previous FOI requests received
Dear Merton Borough Council,
most public bodies list the freedom of information requests on their website with status of what was released. you do not supply this data on your website
under FOI please give me an excel (NOT as a pdf) list of all FOI requests you have had since it became law. for each FOI request, please list:
date of request
date of reply
reference number/ID
subject/title of the request [each request on the list should include the subject/title of the request please]
status [whether information was fully released, partially released or withheld]
please email your reply back to the above email address. if you have any questions about this please email me
Yours faithfully,
Brian Farnet
Dear Mr Farnet,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Information Request
Thank you for your request for information. Your request is being
considered and I will provide the information requested within 20 working
days, providing that the information is not exempt.
If you have to pay for this information, we will tell you before we
process your request.
If you have any queries or concerns then please contact me or the
Information Governance Manager at Merton Council, Civic Centre, Morden,
SM4 5DX or e-mail [Merton Borough Council request email]
Further information is also available from the Information Commissioner
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Yours sincerely,
Rosalind Girdlestone
Access to Information Officer
Merton Council
Tel: 020 8545 4634
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