Preparations for third country authorisations

The request was successful.

Dear Food Standards Agency,

Please could you provide the following information

1) confirmation that the FSA will be the competent authority for the UK as set out in Article 12, Regulation 854/2004

2) Your residue monitoring plan (in accordance with Council Directive 96/23/EC) for the category of food of animal origin

3) details of the salmonella control program in animal population in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2160/2003

4) A lists of establishments authorised to export food of animal origin to the European Union on this form

5) Any correspondence with the commission or DG SANTE requesting a derogation from the normal timescales for approval of third countries or for a pre-exit start to the process.

Yours faithfully,

Alan Bell

FCT, Food Standards Agency

Dear Alan




Thank you for your email of 18 January 2019 to the Food Standards Agency
requesting information relating to preparations for third country


Your request is as follows:


1) Confirmation that the FSA will be the competent authority for the UK as
set out in Article 12, Regulation 854/2004


2) Your residue monitoring plan (in accordance with Council Directive
96/23/EC) for the category of food of animal origin


3) details of the salmonella control program in animal population in
accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2160/2003


4) A lists of establishments authorised to export food of animal origin to
the European Union on this form


5) Any correspondence with the commission or DG SANTE requesting a
derogation from the normal timescales for approval of third countries or
for a pre-exit start to the process.


We are handling your request for information under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act). 


As required by the Act, we aim to respond to your request for information
within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days from the date it was
received. Your request was received on 18 January 2019, therefore you
should expect to receive a response by 15 February 2019.


If, for reasons permitted under the FOI Act, we are unable to meet this
deadline, we will keep you fully informed and let you know when you should
expect a full response.


If you have any queries about this email please respond to us directly.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future


Yours sincerely



Bolanle Ojoye

Senior FOI Advisor

020 72768612 / ext 18612

07790 565454


show quoted sections

Matthew Harrison, Food Standards Agency

1 Attachment

Good Morning Mr. Bell,


Please find attached the FSA’s response to your Freedom of Information


Yours sincerely,


Matthew Harrison

EU Exit Coordinator

Strategy, Legal and Governance Directorate

Food Standards Agency


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