previous FOI requests received

The request was refused by Home Office.

Dear Home Office,

most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data on your website

under FOI please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI requests you have had since it became law. for each FOI request, please list:

date of request
date of reply
reference number/ID
subject/title of the request [each request on the list should include the subject/title of the request please]
status [whether information was fully released, partially released or withheld]

please email your reply back to the above email address. if you have any questions about this please email me


Yours faithfully,

Brian Farnet

Information Access, Home Office

1 Attachment

Please see attached for your attention


Information Management Service | Financial and Commercial Group | Lower
Ground Floor | Seacole Building | Home Office | 2 Marsham Street | London


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FOI Responses, Home Office

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Farnet,


Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.




Information Access Team, Home Office


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