Printing supplies FOI
Dear 151 Dental Ltd,I am writing to ask, under the freedom of information act for the following information:
1, The brands of printers / multi function devices / photocopiers you use?
2, The total number of printers / multi function devices / photocopiers?
3, Are these printers / multi function devices / photocopiers supplied as part of a managed service agreement, leased or owned outright?
4, If these printers / multi function devices / photocopiers are supplied as part of a managed service agreement, leased when is the contract due for renewal?
5, If you purchase printer supplies, such as toner, through a framework agreement, consortia or via a supplier / website (e.g. office depot)?
6, The name of the framework, consortia or supplier / website?
7, The 2019/20 and 2020/21 annual spend on printing supplies such as toner but excluding paper?
8, The department responsible for the framework, consortia or ordering from the supplier / website, contact details including email and phone number. Please do not include any personal identifiable information.
Yours faithfully,
Jamie King
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