Primary Care Rebate Scheme
Dear Grampian Health Board,
I would like to enquire about primary rebate schemes you have signed in the last 12 months. Could you please supply the following information with regards to primary rebate schemes:
What product names (brand and generic if possible)?
What were the start and finish dates (or ongoing if applicable)?
Which rebates are aligned to PrescQIPP, and which ones are independent?
Thank you for taking the time to look in to this request, and I look forward to your response.
Yours faithfully,
Oliver Caswell
Dear Mr Caswell
Please find attached acknowledgement of your request.
Lesley Reid
Administration Assistant Rosehill House
Information Governance Team Cornhill Road
NHS Grampian Aberdeen
[NHS Grampian request email] AB25 2ZG
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Dear Mr Caswell
Please find attached response to your request.
Chris Morrice
Senior Information Governance Officer
Information Governance
NHS Grampian
Cornhill Road
AB25 2ZG
Email: [email address]
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