pPyments to Adoptive Parents

The request was successful.

Avril Williams

Dear Staffordshire County Council,

Please can you quantify your Council's expenditure during the 2010-2011 financial year on EACH of the following, -

First, Adopted Child Support Allowance

Second, Grants to Adoptive Parents to purchase furniture,
equipment, etc, prior to the adopted children's arrival.

Third, prospective Adoptive Parents expenses, e.g, mileage,
reimbursement of loss of earnings when attending Court, meals and hotel accommodation when visiting a prospective adoptive child in its Foster Home, etc.

Each Council will have its own rules in respect of allowable
expenses. Please can you list what expenses your Council's
expenditure covers

Fourth, Post Adoption Support, (other than adoption allowances). What does your Council's support consist of?

Yours faithfully,

A Williams

Wiles, Michelle (L&D), Staffordshire County Council

Dear Ms Williams,
Thank you for your request, as below.

Currently your request is too vague and we will require further
information from you in order to search for the information you require:

1- Adopted Child Support Allowance - Do you just want to know if we
provide this? Or to how many families?

2- , Grants to Adoptive Parents to purchase furniture, equipment, etc,
prior to the adopted children's arrival. - Again, do you want to know if
we provide this? Or how much is spent? For what year/s?

3- Prospective Adoptive Parents expenses, e.g, mileage, reimbursement of
loss of earnings when attending Court, meals and hotel accommodation
when visiting a prospective adoptive child in

its Foster Home, etc. - could you please specify for what year/s?

Each Council will have its own rules in respect of allowable expenses.
Please can you list what expenses your Council's expenditure covers -
Could you please clarify for what expenses? Do you mean a specific area
or general staff expenses?

4 -Post Adoption Support, (other than adoption allowances).What does
your Council's support consist of? - do you mean support in terms of
financial or another form?

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires that we deal with requests
such as this within 20 working days. We are not required to include any
time whilst waiting for clarification of a request. We will endeavour to
proceed with your request as soon as you supply the information
required. If we have not received a reply within three months we will
treat this request as cancelled.

Please contact me if you have any queries or require any advice and
assistance regarding this request.

Yours Sincerely

Michelle K Wiles
Access to Information Officer

Information Governance Unit
1a Bailey Street
ST17 4BG

Tel: 01785 85(4123) Fax: 01785 278362
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Wiles, Michelle (L&D),


'Please can you quantify your Council's expenditure during the 2010-2011 financial year on EACH of the following, - '

What is 'vague' about them?

Yours sincerely,

A Williams

Wiles, Michelle (L&D), Staffordshire County Council

2 Attachments

Dear Ms Williams,
Thank you for your email.

It is the term 'quantify' which we will need further explanation on. If
you could please give further clarification on how you would like the
information quantifying, providing specific areas that you may want us
to break down figures into or search.

We are able to search for general total expenditure figures for the
areas you have requested.

For example: 1- Adopted Child Support Allowance -
Do you just want to know how much is paid as a total in the authority
for adopted child support allowance? Or to how many families the total
is provided to?

2- , Grants to Adoptive Parents to purchase furniture, equipment, etc,
prior to the adopted children's arrival. - Again, do you want to know a
general yearly total? Or to how many families the total is provided to?

Each Council will have its own rules in respect of allowable expense.
Please can you list what expenses your Council's expenditure covers -
I have attached a list of general expenses that a member of staff can

4 -Post Adoption Support, (other than adoption allowances).What does
your Council's support consist of?
- do you mean support in terms of financial or another form?


Michelle K Wiles
Access to Information Officer

Information Governance Unit
1a Bailey Street
ST17 4BG

Tel: 01785 85(4123) Fax: 01785 278362
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Wiles, Michelle (L&D),

All four questions - in EACH case the total amount spent during the year 2010-2011.

Question 4 - whatever assistance, other than adoption allowances, that your Council gives adoptive parents.

I am doing comparative research.

Yours sincerely,

A Williams

Dear Wiles, Michelle (L&D),

Your response is OVERDUE.

By law it SHOULD have arrived by 15th August.

Yours sincerely,

A Williams

Wiles, Michelle (L&D), Staffordshire County Council

Thank you for your e-mail.
I am currently out of office but will return on 22nd August.

My emails will not be monitored whilst I am away but I will endeavour to
get back to you as soon as possible.
If you require a response or advice before my return for Data Protection
or Freedom of Information then please contact Lian Stibbs
([email address]) or Gemma Allen
([email address])

Kind regards,
Michelle K Wiles

Access to Information Officer
Information Governance Unit

show quoted sections

Dear Wiles, Michelle (L&D),

2nd reminder.

Your reply to my questions is now 12 DAYS ovderdue. By law it SHOULD have arrived by 15th August.

Yours sincerely,

A Williams

Wiles, Michelle (L&D), Staffordshire County Council

Dear Ms Williams,
Thank you for your email, as below.

Unfortunately, at present I have been unable to obtain any information
from the service area for your request. I have informed them of the
urgency of a reply and I am sorry we have not been able to reply within
the 20 working days.

I am trying to obtain a response and will get back to you as soon as
possible when I have received one.

Please feel free to contact me in the mean time if you have any further


Michelle K Wiles
Access to Information Officer

Information Governance Unit
1a Bailey Street
ST17 4BG

Tel: 01785 85(4123) Fax: 01785 278362
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Wiles, Michelle (L&D), Staffordshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Williams,

Re Freedom of Information Act 2000

Thank you for your request for information, I apologise for the delay in
being able to reply to you.

We have completed the search of our records and please find a copy of
the information you requested attached.

If you have any queries or require any further information please do not
hesitate to contact me.

In the first instance if you have any comments relating to how your
request has been handled by our authority, please write to Philip Jones,
Head of Information Governance, Information Governance Unit, 1a Bailey
Street, Stafford, ST17 4BG.

If you have any further comments relating to how your request has been
handled by our authority, please contact the Information Commissioner,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Yours Sincerely

Michelle K Wiles
Access to Information Officer

Information Governance Unit
1a Bailey Street
ST17 4BG

Tel: 01785 85(4123) Fax: 01785 278362
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Wiles, Michelle (L&D),

Does your Council pay Adoptive Parents' Court/Lodging of Adoption Orders/Legal costs?

If so, is its expenditure on these during the financial year 2010 included in the £8,009 expenditure on settling-in grants and expenses?

If it isn't, how much did the Council spend on these during relevant financial year?

I only discovered that (most) Councils pay these when another Council volunteered the information.

Please can I have a reply as soon as possible?

Yours sincerely,

A Williams,(BA)

Wiles, Michelle (L&D), Staffordshire County Council

Dear Ms Williams

Re Freedom of Information Act 2000

Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 10th September.

We have completed the search of our records and please find a copy of the information you requested.

We provided financial support to 7 adoptive families with the cost of the adoption application fee during 2010/11. This money was paid from budget which also covers equipment. No assistance was offered with legal fees during this period.

If you have any queries or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

In the first instance if you have any comments relating to how your request has been handled by our authority, please write to Philip Jones, Head of Information Governance, Information Governance Unit, 1a Bailey Street, Stafford, ST17 4BG.

If you have any further comments relating to how your request has been handled by our authority, please contact the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Yours Sincerely

Michelle K Wiles
Access to Information Officer

Information Governance Unit

Wedgewood Building

Block A

Tipping Street


ST16 2DH

Tel: 01785 85(4123)
Email: [email address]

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