Prevent policies and referrals
Dear Dovers Green Primary School,
I am writing to get information on your school's Prevent policy, referral information, and any training or Prevent related project work undertaken by staff or students at your school.
Please send to me:
1: A copy of your Prevent policy
2: Data on referrals, including: the number of referrals, by year; age; sex; and reason; and whether that referral was passed from your school safeguarding officer (or equivalent) to the local Prevent officer (or equivalent) OR your own dataset on this matter, preferably in excel format
3: Any data on training undertaken by staff for Prevent
4: Any Prevent related projects undertaken by staff or students for Prevent
5: Any minutes of meetings regarding the implementation of Prevent at your school
6: Any correspondence regarding complaints about Prevent
Yours faithfully,
Sam Andrews
Dear Mr Andrews
I acknowledge your request and will reply within the next 30 days.
Yours faithfully
Wendy Hill
Data Protection Officer
Dear Mr Andrews. Please find attached the answers to your questions. For
reference Dovers Green is an Infants School.
1. The topic of prevent is covered in the school’s Child Protection
Policy which is available on the website:
2. There have been no referrals
3. All teachers completed training in 2018
4. There have been no projects undertaken.
5. There are no minutes regarding the implementation of Prevent.
There is induction training for new staff and annual training as part of
Safeguarding for existing staff.
6. There have been no complaints
Yours sincerely
Wendy Hill
Business Director
Greensand Multi Academy Trust
Reigate School
Pendleton Road
Tel: 01737 243166
Greensand Multi-Academy Trust Registered in England Company No:10980776
Registered Office: Pendleton Rd. Reigate Surrey RH2 7NT
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