This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Presenting from outside Northern Ireland'.

E Farrel 
21 December 2021   
Freedom of Information Act 2000  
Dear E Farrel , 
Thank you for your request for the following information: 
Can you please explain if the Housing Executive has a duty to assess a person under Article 7 of 
the Housing (NI) Order 1988 if that person is not physically present in Northern Ireland? 
As  a example, is the duty triggered if a person from London, who has a local connection to 

Northern Ireland, contacts the Housing Executive and provides evidence that they are threatened 
with homelessness? 
Can you please provide any legislation, guidance or case law that supports your position on this 

Your request was received on 20 December by email and I am dealing with it under the terms of 
the above legislation. 
We wil  endeavour to respond to your request promptly and in any event in accordance with the 
requirements of the Act. The standard requirement for response is 20 working days (excluding 
public holidays) from receipt of the request; you should therefore receive a reply by 21 January 
If for any reason we are unable to respond within this timeframe we wil  contact to you advise. 
Yours sincerely, 
Jane Scherler 
Freedom of Information Coordinator 
Housing Services