Priority Banding

The request was successful.

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,
I would like to request the following information from yourselves:

1) As of the date that this FOI request is dealt with can I ask how many people are there currently on the waiting list with priority banding b1 with a registration date PRIOR to 29/01/2019 whom are entitled to a three bedroom house*?

1.2)Can you please provide me with the dates of registration for each of these.

1.3)Can you please confirm how many of these applicants from the above figures; with a registration date prior to 29/01/2019 are awaiting/eligible for a 3 bedroom house that sleeps 5/6 and how many are awaiting/eligible for a 3 bedroom house that sleeps 4.

1.4)Can I ask if an applicant who is eligible (based on their household size) for a sleeps 4 property was to bid on a sleeps 5/6 property would this bid be successful or would this be unsuccessful due to them essentially under-occupying the space.

2) As of the date that this FOI request is dealt with can I ask how many people are there currently on the waiting list with priority banding A whom are entitled to a three bedroom house?

3) In regards to the above figures you have provided can you confirm or provide a definition of what is meant by “LIVE” and “SUSP” and how this relates to the applicants.

4) Within the borough can you confirm at present how many three bedroom houses that sleep 5 or 6 are currently vacant/being worked on and awaiting listing on CBL? (This does should not include any of the new “Greenwich builds”)

4.2) Can I also request a breakdown of this figure into the location/postcode/town; for example Eltham/SE9 2 properties , Plumstead SE18 3 properties etc.

5) Within the borough can you confirm at present how many three bedroom houses that sleep 4 are currently vacant/being worked on and awaiting listing on CBL? (This does should not include any of the new “Greenwich builds”)

5.2) Can I also request a breakdown of this figure into the location/postcode/town; for example Eltham/SE9 2 properties, Plumstead SE18 3 properties etc.

*Can I clarify that I understand all of the applicants would be eligible to bid on flats and maisonettes also, but I am only requesting figures on the applicants whom are also entitled to bid on three bedroom houses - NOT flats or maisonettes.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs Crouch

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mrs Crouch


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-56961


Thank you for your request dated 21 October 2021


Your request will be answered by 18 November 2021. 


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Compliance

Directorate of Communities and Environment

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [1]


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foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mrs Crouch


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-56961


Thank you for your request dated 21 October 2021


Our response is as follows:



 1. As of the date that this FOI request is dealt with can I ask how many
people are there currently on the waiting list with priority banding
b1 with a registration date PRIOR to 29/01/2019 whom are entitled to a
three bedroom house*?


  Band B1 Total
Live Cases 32 32
Suspended Cases 9 9
Total 41 41


Please note: Most cases will also be eligible for flats and maisonettes,
but all can be considered for a house.


1.2)      Can you please provide me with the dates of registration for
each of these.

            See table below.


Applicant Registered Date
1 12/06/2009
2 12/04/2013
3 12/05/2013
4 26/03/2014
5 30/10/2014
6 24/08/2015
7 26/10/2015
8 24/11/2015
9 06/06/2016
10 06/07/2016
11 11/07/2016
12 06/09/2016
13 07/10/2016
14 16/12/2016
15 08/02/2017
16 09/02/2017
17 09/03/2017
18 10/05/2017
19 23/05/2017
20 02/06/2017
21 16/06/2017
22 07/07/2017
23 03/11/2017
24 12/01/2018
25 21/02/2018
26 23/03/2018
27 23/03/2018
28 08/05/2018
29 16/05/2018
30 26/06/2018
31 13/07/2018
32 23/07/2018
33 13/08/2018
34 07/09/2018
35 14/09/2018
36 14/09/2018
37 03/10/2018
38 08/10/2018
39 14/11/2018
40 21/11/2018
41 22/11/2018



1.3)      Can you please confirm how many of these applicants from the
above figures; with a registration date prior to 29/01/2019 are
awaiting/eligible for a 3 bedroom house that sleeps 5/6 and how many are
awaiting/eligible for a 3 bedroom house that sleeps 4.


Data request for above is not available. Applicants are matched to size of
property based on household composition and ages of children and not to
bed space.


1.4)      Can I ask if an applicant who is eligible (based on their
household size) for a sleeps 4 property was to bid on a sleeps 5/6
property would this bid be successful or would this be unsuccessful due to
them essentially under-occupying the space.


This will depend on the ages of the children and whether they meet the
bedroom size criteria and not the bed space. 


 2. As of the date that this FOI request is dealt with can I ask how many
people are there currently on the waiting list with priority banding A
whom are entitled to a three bedroom house?

This is based on cases with a CP list entry, that has a LIVE or SUSPENDED
status. There is no restriction on the registration date. It selects cases
where either the minimum or maximum bed need is equal to 3, and they are
eligible for a house. Most cases will also be eligible for flats and
maisonettes, but all can be considered for a house. This only includes
those with a Band A.


  Band A Total
Live cases 4 4
Suspended cases 7 7
Total 11 11


 3. In regards to the above figures you have provided can you confirm or
provide a definition of what is meant by “LIVE” and “SUSP” and how
this relates to the applicants.


LIVE application is an active application and enables an applicant to bid.

SUSP status means an application is suspended awaiting further


 4. Within the borough can you confirm at present how many three bedroom
houses that sleep 5 or 6 are currently vacant/being worked on and
awaiting listing on CBL? (This does should not include any of the new
“Greenwich builds”)




4.2) Can I also request a breakdown of this figure into the
location/postcode/town; for example Eltham/SE9 2 properties, Plumstead
SE18 3 properties etc.

See table below.


1 5   SE3



 5. Within the borough can you confirm at present how many three bedroom
houses that sleep 4 are currently vacant/being worked on and awaiting
listing on CBL? (This does should not include any of the new
“Greenwich builds”)




5.2) Can I also request a breakdown of this figure into the
location/postcode/town; for example Eltham/SE9 2 properties, Plumstead
SE18 3 properties etc.


See table below.



5 4 LEE SE12


If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.


If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask
for an Internal Review.  Internal review requests must be submitted within
two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original
request.  If you wish to do this, please contact us in writing, setting
out why you are dissatisfied.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. 
Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO
by emailing [1][email address], or by post at Customer Contact,
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Compliance

Directorate of Communities and Environment

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [2]


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From: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Sent: 21 October 2021 10:56
To: 'M Crouch' <[FOI #801414 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-56961: Freedom of Information request - Priority Banding


Dear Mrs Crouch


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-56961


Thank you for your request dated 21 October 2021


Your request will be answered by 18 November 2021. 


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Compliance

Directorate of Communities and Environment

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [3]


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