Pre Action Protocol Roberts V Mod
Dear Gavin Williamson/ Ministry of Defence,
Myself and my fellow Gulf War veterans are knocking on the door of the 4th decade since we returned from the gulf war. With all the research around the world during this time. Have MOD come up with any evidence that multiple experimental vaccine combinations administered to us DID/ DO NOT cause our autoimmune conditions?
In light of the recent 4 year Italian study that finished earlier this year, where they have concluded that when vaccines are administered in multiples they cause a high percentage autoimmune conditions.
Would you finally agree, to administer multiple vaccine especially with untested experimental combinations was in fact a negligent act upon our countries fittest and finest?
Would you agree that the proof is in the pudding, with unprecedented amounts of doses administered not seen before 1990/91 nor since. In fact even without the Italian Study proving the multiple vaccine theory, it would seem as the vaccine s were administered in smaller doses over longer period of time with months between a vaccine in comparison to a few weeks/days/same day/simultaneously! post Gulf to our troops , the percentages of our troops with autoimmune conditions started reducing to in recent years more in line with our civilian population. Would you agree that this enforced the theory even before the conclusive Italian Study?
It is our hope that Gavin Williamson will address us as a priority. We have good faith that with his modern outlook and approach, we will be able to come to an agreement. We are willing to talk outside the court arena for a way forward that keeps a good light on both parties, as long it wishes to act in line with how us veterans conduct ourselves, which is openly, honestly, with loyalty and with honour.
I send this opportunity for the current Secretary of State and his administration to right the wrongs of those that have gone before him. This is a pre-action protocol between Myself / Fellow Veterans V MOD to enable us to avoid the Court Arena.
It is my hope that we are finally able to settle this without court action in a noble manner,
allowing our suffering Gulf Veterans still with us and also the ones that have passed and their families some justice, better treatment/care, compensation for their suffering and any losses I/They have incurred. Thus resulting in better trust between Government and its Forces as we enter a new era! Where we can all demonstrate the high moral standards required whilst working within our Queens Regulations
I hope this finds you all in good health
Yours faithfully,
Gavin Roberts (24791330)
Gulf War Veterans
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your email of 25 June 2018 requesting information under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The MOD response is attached.
MOD People Secretariat FOI
Dear MOD
Thankyou for your reply, it is unfortunate that you have taken the decision to withold information as in your opinion it may take 1 person 3.5 days + to establish.
Of course since the Gulf War the MOD will have taken every measure possible to ensure incredible record keeping, in reference to Gulf War Veterans as you are already very aware that during/post the War shall we say/agree that records seem to disappeared as if by magic.
So we can assume now that record keeping is as near to faultless as humanly possible? Especially as at every opportunity MOD keep reminding us how
thankful you are for our service at the push of a few keys on the keyboard even though we would prefer that this time be put to better use elsewhere !
May I suggest that rather have someone look for an apparent needle in a haystack for 3.5 days +, that the MOD simply make a phonecall/email to with the War Pensions/British Legion to confirm either way if a person/s is in receipt of pension but were never deployed into Kuwait, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
Please do not thank me for my suggestion, I am happy to help on this occasion free of charge! I look forward to your answer to my question/suggestion and please do not waste any more valuable MOD time. Please if I can help you save further time, please do not hesitate to ask me
Gavin Roberts
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