Pre-payment meter warrants

Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service did not have the information requested.

Dear Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service,

Under Freedom of Information Scotland, I wish to receive the following information in appropriate electronic format within 20 working days:
(1) how many warrants granting energy companies entry to people’s homes to fit pre-payment meters have each Sheriffdom received in 2021/2022;
(2) How many warrants were granted?;
(3) How many warrants are challenged?
(4) On average, how much time is spent considering each warrant?

For clarity, I am asking for this information from each Scottish Sheriffdom:
- Glasgow and Strathkelvin
- Grampian, Highland and Islands;
- Lothian and Borders;
- North Strathclyde;
- South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway;
- Tayside, Central and Fife

Yours faithfully,

M McBride

Foi, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service

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What happens next?

Your request will now be considered by a member of the Information
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take the following course of action:


  *   allocate it to a dedicated member of the Information Governance Team
who will manage your FOI request and send you the SCTS response


  *   advise you by email if your request could not, or should not, be
managed as an FOI e.g. if it is personal information this might be managed
as a Subject Access Request;  or if it is being managed by another
department within the SCTS ; or where possible advise you of an
alternative route to get the information


Please note that other than this automatic email acknowledgement, the
above or our request for clarification of any specific points, no member
of the Information Governance Team will contact you until the FOI response
is issued.


What are the timescales?

If your request is managed under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act
2002 we will respond:


  *   within 20 working days from the first working day after receipt of
your request



*   within 20 working days from the first working day after receipt of
your clarification of any specific points.


For more SCTS FOI information please go to the FOI page on the SCTS

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Thank you


Information Governance Team

Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service


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Foi, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service

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Good afternoon


Please see attached response.


Kind regards


Norma Parsons


FOI & Correspondence Officer

Information and Legislation

Information Governance and Correspondence Unit

Scottish Courts & Tribunals Service Headquarters

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