Postgraduate statistics
Dear University College London,
1. For the 2016/17, 2015/16 academic years – please detail a list of
postgraduate degrees (degree title/award) that are being run by your institution.
2. Please detail the number of applicants to each course listed in
part one, the number of offers made per course and the number of
students who ended up enrolling on each course.
Yours faithfully,
Thank you for your message.
If you have submitted a Freedom of Information request please accept this
email as acknowledgement that your request has been received. You should
expect a response from us within 20 working days.
Data Protection & FOI
Legal Services
Dear Taza,
Thank you for your enquiry which has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that UCL holds information relevant to your request and we are pleased to be able to provide this information to you.
Please find data relevant to your request within the attached spreadsheet.
Please let me know if you have any questions with regard to this response.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Goudie
Data Protection & Freedom of Information Adviser
Legal Services|Finance and Business Affairs|UCL
Ext: 57862
Tel: 020 3108 7862
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact me, using the request reference number.
If you are unhappy with our response to your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of our decision, please email [email address]. Emails should include the words ‘Internal Review’ in the subject and be marked For the Attention of the Vice Provost Operations, alternatively you should write to:
Vice Provost Operations
University College London
1-19 Torrington Place
London WC1E 7HB
Please note, complaints and requests for internal review received more than two months after the initial decision will not be handled.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner at the address given below. You should do this within two months of our final decision.
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact me using the details provided in this letter and including the request reference number.
Further information on the Freedom of Information Act is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office:
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone 01625 545700
Yours sincerely
Alex Goudie
Freedom of Information and Data Protection Adviser
University College London
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