previous FOI requests received
Dear Metropolitan Police Service (MPS),
most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data on your website
under FOI please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI requests you have had since it became law. for each FOI request, please list:
date of request
date of reply
reference number/ID
subject/title of the request [each request on the list should include the subject/title of the request please]
status [whether information was fully released, partially released or withheld]
please email your reply back to the above email address. if you have any questions about this please email me
Yours faithfully,
Brian Farnet
Dear Mr Farnet,
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010080000104
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 30/07/2010. I note you seek
access to the following information:
* "Most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their
website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data
on your website under FOI
* Please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI requests you
have had since it became law. for each FOI request, please list:
* date of request
* date of reply
* reference number/ID
* subject/title of the request [each request on the list should include
the subject/title of the request please]
* status [whether information was fully released, partially released or
* please email your reply back to the above email address. if you have
any questions about this please email me"
Your request will now be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (the Act). You will receive a response within
the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act,
subject to the information not being exempt or containing a reference
to a third party. In some circumstances the MPS may be unable to
achieve this deadline. If this is likely you will be informed and
given a revised time-scale at the earliest opportunity.
Some requests may also require either full or partial transference to
another public authority in order to answer your query in the fullest
possible way. Again, you will be informed if this is the case.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet, which details your
right of complaint.
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
write or contact Katie London on telephone number 02071613907 quoting
the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
Katie London
Policy and Support Officer
Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think
the decision is incorrect?
You have the right to require the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to
review their decision.
Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to
discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your
Ask to have the decision looked at again –
The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is
to telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your
decision letter.
That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues
and assist with any problems.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision
of the MPS made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act)
regarding access to information you can lodge a complaint with the MPS
to have the decision reviewed.
Complaints should be made in writing, within forty (40) working days
from the date of the refusal notice, and addressed to:
FOI Complaint
Public Access Office
PO Box 57192
[email address]
In all possible circumstances the MPS will aim to respond to your
complaint within 20 working days.
The Information Commissioner
After lodging a complaint with the MPS if you are still dissatisfied
with the decision you may make application to the Information
Commissioner for a decision on whether the request for information has
been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
For information on how to make application to the Information
Commissioner please visit their website at Alternatively, phone or write to:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 01625 545 700
Dear Mr Farnet,
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010080000104
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 30/07/2010. I note you seek
access to the following information:
* "Most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their
website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data
on your website
* Under FOI please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI
requests you have had since it became law. for each FOI request,
please list:
* date of request
* date of reply
* reference number/ID
* subject/title of the request [each request on the list should
* include the subject/title of the request please]
* status [whether information was fully released, partially released or
The MPS has received over 16,000 Freedom of Information Act since the 1st
of January 2005; the information you have requested is held for the entire
period you have specified and is currently being processed for disclosure
to you. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act), we have 20
working days to respond to a request for information; however, when a
qualified exemption is engaged in respect of the requested information,
Section 17(2)(b) provides that we can extend the 20 day deadline in order
to conduct a public interest test.
I can now advise you that the amended date for a response is 27th
September 2010. Please accept my apologies for this extension of the
statutory 20 day deadline.
For your information we are considering the public interest in respect of
the following exemption:
Section 40(2) (Personal Information)
While section 40(2) is an absolute exemption when a disclosure would
breach the Data Protection principles and would be deemed 'unfair', it
becomes a qualified exemption in those cases where disclosure would not
breach the Data Protection principles. In such cases, a public interest
test must then be conducted to determine whether the public interest
favours disclosing the information. In this case, a public interest test
is required for certain of the requested information, namely a number of
cases where the summary of the request refers to named individuals in
relation to alleged criminal activities, in respect of disciplinary
matters, and in respect of aspects relating to an individual's
professional or public role. For the most part, these cases tend to
concern individuals where there been some previous disclosure in relation
to the individual and the particular circumstances referred to in the
Section 17(2) provides:
2) Where-
a) in relation to any request for information, a public authority is, as
respects any information, relying on a claim-
i) that any provision of Part II which relates to the duty to confirm or
deny and is not specified in section 2(3) is relevant to the request, or
ii) that the information is exempt information only by virtue of a
provision not specified in section 2(3), and
b) at the time when the notice under subsection (1) is given to the
applicant, the public authority (or, in a case falling within section
66(3) or (4), the responsible authority) has not yet reached a decision as
to the application of subsection (1)(b) or (2)(b) of section 2,
the notice under subsection (1) must indicate that no decision as to the
application of that provision has yet been reached and must contain an
estimate of the date by which the authority expects that such a decision
will have been reached.
May I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
If you are dissatisfied with this response please read the attached paper
entitled Complaint Rights which explains how to make a complaint.
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
contact Andrea Duncan on 02071613564 or at the address at the top of this
letter, quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely,
Lou Lander
Higher Information Access Manager
Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think the
decision is incorrect?
You have the right to require the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to
review their decision.
Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to
discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your request.
Ask to have the decision looked at again ***
The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is to
telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your decision
That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues and
assist with any problems.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision of
the MPS made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) regarding
access to information you can lodge a complaint with the MPS to have the
decision reviewed.
Complaints should be made in writing, within forty (40) working days from
the date of the refusal notice, and addressed to:
FOI Complaint
Public Access Office
PO Box 57192
[email address]
In all possible circumstances the MPS will aim to respond to your
complaint within 20 working days.
The Information Commissioner
After lodging a complaint with the MPS if you are still dissatisfied with
the decision you may make application to the Information Commissioner for
a decision on whether the request for information has been dealt with in
accordance with the requirements of the Act.
For information on how to make application to the Information Commissioner
please visit their website at
Alternatively, phone or write to:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 01625 545 700
Dear Mr Farnet,
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010080000104
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 30/07/2010. I note you seek
access to the following information:
* "Most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their
website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data
on your website
* Under FOI please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI
requests you have had since it became law. for each FOI request,
please list:
* date of request
* date of reply
* reference number/ID
* subject/title of the request [each request on the list should
* include the subject/title of the request please]
* status [whether information was fully released, partially released or
Between 2005 to July 2010, the MPS received over 16,000 Freedom of
Information Act (FoIA) requests. This has therefore resulted in your
response being considerably large.
As you submitted your FOIA request via the "What do they know?" website,
we only have means to send your response via email. In order to send it
electronically, there will be a requirement for the MPS to send several
emails due to the vast amount of data.
If you wish, the MPS could burn the data onto a disc and post it to you.
If you are in agreement, please feel free to email me your postal address
via your own email and not via "What do they know", as your personal email
address will then be available to all.
I can be contacted by the following email address -
[the Met request email] or alternatively you can call me on this
number, should you have any queries 020 7161 3500 option 2.
Due to the deadline for this request being today, I would be most grateful
if you would contact me by 3pm to inform me of what method of delivery you
Kind regards,
Andrea Duncan
Policy & Support Team Leader
Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think the
decision is incorrect?
You have the right to require the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to
review their decision.
Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to
discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your request.
Ask to have the decision looked at again ***
The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is to
telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your decision
That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues and
assist with any problems.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision of
the MPS made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) regarding
access to information you can lodge a complaint with the MPS to have the
decision reviewed.
Complaints should be made in writing, within forty (40) working days from
the date of the refusal notice, and addressed to:
FOI Complaint
Public Access Office
PO Box 57192
[email address]
In all possible circumstances the MPS will aim to respond to your
complaint within 20 working days.
The Information Commissioner
After lodging a complaint with the MPS if you are still dissatisfied with
the decision you may make application to the Information Commissioner for
a decision on whether the request for information has been dealt with in
accordance with the requirements of the Act.
For information on how to make application to the Information Commissioner
please visit their website at
Alternatively, phone or write to:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 01625 545 700
Dear Mr Farnet,
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010080000104
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 30/07/2010. I note you seek
access to the following information:
* "Most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their
website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data
on your website
* Under FOI please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI
requests you have had since it became law. for each FOI request,
please list:
* date of request
* date of reply
* reference number/ID
* subject/title of the request [each request on the list should
* include the subject/title of the request please]
* status [whether information was fully released, partially released or
Further to my earlier email, I have just realised that "What do they know"
website has blanked out my email address. Please would you call me 020
7161 3500 option 2.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
Andrea Duncan
Policy & Support Team Leader
Dear Mr Farnet
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010080000104
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 30/07/2010. I note you seek
access to the following information:
* "Most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their
website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data
on your website
* Under FOI please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI
requests you have had since it became law. for each FOI request,
please list:
* date of request
* date of reply
* reference number/ID
* subject/title of the request [each request on the list should
* include the subject/title of the request please]
* status [whether information was fully released, partially released or
There is no longer a need for you to call me as I have been in touch with
our IT department, who have confirmed that the information can be sent to
you in 3 or possibly 4 emails.
We are finalising the response and information today, and hope to disclose
this tomorrow morning.
Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Kind regards,
Andrea Duncan
Policy & Support Team Leader
Dear Mr Farnet
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010080000104
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 30/07/2010. I note you seek
access to the following information:
* "Most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their
website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data
on your website
* Under FOI please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI
requests you have had since it became law. for each FOI request,
please list:
* date of request
* date of reply
* reference number/ID
* subject/title of the request [each request on the list should
* include the subject/title of the request please]
* status [whether information was fully released, partially released or
Following receipt of your request searches were conducted within the
MPS to locate information relevant to your request.
To locate the information relevant to your request searches were
conducted at the Public Access Office (PAO) - Directorate of
The searches located records relevant to your request.
I have today decided to:
* disclose records subject to the deletion of information pursuant
to the provisions of section 40 (2) and (3) (Personal
Information) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act)
Please see the legal annex for the sections of the Act that are
referred to in this letter.
The MPS FOIA case management system includes a field in which a short
summary of the request is entered when the request is logged. In order
to retrieve the requested information within the cost threshold, the
attached spreadsheet was complied using the Summary of Request
section. It is standard practice to include the applicant's name in
this summary. Therefore, where "S40" appears at the beginning of the
Summary of Request line, this refers to the applicant's name, which
has been removed. Where it appears with a short explanation (ie.
"Named Individual"), this indicates where a name or other personal
information was included in the Summary of the Request. Where a line
is blank apart from the initial "S40", this indicates that no other
entry was made in the Summary of Request section when the request was
logged. You will note that the number of 'blank entries' reduces
significantly after the initial introduction of the Act at the
beginning of 2005.
Information that would identify or could assist to the identification
of individuals may be exempt from disclosure by virtue of Section
40(2) of the Act. This exemption applies to the names of the
applicants, and certain of the individuals named within the requests.
This includes a number of requests where the applicant is asking for
their own personal information, and their name and/or circumstances
are referred to in the summary of their request, and also those
requests made in respect of information relating to the alleged
activities of third party individuals.
In order for the exemption provided under Section 40(2) to be engaged
disclosure of the requested information must satisfy either the first
or second condition as defined by subsections 3 and 4.
The relevant condition in this instance is first condition. This
applies where a principle of the Data Protection Act would be breached
if the information was to be disclosed. The relevant principle is
"fair and lawful processing". In reaching a decision that disclosure
would not be fair in the cases of private individuals, and in those
cases where the summary information directly or indirectly links an
individual to an alleged offence, or a lower level officer to
disciplinary matters, I have followed the approach taken by the
Information Commissioner in respect of the publication of Decision
Notices - in these cases, the Information Commissioner withholds both
the names of the applicant, and the names of those specified in the
request. The links below provide examples -
I should also note that a number of requests received by the MPS are
made by the relatives of a person who is deceased. Where the summary
information includes the name of the deceased individual, and where
this name would identify the family name (and therefore potentially
the applicant themselves), the name has been removed as it is
considered that this disclosure would not be fair.
Where requests refer to more senior officers, and in those cases where
the MPS has previously confirmed the arrest or conviction of an
individual, I consider that disclosure of their names in these
circumstances would be fair. I have therefore gone on to conduct a
public interest test in respect of these cases and have determined
that the increased accountability that accompanies the senior roles is
the key factor in weighing the public interest. Similarly, that
certain events and the identities have been publicly confirmed by the
MPS is also an indication of the recognition that there is a public
interest in these disclosures. The names of senior officers contained
within these requests, and certain private individuals, have therefore
been disclosed.
Where the "close case reason" showed that the request was for the
applicants personal information, it was possible to filter this field
to remove these requests from the spreadsheet. (These requests would
effectively have been blank entries after redaction).
This is because the summary of these type of requests would consist of
the applicants name. A total of 4499 such requests were removed form
the spreadsheet.
Due to the vast amount of data, your response will be sent to you
through 4 emails.
Please find attached section 1 of the spreadsheet. (Further emails to
If you are dissatisfied with this response please read the attached
paper entitled Complaint Rights which explains how to make a
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
contact me via email, quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
Policy & Support Team
Legal Appendix
Section 17 of the Act provides:
(1) A public authority which, in relation to any request for
information, is to any extent relying on a claim that any provision in
part II relating to the duty to confirm or deny is relevant to the
request or on a claim that information is exempt information must,
within the time for complying with section 1(1), give the applicant a
notice which-
(a) states the fact,
(b) specifies the exemption in question, and
(c) states (if that would not otherwise be apparent) why the exemption
Section 40(2), 40(3) & 40(4) of the Act provides:
(2) Any information to which a request for information relates is also
exempt information if***
(a) it constitutes personal data which do not fall within subsection
(1), and
(b) either the first or the second condition below is satisfied.
(3) The first condition is***
(a) in a case where the information falls within any of paragraphs (a)
to (d) of the definition of ***data*** in section 1(1) of the [1998 c.
29.] Data Protection Act 1998, that the disclosure of the information
to a member of the public otherwise than under this Act would
(i) any of the data protection principles, or
(ii) section 10 of that Act (right to prevent processing likely to
cause damage or distress), and
(b) in any other case, that the disclosure of the information to a
member of the public otherwise than under this Act would contravene
any of the data protection principles if the exemptions in section
33A(1) of the [1998 c. 29.] Data Protection Act 1998 (which relate to
manual data held by public authorities) were disregarded.
(4) The second condition is that by virtue of any provision of Part IV
of the Data Protection Act 1998 the information is exempt from section
7(1)(c) of that Act (data subject***s right of access to personal
In complying with their statutory duty under sections 1 and 11 of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 to release the enclosed information,
the Metropolitan Police Service will not breach the Copyright, Designs
and Patents Act 1988. However, the rights of the copyright owner of
the enclosed information will continue to be protected by law.
Applications for the copyright owner's written permission to
reproduce any part of the attached information should be addressed to
MPS Directorate of Legal Services, 1st Floor (Victoria Block), New
Scotland Yard, Victoria, London, SW1H 0BG.
Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think
the decision is incorrect?
You have the right to require the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to
review their decision.
Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to
discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your
Ask to have the decision looked at again ***
The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is
to telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your
decision letter.
That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues
and assist with any problems.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision
of the MPS made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act)
regarding access to information you can lodge a complaint with the MPS
to have the decision reviewed.
Complaints should be made in writing, within forty (40) working days
from the date of the refusal notice, and addressed to:
FOI Complaint
Public Access Office
PO Box 57192
[email address]
In all possible circumstances the MPS will aim to respond to your
complaint within 20 working days.
The Information Commissioner
After lodging a complaint with the MPS if you are still dissatisfied
with the decision you may make application to the Information
Commissioner for a decision on whether the request for information has
been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
For information on how to make application to the Information
Commissioner please visit their website at Alternatively, phone or write to:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 01625 545 700
Dear Mr Farnet
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010080000104
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 30/07/2010. I note you seek
access to the following information:
* "Most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their
website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data
on your website
* Under FOI please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI
requests you have had since it became law. for each FOI request,
please list:
* date of request
* date of reply
* reference number/ID
* subject/title of the request [each request on the list should
* include the subject/title of the request please]
* status [whether information was fully released, partially released or
Please find attached section 2 of the spreadsheet. (Further emails to
If you are dissatisfied with this response please read the attached
paper entitled Complaint Rights which explains how to make a
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
contact me via email, quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
If you are dissatisfied with this response please read the attached
paper entitled Complaint Rights which explains how to make a
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
contact me via email, quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
Policy & Support Team
Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think
the decision is incorrect?
You have the right to require the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to
review their decision.
Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to
discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your
Ask to have the decision looked at again ***
The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is
to telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your
decision letter.
That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues
and assist with any problems.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision
of the MPS made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act)
regarding access to information you can lodge a complaint with the MPS
to have the decision reviewed.
Complaints should be made in writing, within forty (40) working days
from the date of the refusal notice, and addressed to:
FOI Complaint
Public Access Office
PO Box 57192
[email address]
In all possible circumstances the MPS will aim to respond to your
complaint within 20 working days.
The Information Commissioner
After lodging a complaint with the MPS if you are still dissatisfied
with the decision you may make application to the Information
Commissioner for a decision on whether the request for information has
been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
For information on how to make application to the Information
Commissioner please visit their website at Alternatively, phone or write to:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Dear Mr Farnet
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010080000104
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 30/07/2010. I note you seek
access to the following information:
* "Most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their
website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data
on your website
* Under FOI please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI
requests you have had since it became law. for each FOI request,
please list:
* date of request
* date of reply
* reference number/ID
* subject/title of the request [each request on the list should
* include the subject/title of the request please]
* status [whether information was fully released, partially released or
Please find attached section 3 of the spreadsheet. (Further email to
If you are dissatisfied with this response please read the attached
paper entitled Complaint Rights which explains how to make a
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
contact me via email, quoting the reference number above.
Policy & Support Team
Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think
the decision is incorrect?
You have the right to require the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to
review their decision.
Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to
discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your
Ask to have the decision looked at again ***
The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is
to telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your
decision letter.
That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues
and assist with any problems.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision
of the MPS made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act)
regarding access to information you can lodge a complaint with the MPS
to have the decision reviewed.
Complaints should be made in writing, within forty (40) working days
from the date of the refusal notice, and addressed to:
FOI Complaint
Public Access Office
PO Box 57192
[email address]
In all possible circumstances the MPS will aim to respond to your
complaint within 20 working days.
The Information Commissioner
After lodging a complaint with the MPS if you are still dissatisfied
with the decision you may make application to the Information
Commissioner for a decision on whether the request for information has
been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
For information on how to make application to the Information
Commissioner please visit their website at Alternatively, phone or write to:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
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