Prevent, radicalisation and mental health research

hilary aked made this Freedom of Information request to National Counter Terrorism Security Office
This authority is not subject to FOI law, so is not legally obliged to respond (details).
This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was partially successful.

Dear National Counter Terrorism Security Office,

I understand that in April 2016 a study was launched embedding mental health
experts with counter-terrorism police in London, Birmingham and Manchester and
that in 2017 this project was rolled out nationwide [

Please could you provide a copy of:
a. a copy of the original proposal including the rationale and any terms of
b. a copy of the project description and framework
c. a list of all key personnel including
d. a timeline of the project
e. a copy of the final report or the latest report draft that was produced
f. a copy of any document(s) or correspondence outlining the decision not to
publish the study and explaining why

I would like this information in digital format please.

Yours faithfully,

Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Date Received: 26/11/2019


The following request for information under the Freedom of Information Act was received by NPCC on the date listed above.

NPCC Acknowledgement:

Your request will be considered in accordance with the legislation and you will receive a response within the statutory timescale of 20 working days, subject to the provisions of the Act. In the unlikely event that NPCC is unable to meet the 20 working day deadline, you will be informed as soon as possible and given a revised time-scale for response.

If your request requires full or partial transference to another public authority, you will be informed. Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write or contact Sherry Traquair on telephone number 02380 478922 quoting the reference number above.

Yours sincerely

Sherry Traquair
NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker
National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)

National Police Chiefs’ Council
T   | 02380 478922
M | 077 685 53447
E   | [NaCTSO request email]
W |

NB: Non-work day – Friday


show quoted sections

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

4 Attachments

Good afternoon


Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request.


With kindest regards.




Sherry Traquair

NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker

National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)


National Police Chiefs’ Council

T   | 02380 478922

M | 077 685 53447

E   | [1][NaCTSO request email]

W | [2]


NB: Non-work day – Friday




[4]NPFDPU logo    [5]NPCC-blue-RGB


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Visible links
1. mailto:[NaCTSO request email]

Dear Sherry / National Counter Terrorism Security Office,

Thank you very much for the reply, much of which was very helpful.

I did not know that the project was ongoing so that is useful information.

I would however, like to appeal some aspects of the handling of the request via an internal review, specifically, the following two parts of my original request
b. a copy of the project description and framework
e. a copy of the final report or the latest report draft that was produced

For part b, a considerable amount of useful data has been provided. However, as specified in my request I would like copies of the key documents themselves from which this information is drawn, rather than just a written summary.

For part e, if no information is held, I assume this means no report evaluating the project exists. However, I would still like to press for release of the following: any information detailing the findings / assessment / successes / failures of the project so far, such as annual reports or applications for funding renewal or similar.

Do let me know if I can clarify any aspect of this request for an internal review. Many thanks.

Yours faithfully,

Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Date Received: 06/01/2020


I acknowledge receipt of your email dated 06/01/2020 requesting that NPCC review its response to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.

The review will be conducted in accordance with NPCC’s review procedure and every effort will be made to have a response to you within 20 working days. However, if it becomes clear that the review will not be completed by this date you will be contacted.

If you wish to discuss this matter further, then please contact me.

Yours sincerely

Colin Ley-Smith
NPFDU Manager

show quoted sections

Dear National Counter Terrorism Security Office,

I was expecting to hear back from you today on the outcome of the internal review I requested into the handling of my FOI request.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Good morning

Sincere apologies for the lateness in responding. Your internal review is being managed by the NPFDU Manager, Collin Ley-Smith who will be in touch soon.

I understand that consultation is taking place with stakeholders and you will be updated at the earliest opportunity.

Kindest regards.


Sherry Traquair
NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker
National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)

National Police Chiefs’ Council
T   | 02380 478922
M | 077 685 53447
E   | [NaCTSO request email]
W |

NB: Non-work day – Friday


show quoted sections

Dear Mr Ley-Smith,

I was expecting to hear on 3 February about the results of the internal review I requested into the handling of my FOI request.

The response is now quite overdue and I would appreciate it if you could provide me with an update as to the progress of the internal review.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Dear Ms Aked

I am making contact to provide you with an update in respect of your request for an internal review of the FOI response you received from the NPCC.

Your internal review has instigated further communication and consultation with several public authorities which has unfortunately proved a slow process. Please accept my apologies for this delay, but I hope to provide you with a final response within the next week or so.

Colin Ley-Smith

Colin Ley-Smith | National Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit Manager | National Police Chief’s Council
Telephone: 01489 569823 or 101 extension 4647-501 | Email [email address] or [email address]
Address: NPFDU PO Box 481, Fareham, Hampshire. PO14 9FS

show quoted sections

Dear Mr Ley-Smith,

Thank you for your email, I appreciate the update and look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Best wishes,

Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Aked

Please find attached the response to your internal review.


Colin Ley-Smith | National Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit Manager | National Police Chief’s Council
Telephone: 01489 569823 or 101 extension 4647-501 | Email [email address] or [email address]
Address: NPFDU PO Box 481, Fareham, Hampshire. PO14 9FS

show quoted sections

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

2 Attachments

Good afternoon

Please find attached further correspondence in relation to your freedom of information request.


Colin Ley-Smith | National Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit Manager | National Police Chief’s Council
Telephone: 01489 569823 or 101 extension 4647-501 | Email [email address] or [email address]
Address: NPFDU PO Box 481, Fareham, Hampshire. PO14 9FS

show quoted sections

Dear National Counter Terrorism Security Office,

I'm grateful for the document that you sent. I have relayed my concerns to Carolyn Howes at the ICO who I understand has passed these on.

I would now also like to request the following:

1. A copy of the contract.
2. The document states that all staff working on the project have SC security clearance. Please can you provide any material you hold explaining how NHS staff are recruited to work on the project &/ the process they go through to obtain this security clearance?
3a. I would like a copy of the Information Governance Procedures mentioned, and any additional materials which explain how "Information that is appropriate for sharing with the Police" is identified and shared.
3b. The document states that information is shared "for the purposes of safeguarding". However, it is not clear if the patient's consent is requested or deemed necessary. Indeed, it sounds like it is not? ("If appropriate NHS staff will seek information from NHS colleagues.") Please can you provide any materials clarifying how the important issue of consent is navigated, including any materials on confidentiality, consensual safeguarding, and/or assessing a patient's capacity to consent (or lack thereof).
4a. The document states that it has "been determined that specific considerations for information sharing procedures are required when open Prevent Cases are detained under the Mental Health Act". Please can you provide any materials held outlining these specific considerations and procedures.
4b. In the section on people detained under the Mental Health Act, the document states "it may be appropriate for the case to remain under PCM for review every 6 months so the Prevent Officer (with PiP support as required) can contact the Responsible Clinician (psychiatrist) directly to ask for an update and ensure they are informed about leave, discharge and follow up plans." Again, at what point, if at all is the patient asked whether they consent to information being shared? Please provide any relevant materials, particularly clarifying how it can be appropriate to share information on leave / discharge without consent, given that this will have been granted because a health professional deems there to be no imminent threat.

I understand that this will need to be treated as a new FOI request.

Thank you and kind regards,

Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

2 Attachments

Date Received: 08/20/2020




The following request for information under the Freedom of Information Act
was received by NPCC on the date listed above. 


NPCC Acknowledgement:


Your request will be considered in accordance with the legislation and you
will receive a response within the statutory timescale of 20 working days,
subject to the provisions of the Act.  In the unlikely event that NPCC is
unable to meet the 20 working day deadline, you will be informed as soon
as possible and given a revised time-scale for response.


If your request requires full or partial transference to another public
authority, you will be informed.  Should you have any further enquiries
concerning this matter, please write or contact Sherry Traquair on
telephone number 077 685 53447 quoting the reference number above.


Yours Sincerely,


Fiona Greenlees

[1][NaCTSO request email]


On behalf of and supporting:


Sherry Traquair

NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker

National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)


National Police Chiefs’ Council

M | 077 685 53447

E   | [2][email address]

W | [3]


NB: Non-work day Friday




[5]NPFDPU logo    [6]NPCC-blue-RGB

From: hilary aked <[7][FOI #623478 email]>

Sent: 08 October 2020 12:57

To: NPCC FOI Request Mailbox <[8][NaCTSO request email]>

Subject: RE: 05/20 Prevent, radicalisation and mental health research


Dear National Counter Terrorism Security Office,I'm grateful for the
document that you sent. I have relayed my concerns to Carolyn Howes at the
ICO who I understand has passed these on.I would now also like to request
the following:1. A copy of the contract.2. The document states that all
staff working on the project have SC security clearance. Please can you
provide any material you hold explaining how NHS staff are recruited to
work on the project &/ the process they go through to obtain this security
clearance?3a. I would like a copy of the Information Governance Procedures
mentioned, and any additional materials which explain how "Information
that is appropriate for sharing with the Police" is identified and
shared.3b. The document states that information is shared "for the
purposes of safeguarding". However, it is not clear if the patient's
consent is requested or deemed necessary. Indeed, it sounds like it is
not? ("If appropriate NHS staff will seek information from NHS
colleagues.") Please can you provide any materials clarifying how the
important issue of consent is navigated, including any materials on
confidentiality, consensual safeguarding, and/or assessing a patient's
capacity to consent (or lack thereof).4a. The document states that it has
"been determined that specific considerations for information sharing
procedures are required when open Prevent Cases are detained under the
Mental Health Act". Please can you provide any materials held outlining
these specific considerations and procedures.4b. In the section on people
detained under the Mental Health Act, the document states "it may be
appropriate for the case to remain under PCM for review every 6 months so
the Prevent Officer (with PiP support as required) can contact the
Responsible Clinician (psychiatrist) directly to ask for an update and
ensure they are informed about leave, discharge and follow up plans."
Again, at what point, if at all is the patient asked whether they consent
to information being shared? Please provide any relevant materials,
particularly clarifying how it can be appropriate to share information on
leave / discharge without consent, given that this will have been granted
because a health professional deems there to be no imminent threat.I
understand that this will need to be treated as a new FOI request.Thank
you and kind regards,Hilary Aked-----Original Message-----Good
afternoonPlease find attached further correspondence in relation to your
freedom of information request.RegardsColinColin Ley-Smith | National
Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit Manager | National
Police Chief’s CouncilTelephone: 01489 569823 or 101 extension 4647-501 |
Email [email address] or [email address] Address: NPFDU PO Box 481,
Fareham, Hampshire. PO14
9FS   -------------------------------------------------------------------Please
use this email address for all replies to this
request:[FOI #623478 email]Disclaimer: This message
and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy
and copyright policies:
more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest
advice from the
note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be
delayed.If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your
web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI

show quoted sections

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

3 Attachments

Good afternoon


Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request.

With kind regards.




Sherry Traquair

NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker

National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)


National Police Chiefs’ Council

M | 077 685 53447

E   | [1][email address]

W | [2]


NB: Non-work day Tuesday & Friday




[4]NPFDPU logo    [5]NPCC-blue-RGB


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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Good afternoon

The information you requested regarding the vulnerability support hubs has been published and can be reached via the attached link


Colin Ley-Smith | National Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit Manager | National Police Chief’s Council
Telephone: 01489 569823 or 101 extension 4647-501 | Email [email address] or [email address]
Address: NPFDU PO Box 481, Fareham, Hampshire. PO14 9FS
NB: Non-work day – Friday

show quoted sections

Dear Mr Ley-Smith,

Thank you for releasing this document.

However, none of the appendices mentioned - which are integral to the evaluation - have been included.

Please could you share these ASAP? I have made the same request to Carolyn Howe at the ICO.

Yours faithfully,

Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

1 Attachment

Good afternoon

Please find attached a document captured under part (b) of your request (a copy of the project description and framework) with redactions agreed by the ICO.

With regard to the redacted appendices to the '2017 Prevent Mental Health Hub Final Evaluation Report', I will send you a link to the NPCC website when they are published at the end of the week.


Colin Ley-Smith | National Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit Manager | National Police Chief’s Council
Telephone: 01489 569823 or 101 extension 4647-501 | [mobile number] | Email: [email address] or [email address]   (Friday is a non-work day)
Address: NPFDU PO Box 481, Fareham, Hampshire. PO14 9FS

show quoted sections

Dear Mr Ley-Smith,

Thank you for this document.

I look forward to receiving the evaluation appendices today as I understand Monday is the 35 working day deadline.

Kind regards,

Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Dear Dr Aked

Please accept my apologies but there has been some difficulties with regard to the disclosure of the appendices documents.

As you know, the Information Commissioner has instructed that the appendices referred to in the published report should be disclosed with any staff names redacted. Unfortunately, due to a mistake on the NPCC's part, there is some material within the appendices sent to the ICO which requires additional redaction, beyond staff names, prior to publication/disclosure.

If you are content with this, I will send you the redacted appendices tomorrow. Alternatively, if you do not find this satisfactory, in order to challenge the release of the information, we believe that we have no alternative but to lodge an appeal with the Information Tribunal.

Once again please accept my apologies for this delay in providing you with the correct information.

If you would like to discuss the situation, I can be reached on the below mobile number.


Colin Ley-Smith | National Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit Manager | National Police Chief’s Council
Telephone: 01489 569823 or 101 extension 4647-501 | [mobile number] | Email: [email address] or [email address]   (Friday is a non-work day)
Address: NPFDU PO Box 481, Fareham, Hampshire. PO14 9FS

show quoted sections

Dear Mr Ley-Smith

Thank you for your message.

I'm afraid I am not content to accept further redactions, beyond staff names, to the appendices which the ICO has instructed should be disclosed.

It is regrettable that there has been "a mistake on the NPCC's part", that it is not prepared to release this information, and that it will instead be challenging the ICO by lodging an appeal with the Information Tribunal. From my perspective, this amounts to further delays in an already very drawn-out process.

Kind regards
Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

7 Attachments

Good afternoon,


Further to the below, please find attached the following appendices


Appendices D and C are complete with staff names removed and no other


Appendices A, B and C have staff names removed and some case study
redactions to prevent self-identification.


The redactions are restricted to those necessary to prevent individuals
from recognising they are the subjects being described within the case
studies. As you may be aware, an FOI response is a not simply to the
requestor, but is a disclosure to the world at large and so there is a
strong risk that this could happen.


The redactions have been made following concerns raised by the pilot
schemes lead mental health clinicians that if these very vulnerable
individuals were to identify themselves, it would potentially cause them
significant distress , undermine their trust and engagement with current
and future mental health services and place them and others at risk of


I do hope that you are willing to accept these small redactions for the
reasons I have provided, negating the requirement to progress to an
information tribunal. These redactions would have been put forward to the
ICO to consider before issuing her Decision Notice, but for a
misunderstanding by the NPCC. I apologise for the delay and confusion this
has caused.


I have spoken with the ICO caseworker who has offered to discuss the
situation with you, if you would like to make contact with her.





Colin Ley-Smith | National Police Freedom of Information and Data
Protection Unit Manager | National Police Chief’s Council

Telephone: 01489 569823 or 101 extension 4647-501 | [mobile number] |
Email: [1][email address] or
[2][email address]   (Friday is a non-work day)
Address: NPFDU PO Box 481, Fareham, Hampshire. PO14 9FS

[3]NPFDPU logo    [4]cid:image002.jpg@01D679E8.B08CCF40


show quoted sections


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]
5. mailto:[email address]

Dear Mr Ley-Smith,

Thank you for releasing these documents.

One thing I would still like clarification on please is exactly where redactions have been made as this is not completely clear to me - for example, there are large white spaces in Appendix A and it's unclear if these are redactions with no section of the FOIA cited or just white spaces.

I would be grateful if you could clarify.

Kind regards,
Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Good afternoon

The large white spaces are simply that, with no alterations to the documents held by the NPCC. Every redaction made is marked in bold 'Section 38 Health and Safety' or 'Staff Name Removed'.


Colin Ley-Smith | National Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit Manager | National Police Chief's Council
Telephone: 01489 569823 or 101 extension 4647-501 | [mobile number] | Email: [email address] or [email address]   (Friday is a non-work day)
Address: NPFDU PO Box 481, Fareham, Hampshire. PO14 9FS
From: hilary aked
Sent: 01 February 2021 14:06:56 (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
To: NPCC FOI Request Mailbox
Subject: Re: 05/20 Prevent, radicalisation and mental health research

Dear Mr Ley-Smith,

Thank you for releasing these documents.

One thing I would still like clarification on please is exactly where redactions have been made as this is not completely clear to me - for example, there are large white spaces in Appendix A and it's unclear if these are redactions with no section of the FOIA cited or just white spaces.

I would be grateful if you could clarify.

Kind regards,

Hilary Aked

show quoted sections

Dear Colin,

Ok, in that case I think I am happy to accept these documents as they are with the small redactions you describe. However, I have not had a chance to go through them all yet properly. If you don't hear from me again in the next month, please assume I am satisfied and there is no need to appeal to a tribunal.

Kind regards,
Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Dear Hilary
Many thanks for letting me know.

Colin Ley-Smith | National Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit Manager | National Police Chief’s Council
Telephone: 01489 569823 or 101 extension 4647-501 | [mobile number] | Email: [email address] or [email address]   (Friday is a non-work day)
Address: NPFDU PO Box 481, Fareham, Hampshire. PO14 9FS

show quoted sections

Dear Mr Ley-Smith,

I’d like to request the following information under the FOI Act. All of it relates to the Vulnerability Support Hubs / Service.

1. Firstly, in the appendices you previously provided, what do the following terms / acronyms mean? All are mentioned in the PiP / central hub evaluation.
a) Clearing House

2. Secondly, the most recently available TOTAL figures on how many people have been referred to each of the hubs, and the figures broken down in the following ways:
a) By year
b) By age
c) By ethnicity
d) By religion
e) Number of homeless people
f) Number of unemployed people
g) Number of people with insecure migration status
h) Number already in touch with mental health services
i) Number with no diagnosable mental health condition
j) Number of people directly .v. indirectly assessed

3. Thirdly, the current numbers of staff at each hub, including the numbers and job titles of:
a) police officers
b) mental health staff AND whether they are employed or seconded

4. Fourth, the most recently available evaluation documents on each of the service’s operations.

5. Tables showing:
a) Total costs for each hub, for each year of operation
b) Total funding provided for the project, for each year of operation by
i. Home Office
ii. NHS
iii. Counterterrorism police
iv. Any other sources

6. The documents previously disclosed to me state that “specific considerations for information sharing procedures are required when open Prevent Cases are detained under the Mental Health Act. Details of the relevant procedures can be found in the Appendices”.
a) I would like a copy of the relevant guidance on information sharing around Prevent cases detained under the Mental Health Act.

7. Total number of people prosecuted following referral to a hub and for which offences.
a) And of these, numbers convicted and for which offences.

8. Copies of the terms of reference, plan, timeline and budget for “Project Cicero”, the project handling the rollout of the national rollout of the scheme.

9. Total number of people referred to EACH hub in EACH year who have:
a) Completed a feedback form on their experience
b) Complained - and the nature and outcome of any complaints.

10. Finally, have ethical issues specific to the hubs’ activities been considered, documented, discussed, complained about, or any bespoke guidance developed?
a) If so, I would like to see the documentation.

Please let me know if I can clarify any of the above.

Kind regards,
Hilary Aked

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Date Received: 26/04/2021


The following request for information under the Freedom of Information Act was received by NPCC on the date listed above.

NPCC Acknowledgement:

Your request will be considered in accordance with the legislation and you will receive a response within the statutory timescale of 20 working days, subject to the provisions of the Act. In the unlikely event that NPCC is unable to meet the 20 working day deadline, you will be informed as soon as possible and given a revised time-scale for response.

If your request requires full or partial transference to another public authority, you will be informed. Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write or contact Sherry Traquair on telephone number 077 685 53447 quoting the reference number above.

Yours sincerely

Sherry Traquair
NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker
National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)

National Police Chiefs’ Council
M | 077 685 53447
E | [email address]
W |

NB: Non-work day Tuesday & Friday

show quoted sections

Dear National Counter Terrorism Security Office,

I believe 20 working days has passed since I made this request and I'd appreciate a prompt response.

Yours faithfully,

Hilary Aked

NPCC FOI Request Mailbox,

Good morning

I hope to have a response to you by close of business today, 20 working days from receipt of your request. Please accept apologies for any delay.

With kindest regards.


Sherry Traquair
NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker
National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)

National Police Chiefs’ Council
M | 077 685 53447
E | [email address]

W |

NB: Non-work day Friday

show quoted sections

NPCC FOI Request Mailbox,

3 Attachments

Good afternoon


Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request.


With kindest regards.




Sherry Traquair

NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker

National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)


National Police Chiefs’ Council

M | 077 685 53447

E   | [email address]


W | [1]


NB: Non-work day Friday




[3]cid:image001.jpg@01D6CC7F.4367FE50    [4]NPCC-blue-RGB


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Visible links

Dear Sherry,

Thanks for this response.

Kind regards,
Hilary Aked