Power Management

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Newbattle Abbey College should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Newbattle Abbey College,

Thousands of pounds are spent on electricity for PC's each year. I
would like to know;

a) How many PC's are in the College?
b) Do you use a software tool for Power Management of these PC's.
If you do use a software tool, what is it and what is the annual
cost of support & maintenance?
c) Who is responsible for paying electricity bills for the
College (Name and Role)?
d) Does that College have a Green IT policy for reduction of
carbon emissions?

Yours faithfully,

Martin McKenna

Dear Newbattle Abbey College,

I am looking for an update on my FOI request regarding Power Management. I understand that by law you should have replied by 15th March. Any assistance in this matter would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Martin McKenna