Dear Cranfield University,
Please could I see any internal or external communications relating to Dr Caddick-Adams use of PraegerU and other ideological propaganda outlets to promote his work? Was this discussed, questioned or approved by Cranfield?
What is the university’s policy on your teaching staff publishing in extremist media replete with misinformation?
Is Dr Caddick-Adams teaching students working within media operations, information operations and influence? Please could I see syllabi for his courses including any recommended reading and media sources.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Emma L Briant
Dear Dr Briant,
Thank you for your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We confirm that this is being considered and that we will respond as soon as possible and in any case within 20 working days of receipt.
Yours sincerely
Mary Betts-Gray
Mary Betts-Gray MA (Hons), MCLIP, FHEA, PC.foi | Freedom of Information Officer | Cranfield University| Cranfield | Bedford | MK43 0AL | Tel: +44(0)1234 754331 | Fax: +44 (0)1234 751806 | E-mail: [Cranfield University request email]
This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended only for the named addressee. If you are not the named addressee, please accept our apology, notify the sender immediately and then delete the email. We request that you do not disclose, use, copy or distribute any information within it.
Any opinions expressed are not necessarily the corporate view of Cranfield University. This email is not intended to be contractually binding unless specifically stated and the sender is an authorised University signatory.
Whilst we have taken steps to ensure that this email and all attachments are free from any virus, we advise that, in keeping with good computing practice, the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.
Dear Dr Briant,
Thank you for your request, dated 27 December 2019, made under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000.
You requested information about
" Dr Caddick-Adams use of
Cranfield University has completed its search for the information
requested and our response is given below.
Please could I see any internal or external communications relating to Dr
Caddick-Adams use of PraegerU and other ideological propaganda outlets to
promote his work? Was this discussed, questioned or approved by Cranfield?
Dr Caddick-Adams is no longer employed by Cranfield University. The
Centre for International Security and Resilience, of which he was a
member, no longer exists, nor is Dr Caddick-Adam's former line manager,
now a Cranfield employee and therefore, any data previously held under
those staff profiles will have been deleted.
The only information that the University holds is in its Permission to
Publish records (from 2008) and relates to publications by Dr
Caddick-Adams in journals/books. Please see below.
03.04.12 DMS Monte Cassino: Ten Armies in Hell - Peter Caddick-Adams
Dr Laura R
Cleary, Dr
Matt Qvortrup,
Dr Tom
O’Brien, Dr
Peter Security
Sec Caddick-Adams, Sector
22 April & Dr Sukanya Horizon
2014 Res 2014-P2P-076 Other Podder Scanning
Snow and
18 Sec of the
September & Peter Bulge
2014 Res 2014-P2P-150 Other Caddick-Adams 1944-45
Laura Cleary
and Matt Craig
Caddick-Adams Security
and Tom Sector
O’Brien Horizon
(authors of Scanning
Sec regional 2016 –
07 March & ISBN: - overview and West
2016 Res 978-1-907413-36-0 Book Nigeria) Africa
What is the university’s policy on your teaching staff publishing in
extremist media replete with misinformation?
The University’s Social Media Policy and the relevant Permission to
Publish process are attached.
Is Dr Caddick-Adams teaching students working within media operations,
information operations and influence? Please could I see syllabi for his
courses including any recommended reading and media sources.
Not applicable. Please see answer to Q1 above.
Should you have any queries with regard to the information provided please
do not hesitate to contact me.
If you are unhappy with the way in which your request has been dealt with
please refer to our internal appeals procedure
If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint
you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:
The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Telephone: 08456 306060 or 01625 545745.
Website: [2]
Yours sincerely
Mary Betts-Gray
Mary Betts-Gray | Freedom of Information Officer | Cranfield University|
Cranfield | Bedford | MK43 0AL | Tel: +44(0)1234 754331 | Fax: +44 (0)1234
751806 | E-mail: [3][Cranfield University request email]
Visit: [4]
This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended
only for the named addressee. If you are not the named addressee, please
accept our apology, notify the sender immediately and then delete the
email. We request that you do not disclose, use, copy or distribute any
information within it.
Any opinions expressed are not necessarily the corporate view of Cranfield
University. This email is not intended to be contractually binding unless
specifically stated and the sender is an authorised University signatory.
Whilst we have taken steps to ensure that this email and all attachments
are free from any virus, we advise that, in keeping with good computing
practice, the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.
Dear foi,
Thank you for confirming all this - I note Prof Caddick-Adams seems to have changed his linkedin to reflect his no longer being affiliated too.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Emma L Briant
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