Prisoner Literacy

The request was successful.

Dear Scottish Prison Service,

I am writing to you regarding Prisoner Literacy levels in Scottish Prisons. I am doing this under the Freedom of Information Act. I would appreciate if you could send me the following information.

1. What qualifies as both 'functional literacy levels' and 'functional numeracy levels' in the standards set by the testing methods which SPS uses to test prisoners.

2. What percentage of prisoners screened lack functional literacy levels?

3. What percentage of prisoners screened lack functional numeracy levels?

I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my request.

Yours faithfully,

Sean Finnan


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to Friday.


Aitken Carol,

1 Attachment

Good afternoon


Please see attached a response to your request for information


Yours sincerely


Carol Aitken

Reid Janice,

1 Attachment


Please find attached response to your FOI request as below.

Kind regards


Executive Personal Assistant to
Teresa Medhurst, Director, Strategy & Innovation

e-mail: [email address]
Telephone: 0131 330 3754 – internal ext 203754

Scottish Prison Service | Headquarters | Calton House | 5 Redheughs Rigg | Edinburgh | EH12 9HW
Follow us on Twitter at @scottishprisons


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Dear Janice Reid,

Many thanks for this.

Yours sincerely,

Sean Finnan