor, SRUC

Thank you for your email.  I am currently out of the office and will reply
to emails on my return.   Please note my working days are Mondays,
Tuesdays, and Thursdays.


Kind regards








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Devon Taylor, SRUC

Dear Elizabeth

Apologies but I believe your below request has slipped through my emails. Are you still interested in a response to this FOI? I realise the due date for reply was the 28th June but I can take this forward immediately.

Kind regards

Devon Taylor
Assistant Company Secretary
SRUC, Peter Wilson Building, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JG
T. 0131 535 4129 E. [email address]
Working hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs

SRUC: Leading the way in Agricultural and Rural Research, Education and Consultancy.
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