Print and printers used internally at council
Dear Stroud District Council,
Print and printers used internally at council
1. Please state the number of printers currently within the organization, including MFD´s & photocopiers.
2. What percentage of your fleet is in colour vs mono?
3. In terms of usage, what is your monthly page volumes?
4. Who are the main manufacturers for the printers (hardware)?
5. Who are the main supplier(s) of print consumables (Toner, spares, etc)?
6. What are the start and end dates for the print support contract(s) if applicable?
7. What is the approximate spend on printers and consumables during the last year?
8. What is the length of the MFD contract(s)?
9. What is the approximate spend on MFD’s and consumables during the last full year?
10. What are the start and end dates for the managed print contract in your organization (if applicable)?
11. Which procurement route or framework was used to procure this service?
Yours faithfully,
Jack Butter
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Good Afternoon,
Request for Information
Thank you for your request for information received by us on 10^th August
Your request is being processed and you will be contacted again with a
response within the statutory twenty working day time limit.
Yours sincerely
Mrs D Russell
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Dear Mr Butter,
Due to staff sickness we have been unable to respond to your FOI request
as soon as we would have wanted to, however, I do have the response to
your questions below. Thank you for your patience.
1. Please state the number of printers currently within the organization,
including MFD´s & photocopiers.
2. What percentage of your fleet is in colour vs mono?
3. In terms of usage, what is your monthly page volumes?
4. Who are the main manufacturers for the printers (hardware)?
5. Who are the main supplier(s) of print consumables (Toner, spares, etc)?
6. What are the start and end dates for the print support contract(s) if
7. What is the approximate spend on printers and consumables during the
last year?
8. What is the length of the MFD contract(s)?
9. What is the approximate spend on MFD’s and consumables during the last
full year?
10. What are the start and end dates for the managed print contract in
your organization (if applicable)?
11. Which procurement route or framework was used to procure this service?
1. 30
2. 8 Colour, 22 Mono
3. On an estimated average our usage is 140,000 pages per month, however
this amount does fluctuate.
4. Konica Minolta
5. Konica Minolta
6. Start Date 5th January 2015, End Date 4th January 2020 OR 7 years after
the date of hereof; whichever is the earlier.
7. Not recorded for printers and consumables specifically. We have yearly
spend available for the contract with Konica Minolta.
8. Start Date 5th January 2015, End Date 4th January 2020 OR 7 years after
the date of hereof; whichever is the earlier.
9. Not recorded for MFD's and consumables specifically. We have yearly
spend available for the contract with Konica Minolta.
10. Start Date 04/0/7/2015, End Date 04/10/2019
11. Please see our website for details on our procurement route or
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be
submitted within two months of the date of this letter and should be
addressed to me.
The review request will then be referred to the Legal Services Manager for
Kind Regards
Emma Smith
Business Support Assistant
Information & Communication Technology
Stroud District Council, Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf, Stroud, Glos, GL5 4UB
T: (01453) 754459 | E: [email address]
The information included in this e-mail is of a confidential nature and is
intended only for the addressee. If you are not the intended addressee,
any disclosure, copying or distribution by you is prohibited and may be
unlawful. Disclosure to any party other than the addressee, whether
inadvertent or otherwise is not intended to waive privilege or
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