For the Attention of: James Halinson
Email: [1][FOI #150163 email]
Our Reference: FoI201318
Subject: Cost of 10 most expensi...
For the Attention of: James Halinson
Email: James Halinson <[FOI #443296 email]>
Our reference: FoI20171104-01
Subject: STFC Travel Expenses...
For the Attention of: Ann Roberts
Email: [email address]
Our reference: 2009/06/02/FoI/AR
Subject: Intellectual Property
Response to Request...
Dear Callum
I am writing in response to your request under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 whereby you requested -
‘1. Please can you...
Dear Mr Lowland,
Please see attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
Request, our ref FOI 2018/0245.
Kind regards
For the Attention of: Ms Z K Lovett
Email: [1][FOI #145940 email]
Our Reference: FoI20130116
Subject: STFC Construction Perfo...
For the Attention of: Paul Smith
Email: [FOI #448515 email]
Our reference: FoI20171124
Subject: IT Contracts and Contractors
Dear James,
Please find attached, a response to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the ESRC on 2nd September 2014.
Kind regards,...
Dear James,
Please find attached, a response to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the EPSRC on 2nd September 2014.
Kind regards...
For the Attention of: Mr R Ell
Email: Mr R Ell <[1][FOI #430412 email]>
Our reference: FoI20170908
Subject: Printing Expenditur...
Dear Mr Thomas,
Please find attached the remaining 8 zipped folders.
Yours sincerely,
Durham Burt
Deputy Information and Data Protection Man...
Dear Sam Smith
Reference: FOI2019/00036
Please find attached our response to your above information request.
Kind regards
Information Governanc...
Dear Paul,
Further to my acknowledgement to you (below) I have discussed with UKSBS
colleagues and we consider that UKSBS should respond to you...
For the Attention of: Lisa
Email: [1]mailto:[FOI #467941 email]
Our Reference: FoI20180228 - 02
Subject: IT Infrastructure...
Dear Mr Todd
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
Ravinder Singh
Information Manager
Technology St...
For the Attention of: James Halinson
Email: [1][FOI #142720 email]
Our Reference: FoI20121219
Subject: STFC Expenditure...
For the Attention of: GeorgeScott
Email: [1][FOI #414771 email]
Our Reference: FoI20170628
Subject: Recruitment Agency Spend...
For the Attention of: Neil Bond
Email: [FOI #316746 email]
Our reference: FoI20160216
Subject: Apple Product Procurement at RCUK through UK...
Dear Mr Murphy
I write in response to your recent Freedom of Information request to
Sheffield University. Please see the attached for the informatio...
Dear James,
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
request submitted to EPSRC, our ref: PSU-399.
Dear Mr Gardner,
Please find attached our responses to your Information Requests, our references FOI2021/30339, FOI/2021/30179, FOI2021/29962 & FOI20...
Dear Ms Talbot,
Please see part 1 of your response.
Access to Information Administrator
Information Governance Team
1st group of attachments
Queen Anne's Gate London SWIIf 9AT
Direct line 01-273
Switchboard 01-273 3°°°
The Clerk to the Police Auth...
Mr Neil Gordon
[1][FOI #558972 email]
Our ref: 22610
Dear Mr Gordon
Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 -...
For the Attention of: Chris Wade
Email: [1][FOI #156634 email]
Our Reference: FoI20130408
Subject: Maternity, Paternity and Adopt...