Requests similar to 'Presenting from outside Northern Ireland'

Housing solutions handbook
Response by Northern Ireland Housing Executive to E Farrell on .


Good Afternoon,   Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request and a copy of the Housing Solutions Handbook.   Kind regards,...
Dear Ms Kelly, please see attached pdf copy of signed reply to your Freedom of Information request together with relevant documents.   Regards  ...
Dear E Farrell,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards   Aidan Hamill Freedom Of...
Dear Mr Farrell Please see attached response in relation to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind regards, Helen Leung Information Govern...
Good afternoon Ms Quinn,   Please find attached your Response letter and the requested information. Thank you for all your patience, the approvals...
Duties to 16 and 17 year olds
Response by Northern Ireland Housing Executive to E Farrell on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Farrell Please see attached response in relation to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind regards, Helen Leung Information Govern...
Please see attached response   Regards,   Billy Crawford | Landlord Registrar| Housing Division | Department for Communities Level 3 | Cause...
Correspondence between Mr Kirby and Dr Cheng
Response by Essex Police to Peter Clark on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for your patience I can now provide additional information please see the below revised FOI   The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)...
Dear Sam   FOI REQUEST RE:    Psychiatric Inpatient Wards - Parental and family data   I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request rec...
Dear Ms Clugston, Please accept My apologies if there has been any delay in our replying under this very difficult time and find attached our response...
Mental Health and LGBTQ Policies and Complaint Data
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Thomas Martin on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Thomas Martin, We are writing in response to your request for information, received 21 May. Yours sincerely, HMRC Freedom of Information Te...
Dear Requester, I am writing in response to your request for information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find below...
Dear XX,   I am writing in response to your request for information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.     RESPONSE:...
Dear Ms Clugston   Please see attached response in respect of your recent Freedom of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trus...
ALMO contract
Response by Islington Borough Council to Peoples Information Center on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Antony,   Thank you for your information request, which we received on 1 June, 2018.   Please find your response attached.   If you ha...
Homeless Applications & Interim Accommodation
Response by Worcester City Council to Wesley Hall on .

Awaiting classification

  ***Please do not reply to this email. Replies to this address are not monitored and you will not receive a response to your email***   Our Ref:...
Homelessness relief duty
Response by City of London Corporation to Saeed J on .


Dear Saeed J, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST Following receipt of your request for information on 29 September 2023 and our ac...
Policies at Priory Hospital Arnold
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Paul Bohill on .

Partially successful

Dear Paul Bohill   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act Request.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill Freedom...
EDI information Creu Conwy
Response by Conwy County Borough Council to S Farhat on .


Dear Ms Farhat Thank you for your Freedom of Information enquiry, see response as follows and attached:-   1 Please publish all copies of your f...
Homeless Applications & Interim Accommodation
Response by Lichfield District Council to Wesley Hall on .

Awaiting classification

    Good afternoon Wes   Please find the responses to your recent FOI request below   Regards     Ann Mills  (she/her) Housing and Hom...
Homeless Applications & Interim Accommodation
Response by Brentwood Borough Council to Wesley Hall on .

Awaiting classification

Reference: FOI-644259414 Date of request: 05/09/2024 Title of request: Homeless Applications & Interim Accommodation Information request: Dear FOI...
Guidance to New Cllrs
Response by Mid Ulster District Council to Maddie Cross on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Maddie Cross   Thank you for your information request, submitted with Mid Ulster District Council under the Freedom of Information Act 2000...
Support for children who are suicidal
Response by North Ayrshire Integration Joint Board to Jennifer Holly on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jennifer Holly Thank you for your request for information dated 24th October 2022 which was received by North Ayrshire Council and I apologise...
Dear Claire, please find attached.   Kind regards.   Irene Jardine INFORMATION GOVERNANCE OFFICER (T)028276 61415/X363415       Information G...
Dear Ms Dunn, FOI Request ref: 10260 / Safeguarding procedures for Financial abuse through Lasting Powers of Attorney Further to our previous emails,...