Dear Science and Technology Facilities Council,
Please could you provide the following information with regards to your current printing expenditure :
1. Current printing and photocopier contract details?
a. Photocopiers/MFD?s
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
2. Companies awarded?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
3. Length of contract/s and end dates?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
4. Number of devices?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
5. Annual print/copy volume
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
6. Annual spend?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
7. Details on how these were procured. i.e. By Framework
a. Procurement method
b. If Framework, please state which one
8. Do you have any print management software? If so, which
9. Do they supply you with any scanning software (additional to the
software native to the device)?
10. What Document Management solution/s do you currently use within
your organization?
11. What PDF software do you pay for? And how many licenses do you
pay for (an average per annum would be a good number here please)?
12. What is the name of the person within your organization responsible for the MFDs and the contract, what is their title, and their email address please?
13. How do you procure your print consumables/supplies?
14. What is the annual spend on print consumables?
15 Do you use a framework to procure consumables?
Yours faithfully,
Mr Ross Ellis
For the Attention of: Mr R Ell
Email: Mr R Ell <[FOI #430412 email]>
Our reference: FoI20170908
Subject: Printing Expenditure
Acknowledgement of request
Dear Ross,
Thank-you for your enquiry (set out below) which is now being dealt with
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 by our Information
Management team.
We aim to complete the enquiry within the 20 working days allowed by the
Act. If some information is not available within that timescale I will
inform you as soon as possible.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, I will
let you know the likely charges before proceeding.
Please note that STFC may publish any response it makes to you on its
website. Your personal details will be redacted.
If you have any queries about this response, please contact me, quoting
the reference number above.
Denise Francis,
FoI, DP and Records Manager
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Tel: +44 (0) 1793 442184
Email: [1][STFC request email]
Text of Your request
Please could you provide the following information with regards to your
current printing expenditure :
1. Current printing and photocopier contract details?
a. Photocopiers/MFD?s
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
2. Companies awarded?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
3. Length of contract/s and end dates?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
4. Number of devices?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
5. Annual print/copy volume
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
6. Annual spend?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
7. Details on how these were procured. i.e. By Framework
a. Procurement method
b. If Framework, please state which one
8. Do you have any print management software? If so, which
9. Do they supply you with any scanning software (additional to the
software native to the device)?
10. What Document Management solution/s do you currently use within
your organization?
11. What PDF software do you pay for? And how many licenses do you
pay for (an average per annum would be a good number here please)?
12. What is the name of the person within your organization responsible
for the MFDs and the contract, what is their title, and their email
address please?
13. How do you procure your print consumables/supplies?
14. What is the annual spend on print consumables?
15 Do you use a framework to procure consumables?
Visible links
1. mailto:[STFC request email]
For the Attention of: Mr R Ell
Email: Mr R Ell [1][FOI #430412 email]
Our reference: FoI20170908
Subject: Printing Expenditure
Acknowledgement of request
Dear Ross,
Thank-you for your enquiry (set out below) which is now being dealt with
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 by our Information
Management team.
We aim to complete the enquiry within the 20 working days allowed by the
Act. If some information is not available within that timescale I will
inform you as soon as possible.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, I will
let you know the likely charges before proceeding.
Please note that STFC may publish any response it makes to you on its
website. Your personal details will be redacted.
If you have any queries about this response, please contact me, quoting
the reference number above.
Denise Francis,
FoI, DP and Records Manager
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Tel: +44 (0) 1793 442184
Email: [2][STFC request email]
Text of Your request
Please could you provide the following information with regards to your
current printing expenditure :
1. Current printing and photocopier contract details?
a. Photocopiers/MFD?s
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
2. Companies awarded?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
3. Length of contract/s and end dates?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
4. Number of devices?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
5. Annual print/copy volume
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
6. Annual spend?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics
7. Details on how these were procured. i.e. By Framework
a. Procurement method
b. If Framework, please state which one
8. Do you have any print management software? If so, which
9. Do they supply you with any scanning software (additional to the
software native to the device)?
10. What Document Management solution/s do you currently use within
your organization?
11. What PDF software do you pay for? And how many licenses do you
pay for (an average per annum would be a good number here please)?
12. What is the name of the person within your organization responsible
for the MFDs and the contract, what is their title, and their email
address please?
13. How do you procure your print consumables/supplies?
14. What is the annual spend on print consumables?
15 Do you use a framework to procure consumables?
Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #430412 email]
2. mailto:[STFC request email]
For the Attention of: Mr R Ell
Email: Mr R Ell <[1][FOI #430412 email]>
Our reference: FoI20170908
Subject: Printing Expenditure
Response to request
Dear Ross,
In response to your request for information about STFC printing
expenditure I am able to provide you with the following information.
Information provided:
A. Information relating to STFC Swindon Head Office:
Procurement is undertaken on behalf of STFC Head Office by UKSBS Ltd.
1. Current printing and photocopier contract details?
a. Photocopiers/MFD?s IT130019 (Swindon)
b. Printers N/A
c. Print room / reprographics RM1599 (Swindon)
2. Companies awarded?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs Xerox
b. Printers N/A
c. Print room / reprographics Konica Minolta
3. Length of contract/s and end dates?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs Start date 18^th October 2013, End date 17^th
October 2018
b. Printers N/A
c. Print room / reprographics ends January 2020
4. Number of devices?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs 2
b. Printers N/A
c. Print room / reprographics 1 (Shared)
5. Annual print/copy volume
a. Photocopiers/MFDs 284568
b. Printers N/A
c. Print room / reprographics 69182
6. Annual spend?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs - Exempt under Section 43.2 of the FoI Act
b. Printers - Exempt under section 43.2 of the FoI Act 2000
c. Print room / reprographics - Exempt under 43.2 of the FoI Act
The costs associated with these are commercially sensitive and are exempt
under FOI S43
7. Details on how these were procured. i.e. By Framework
a. Procurement method For MFDs: Mini Competition against RM1599 the
provision of Multifunctional Devices and Services, Managed Print Services
and Print Audit Services
b. If Framework, please state which one: For MFDs RM1599 the
provision of Multifunctional Devices and Services, Managed Print Services
and Print Audit Services
8. Do you have any print management software? If so, which software?
9. Do they supply you with any scanning software (additional to
the software native to the device)? No
10. What Document Management solution/s do you currently use within your
organization? Microsoft Office
11. What PDF software do you pay for? And how many licenses do you pay
for (an average per annum would be a good number here please)?
For STFC at Swindon there is a site licence for Adobe Acrobat Site Licence
(approx 100 FTE ). There are also a small number of Photoshop licences
across the estate. The costs associated with these are commercially
sensitive and are exempt under FOI S43.
12. What is the name of the person within your organization responsible
for the MFDs and the contract, what is their title, and their email
address please?
UK SBS GCS Procurement Team [2][email address]
13. How do you procure your print consumables/supplies?
For MFDs this is part of contract – no charge
14. What is the annual spend on print consumables?
Exempt under 43.2 of the FoI Act 2000
15. Do you use a framework to procure consumables? No
B. STFC campuses – main contract
1. Current printing and photocopier contract details?
a. Photocopiers/MFD?s current supplier is
b. Printers
Individually sourced
c. Print room / reprographics current supplier is
2. Companies awarded?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs current supplier is
b. Printers
Individually sourced
c. Print room / reprographics current supplier is
3. Length of contract/s and end dates?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs out of contract
b. Printers
Individually sourced
c. Print room / reprographics out of contract
4. Number of devices?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs 1
b. Printers n/a
c. Print room / reprographics 2
5. Annual print/copy volume
a. Photocopiers/MFDs 1000
b. Printers n/a
c. Print room / reprographics 30,000
6. Annual spend?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs contract
confidential – Exempt under Section 43.2 of the FoI Act 2000
b. Printers n/a
c. Print room / reprographics contract confidential -
Exempt under Section 43.2 of the FoI Act 2000
7. Details on how these were procured. i.e. By Framework
a. Procurement method higher
educational consortium
b. If Framework, please state which one n/a
8. Do you have any print management software? If so, which
software? No
9. Do they supply you with any scanning software (additional to
the software native to the device)? No
10. What Document Management solution/s do you currently use within your
organization? None for print management (STFC uses Microsoft
11. What PDF software do you pay for? And how many licenses do you pay for
(an average per annum would be a good number here please)?
STFC pays for Adobe Acrobat and Naunce Licenses – around 65 of each.
12. What is the name of the person within your organization responsible
for the MFDs and the contract, what is their title, and their email
address please?
This is a distributed function across STFC campuses; however we do have
expertise in Reprographics within STFC Digital Solutions department.
Contact details for STFC are: via our website:
13. How do you procure your print consumables/supplies? Contract
14. What is the annual spend on print consumables?
15 Do you use a framework to procure consumables? n/a
Information not provided
STFC is declining to provide some information requested by you, using
exemption 43.2 of the UK Freedom of Information Act 2000. This exemption
requires a public interest test to determine whether the public interest
is better served by withholding or disclosing information to you.
Public Interest test:
Arguments in favour of disclosing costs you have requested are that STFC
is a publically funded organisation and therefore open to public scrutiny
in order to ensure that public finances are not misused. STFC has
therefore provided such information as it considers will be useful and is
not subject to exemption for commercial reasons. However, Government
Procurement is undertaken via competition and the disclosure of
information which could be used to secure competitive advantage during a
procurement process would be unfair as it would be likely to limit the
numbers of suppliers who would compete for a contract. We consider that
this would harm the interests of STFC and the general public.
STFC Decision: STFC considers that the public interest is best served by
withholding the commercially sensitive information you have requested.
Advice and Assistance
Under the Freedom of Information legislation STFC has a duty to advise and
assist and I hope the information we are providing is of help to
you. The text of the Freedom of Information Act can be found at:
[4] and I also
provide our complaints procedure below.
Publication: Please note that this response to your request may be
published on a public website.
Complaints Procedure
If you are unhappy with the way the STFC has handled your request, you may
ask for an internal review. You should contact me if you wish to
complain. If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review,
you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
If you have any queries about this response, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.
Yours Sincerely,
Denise Francis
FoI, DP and Records Manager
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Tel: 01793 442184
Email: [5][STFC request email]
Text of your request
In line with our response
Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #430412 email]
2. mailto:[email address]
5. mailto:[STFC request email]
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