This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Post Work Programme Support (PWPS) guidance'.

Post Work Programme Support and Completer 

1.  This chapter details information on Post Work Programme Support 
(PWPS) for ESA/IB claimants and the action to complete when booking 
and undertaking a ‘PWPS Completer Interview’.  In addition, it contains 
information about the LMS MIS reports used to identify ESA/IB 
2.  The Work Programme will end when the claimant has completed 104 
weeks after the initial referral to the Work Programme Provider.  If the 
claimant continues with their benefit claim they will return to Jobcentre 
Plus and be invited to attend an Adviser led diagnostic interview at the 
3.  Any sanctions that were imposed whilst a claimant was participating in the 
Work Programme must end from the day after they complete their 104 
weeks with the provider. 
4.  Claimants that have completed their allocated 104 weeks will have a Work 
Programme Marker status of ‘WP-Completer’
5.  For ESA/IB claimants, PWPS is the Jobcentre Plus Offer and must not be 
confused with PWPS for JSA claimants. 
6. Mandatory claimants in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG) must 
participate in a completer interview (or an NJWFI if they have not already 
completed one as part of their current claim), before being mandated to 
take part in flexible interventions and undertake Work-Related Activity 
(WRA) as part of PWPS.   
7.  Voluntary claimants will be offered the chance to take part in a Work 
Programme Completer Interview but cannot be mandated to attend.  They 
will continue to have voluntary access to support through the Jobcentre 
Plus Offer and flexible interventions. 
8.  Claimants who have completed 104 weeks on the Work Programme 
cannot be referred back to the Work Programme, even if they change 
Identification of PWPS claimants 
9.  Claimants requiring access to PWPS will present themselves in four ways: 
  a weekly LMS MIS report.  This replicates and negates the need for the 
LMS WP End notification report – see action on receipt of LMS MIS 
report for detail,  
  a Labour Market Prompt received within 26 weeks of the Work 
Programme completion date e.g. a new WCA – see Labour Market 
Prompts for PWPS claimants for action to take, 
  a voluntary claimant who has previously declined a completer interview 
within 26 weeks of the Work Programme completion date: 
  requests support from the Jobcentre – see Voluntary claimant re-
engages for action to take, or 
  following a change of circumstances becomes subject to mandatory 
activity – see Chapter 06 Change of Circumstances. 

Purpose of the Completer Interview 
10. The completer interview will identify the support received when on the 
Work Programme and allow the Adviser to tailor an appropriate package of 
support through the Jobcentre Plus Offer helping the claimant move into / 
closer to work. 
11. It is a full diagnostic work focused interview during which the adviser will: 
  review the Exit Report requested from the provider and in discussion 
with the claimant, log relevant details on LMS;  
  if the exit report has not been received, ensure that the relevant details 
are obtained from the claimant 
  determine if the ongoing support through PWPS will be mandatory or 
  inform the claimant that PWPS will last for twelve months and if 
applicable that their participation is mandatory;  
  review and update the claimant’s action plan; and  
  complete skills screening assessment if required. 
PWPS Completer Interview 
Action on receipt of LMS MIS report 
12. Each district will have a central Single Point of Contact (SPOC) who will 
receive the reports as described in the Work Programme guidance.  Each 
District will determine how they manage this process. 
13. On receipt of the LMS MIS report an Exit Report will be requested from the 
provider as detailed in the Work Programme Guidance.  Action will then be 
taken to book a Work Programme Completer Interview. 
14. District SPOCs and local offices will need to liaise closely to ensure 
advisers have access to Exit Reports received from Providers. 
Booking the Completer Interview 
15. If the claimant is not in receipt of ESA or it is more than 26 weeks since 
the claimant completed the Work Programme, the completer interview 
must not take place, take action as detailed in Chapter 06 Change of 
Circumstances. See Annex 1 for details of checking when a claimant 
completed the Work Programme.   
Check for live ESA claim  
16. Establish if the claimant is still in receipt of ESA by checking JSAPS 
enquiry dialogue JA510736 (Notepad Enquiry) and JA523621 (Enquiry – 
Claim Section).  
17. The next steps to take will depend on whether the claimant is a: 
  mandatory WRAG claimant, or 
 voluntary 
Note: For information on checking if the claimant is Voluntary or Mandatory 
see Annex 2.  
Action for mandatory claimants 
18. Check if an NJWFI has taken place since the start of their current claim by 
clicking on the IntHist button in LMS.  Claimants that have not participated 
in an NJWFI must be booked one instead of a Completer Interview.  For 

details of the action to take, see the section on NJWFIs for PWPS 
19. For all other mandatory claimants book an ‘ESA – WP completer – 
Mandatory’ interview.  When booking the appointment, allow at least 10 
working days for the exit report to be received and agree a date that falls 
after the completion date.  Where possible the Work Programme 
Completer Interview must be booked and conducted within 15 working 
days of the claimant completing the Work Programme.  
Note: non-receipt of an Exit Report will not prevent the interview taking place. 
20. You must attempt to contact the claimant by telephone to book a 
completer interview.  It is essential that this is done as part of the 
Jobcentre Plus commitment to safeguard vulnerable claimants as 
well as to reduce FTA (Failure To Attend) rates

21. If the claimant has an Appointee or someone with Power of Attorney 
(POA), contact them not the claimant. The Appointee/POA is responsible 
for acting on the claimant’s behalf in all of their dealings with the 
Note: Any known appointee details can be viewed using the Claimant 
Information System (CIS) in the 'Relationship History' screen, or Opstrat 
dialogues JA400, JA500 & JA501.  You should also check conversation 
history in LMS. 
22. Every attempt must be made to locate the claimant’s telephone number. 
This may be found on LMS, JSAPS, clerical records, the telephone 
directory or the Customer Information System (CIS). 
23. If you are unable to trace a telephone number for the claimant, or if the 
telephone call to the claimant is unanswered, you must record this 
outcome in LMS conversations and book the completer interview as 
24. When arranging the interview, consider the claimant’s personal 
circumstances, including: 
  taking into account any special needs the claimant has, for example 
child care, or arranging a sign language interpreter for a deaf claimant 
  establishing any additional requirements needed to help the claimant 
fully participate in the interview, arising from their health problems or 
  if they require an advocate or appointee to be present  
  if the claimant requests the interview to be held at a location other than 
the Jobcentre, or by telephone, follow local policy/procedures for 
arranging this. If applicable, see Home Visits. 
Note: Check conversation history to see if any special arrangements were 
considered for previous meetings e.g. telephone WFI required. 
25. If, during activity to book an interview, you identify that a deferral may be 
appropriate, you must refer the case to an Adviser for a decision.  It is for 
the Adviser to determine whether the claimant’s circumstances mean a 
deferral is appropriate. 
26. A deferral is a short term postponement of a mandatory interview where it 
would not be appropriate in the circumstances to expect the claimant to 
take part. 

27. If the Adviser decides that those circumstances mean an interview would 
not be helpful or appropriate at that time, the interview can be rearranged 
to a more suitable date.   
Note: Deferrals are only applicable to a NJWFI
28. The booking of the completer interview must not be delayed to await a 
repeat WCA outcome, even if the claimant has started the WCA process. 
29. When speaking to the claimant or their Appointee/POA: 

Establish that you are speaking to the claimant or their 
Appointee/POA by asking security questions to confirm their 
identity. See guidance on call handling. 

Explain the purpose of the completer interview. 

Explain to the claimant that it is important they attend and 
take part in the interview (if it is mandatory) or give an 
acceptable reason why they are unable to attend or take part. 
If they do not have a good reason for not attending or not 
taking part in this interview, the amount of their benefit may 
be reduced. If they find they cannot attend or take part at the 
date and time the interview is booked they must contact us 
as soon as possible, so that alternative arrangements can be 

Ask if the claimant is a Lone Parent and if so, ask for the 
youngest child’s date of birth.  If the youngest child is aged: 
  under one, inform the claimant that they will not be 
required to attend interviews until the child is one, 
unless they choose to volunteer. 
  update the Child Details on LMS (found in Other 
Function/Child Details or the ‘CBW’ hotspot) 
  cancel the outstanding completer interview 
  if the claimant wishes to volunteer, a voluntary 
completer interview should be booked, otherwise 
stop the booking process and end the call and set a 
work flow for when the child is 1 to consider 
mandatory conditionality.  No further action is 
  under the age of 5 and not yet at school (but over the 
age of one), update Child Details on LMS (found in 
Other Function/Child Details or the ‘CBW’ hotspot) 
  continue with the booking process. 
Note: If the Lone Parent has more than 8 children, you must 
record the details for the youngest 8. 

Book the completer interview using the ‘NewInt’ hotspot on 
the ‘View Client Details’ window in LMS. 
This opens the ‘Create Appointment’ window in the 
Appointment Booking System (ABS). 
6 In 
‘Appt Type’ field select the completer appointment 
type ‘ESA – WP completer – Mandatory’

Agree an interview date and time that is suitable. 

Note: any special circumstances in conversations e.g. the 
reason why a telephone interview has been agreed or if an 
appointee needs to be present. 

Complete the remaining appointment details. 

Advise the claimant that if they wish to reclaim their travel 
expenses, they will need to retain proof (for example, bus 
The claimant may also be able to reclaim child care and/or 
replacement care expenses if appropriate. See guidance on 
payment of claimants' travel and childcare expenses. 
Print and send the appointment notification letter.  This also 
includes a copy of the sanctions fact sheet  
30. An outstanding interview ‘O/S Int’ hotspot appears on the LMS View 
Client Details window. 
Action for voluntary claimants 
31. For purposes of Post Work Programme Support voluntary claimants are: 
 Support 
 Credits 
  Full Time Carers 
  Lone Parents with a youngest child under one 
  Claimants at or over the age at which they are eligible to receive 
Pension Credit 
  Claimants awaiting their initial WCA outcome 
  Claimants appealing a WCA decision that they have no LCW i.e. 
disallowed ESA 
  IB claimants  
32. For information on checking if the claimant is Voluntary see Annex 2. 
33. All activity will be entirely voluntary, they may volunteer for support from 
the Jobcentre Plus Offer, but they cannot return to the Work Programme. 
34. Telephone the claimant and offer them a voluntary interview to discuss the 
end of Work Programme and the support that Jobcentre Plus can offer.  
35. On phoning the claimant if they decline the offer to attend an interview give 
a brief overview of the implications of the end of Work Programme support 
but record in conversations that they have declined the interview. No 
further action is required. 
36. If the claimant accepts the invitation, book a ‘Non JSA – WP Completer – 
Voluntary’ interview.  When booking the appointment it must allow at least 
10 working days for the exit report to be received and take place after the 
completion date. 
37. If the claimant fails to attend the interview do not raise a sanction doubt for 
failing to attend the interview, cancel the outstanding interview and do not 
book another. 
38. If the claimant is a Lone Parent with a child aged under 1 and declines the 
interview, set a Work Flow for two weeks before the child’s first birthday to 
consider mandatory conditionality. 
39. If you are unable to contact the claimant: 
  make at least one additional attempt at a different time of day, then 
record the action in LMS conversations. 

  where there is no traceable working contact number for the claimant, 
record this in LMS. 
As there is no mandatory conditionality, no further action is required. 
40. For details of conducting the interview see Conducting the Work 
Programme Completer Interview section. 
Voluntary claimant re-engages 
41. If a voluntary claimant, who has not participated in a Work Programme 
Completer Interview and the completion date is less than 26 weeks ago, 
contacts the Jobcentre to request support, a Work Programme Completer 
Interview should be booked.  For all other voluntary claimants book a 
voluntary flexible intervention. 
Work Programme Completer Interview 
42. For details on booking a Work Programme Completer Interview see Action 
on receipt of OPRT/central report. 
Action two days before the appointment 
43. There are two activities that must be completed by adviser support 2 days 
before the appointment is due to take place.  These are: 
  ensuring any outstanding Work Programme sanctions are ended, and  
  contacting the claimant to remind them of the appointment. 
End any outstanding Work Programme sanctions 
44. When the claimant completes the Work Programme any mandatory WRA 
requirements cease and any outstanding sanctions must be ended.   
45. To check for outstanding sanctions: 

Access the ‘View Client Details’ window.  Click on [Decn] to 
open the ‘View Referral/Decision Details - Name’ window. If 
more than one labour market question is held, a window will 
open showing a list.  
Note: If the button reads [NoDec], there are no outstanding 
Work Programme sanctions, Go to step 5. 

If there is a ‘WP Failed to Undertake WRA’ question further 
checks are needed to see if the sanction is still in place, if not 
Go to step 5. 

Access JSAPS dialogues JA513525 to see if there are any 
ESA sanctions where the transgression date was within the 
claimant’s Work Programme start and completion dates and 
there is no ‘End date’ entered. 
Where there are no open sanctions, Go to step 5. 

Where there is a sanction in place notify the Benefit Centre 
immediately by completing and sending form JCP27 so that 
the Benefit Centre will lift any sanction.  When completing 
section 2 of the form use the following information: 
  Where available insert the ‘date of transgression’ from 
JA513525 (pre 12 December 2013 will may not have a 

  In the ‘On’ field insert the date the day after the 
completion date displayed in the WP marker on LMS. 
  Use the tick box ‘the requirement to take part in a …..’ 
and write ‘The claimant completed WP’ in the 
additional info box’ 
  In the Complete below as appropriate’ section select 
ESA tick box and use the date the day after the 
completion date displayed in the WP marker on LMS. 
and strike through the inappropriate wording about 
applying fixed periods. 
Note: A separate JCP27 needs to be completed for each 
ESA sanction that meets the criteria described in step 3 
A desk aid has been published on the adviser site, showing 
how to complete the form. 

Once checks have been completed record ‘PWPS sanction 
activity completed <insert today’s date>
’ in conversations 
on LMS. 
Note: This must be recorded so that advisers can see checks 
have been completed, regardless of if there were any 
sanctions in place. 
Contact claimant to remind them of the appointment 
46. The claimant must be contacted two days before the interview to remind 
them it is due.  It is essential that this is done as part of the Jobcentre 
Plus commitment to safeguard vulnerable claimants as well as to 
reduce FTA (Failure To Attend) rates for mandatory interviews
Evidence shows where we make contact by phone the claimant is more 
likely to attend 
47. Adviser Support checks the Interview Schedule for interviews booked to 
take place in two days and, for any claimants with an completer interview 
booked, must: 

Attempt to contact the claimant or their Appointee/POA by 
telephone to remind them about the appointment. 
For mandatory claimants also remind them of the requirement 
to attend, including an explanation of the consequences of 
not attending the appointment. 

For mandatory claimants, if not previously established, ask if 
the claimant is a Lone Parent and if so, ask for the youngest 
child’s date of birth.  If the youngest child is aged: 
  under one, inform the claimant that they will not be 
required to attend interviews until the child is one, 
unless they choose to volunteer. 
  update the Child Details on LMS (found in Other 
Function/Child Details or the ‘CBW’ hotspot) 
  cancel the outstanding completer interview 
  if the claimant wishes to volunteer, a voluntary 
completer interview should be booked otherwise set 
a work flow for when the child is 1 and end the call, 

no further action is required.  
  under the age of 5 and not yet at school (but over the 
age of one), update Child Details on LMS (found in 
Other Function/Child Details or the ‘CBW’ hotspot) 
  continue to confirm the claimant is available for the 
mandatory completer interview 
Note: If the Lone Parent has more than 8 children, you must 
record the details for the youngest 8. 

Confirm that they are available to attend the interview 
appointment as arranged. 

If unable to contact the claimant, further attempts should be 
made to ensure all reasonable steps have been taken to 
safeguard the claimant. 

Record the call outcome in LMS conversations. 

Where the Exit Report has been received, pass it to the 
Note: District SPOCs and local offices will need to liaise 
closely to ensure advisers have access to Exit Reports 
received from Providers. 
48. For mandatory claimants, if they are not available to attend the interview, 
consult the Adviser. The Adviser must decide if the claimant has a valid 
reason for not attending.  The individual circumstances must be taken into 
account as appropriate and careful consideration given to whether the 
claimant is simply trying to avoid complying with conditionality. 
49. If the Adviser decides that the claimant’s reason is valid, Adviser Support 
will rearrange the interview. 
50. If the Adviser decides that there appears to be no valid reason for this, do 
not rebook the completer interview. Contact the claimant and: 
  advise them that they are required to attend on the date and time 
notified on the original invitation letter 
  explain the consequences of not taking part. 
51. Record the action taken and the advice given in LMS conversations, 
including if the claimant contact is unsuccessful. 
Rearranging the completer interview 
52. If the completer interview needs to be rearranged following claimant 

Agree a new date, time and location for the appointment with 
the claimant or their Appointee/POA. 

Rebook the completer interview on LMS using the ‘ReArr’ 
button in the ‘O/S Int’ hotspot.  
Note: You cannot re-arrange the appointment until a reason 
has been entered in the ‘Reason’ field on this window 

Print and send the appointment notification letter 

Preparing for the completer interview 
53. Check JSAPS enquiry dialogue JA510736 (Notepad Enquiry) and 
JA523621 (Enquiry – Claim Section) to establish the claimant is still in 
receipt of ESA.  If the claimant is not in receipt of ESA, the completer 
interview cannot take place, take action as detailed in Chapter 06 – 
Change of Circumstances. 
54. Review the claimant’s LMS records and ensure all relevant information 
regarding the claimant is up to date. 
55. Check to see if the claimant’s Exit Report has been received from the 
provider, if so review it. 
Note: non-receipt of report will not prevent the interview taking place.  
56. Check LMS conversations to ensure adviser support has carried out 
PWPS Sanction activity, where there is no evidence set a workflow in LMS 
for Adviser Support to prompt them to complete required activity. 
57. Ensure that any special needs identified to help the claimant participate 
fully in the interview have been accommodated, including conducting the 
interview at a location other than the Jobcentre (see Chapter 03 
Considering Individual Circumstances) or by telephone if appropriate. 
58. If when preparing for an intervention with the claimant you identify that 
they are potentially affected by the benefit cap through the presence of the 
Benefit Cap Pilot marker or the claimant mentions benefit cap, inform them 
about the GOV.UK benefit cap web page where there is an on-line 
calculator that will provide an estimate of the reduction in their housing 
benefit from April 2013. 
59. If the claimant asks for help to complete the on-line calculator refer to the 
benefit cap guidance. 
60. For more information on preparing for and conducting the WFI, please see 
the WFI Process and Supporting Tools for Advisers and ATMs guidance.  
If your district uses the ADPAT tool Advisers will need to complete it in full.  
See ADAPT guidance for more information. 
Conducting the completer interview 
61. Meet and greet the claimant, making sure to check their identity by asking 
security questions. 
62. Check if the claimant is a Lone Parent with a child under one.  If they are, 
they are not required to attend mandatory interviews. The Adviser should: 
  update the Child Details on LMS (found in Other Function/Child Details 
or the ‘CBW’ hotspot) 
  cancel the outstanding completer interview 
  if the claimant wishes to volunteer, a voluntary completer interview 
should be booked, otherwise set a work flow for when the child is 1 to 
consider mandatory conditionality.  No further action is required.  
Note: If the Lone Parent has more than 8 children, you must record the 
details for the youngest 8. 
63. If a mandatory WRAG claimant fails to attend (FTA) or fails to participate 
(FTP) in the completer interview, see the FTA/FTP guidance. 
64. Start the interview on LMS. 
65. Discuss the purpose of the interview, including its role in determining the 
next steps of work preparation activity from Jobcentre Plus Offer. 

66. Explain to the claimant their responsibility to participate in the completer 
interview and the consequences of failing to do so (benefit sanction).  A 
copy of the sanctions Fact sheet will already have been issued to the 
claimant as part of the appointment letter.   
67. Check the ‘Full Time Carer’ status is still relevant and if appropriate update 
the marker. 
68. Complete/review  the  ‘DP’ (Disabled Person) hotspot - in order to fulfil JCP 
obligations under the Equality Act 2010 this box must be completed with 
claimant consent. As we may have been unable to do this before the 
claimant attends for their WFI this may be set to ‘None’ and you should 
review at the first opportunity with the claimant.  This is particularly 
important for IB (IS) Reassessed claimants. 
69. Complete/review  the  ‘Parent’ indicator and ‘CBW’ (Childcare Barriers to 
Work) hotspot - this may be set as ‘No’ where the details of the parent 
status of the claimant have not already been gathered. This will need to be 
reviewed at the first opportunity. 
70. If available review the exit report and in discussion with the claimant 
determine how it will shape the ongoing support through PWPS, log 
relevant details on LMS; if not available discuss with the claimant what 
support they have received whilst on the Work Programme. 
71. Compile and agree the Action Plan as described in chapter 04 Conducting 
the NJWFI, including Work-Related Activity and relevant information from 
the Exit Report if appropriate, while performing diagnosis of the claimant’s: 
  Circumstances, including health related issues (physical and mental) 
  Disadvantages in remaining in or obtaining work or being able to do so 
(such as drugs and/or alcohol use, homelessness and offending) 
  Job goals (if appropriate) 
  Job search (if appropriate) 
  Skills requirements by conducting a skills screening (see Skills Guide) 
  Possibility of a return to work within 3 months 
72. In particular, all of the following should be considered: 
  assessing the claimant’s prospects of remaining in or obtaining work or 
being able to do so; 
  assisting or encouraging the claimant in their preparations to be fit for 
work, to remain in or obtain work; 
  identifying activities that the claimant may undertake that will make it 
more likely that they remain in or obtain work, or be able to do so; 
  identifying training, educational or rehabilitation opportunities for the 
claimant  which may make it more likely that they will remain in or 
obtain work or be able to do so; 
  identifying possible referral to work experience / work placements to 
provide the opportunity for claimants to experience a structured work 
environment, learn new skills and get insight into working life, whilst 
helping to increase their confidence and employability. Work 
experience or work placement may help these claimants to address 
barriers to work such as a lack of work experience and confidence 
issues due to their limited capability for work. 

  identifying current or future work opportunities, including self-
employment opportunities, for the claimant, that are relevant to their 
benefit group, circumstances, needs and abilities; 
  referral to Careers Service; 
  access to the Flexible Support Fund; 
  access to Health Related Support; 
  Sector-based work academies (sbwa): 
  England 
  Scotland 
  Skills conditionality - claimants must be mandated to attend provision 
where ‘skills’ is a barrier to moving into work. 
  other measures available through Get Britain Working; 
  including New Enterprise Allowance for claimants in the WRAG 
  identifying if referral to the DEA may be appropriate. 
Note: Consider the claimant’s benefit status before making referrals to 
provision.  ESA (IR) claimants may lose their benefit if they attend provision 
over 16 hours per week.  Details of how education/training may affect 
entitlement to ESA (IR) and ESA (C) can be found in the Conditions of 
Entitlement – Education guidance. 
73. If the claimant is aged between 18 and 24 and has been in receipt of 
combination of ESA/JSA/IS/IB benefits for 6 months they may be eligible 
for the wage incentive scheme, see the Youth Contract Employer Wage 
Incentive Guidance for further information. 
74. If they don’t have one already, encourage the claimant to set up a 
Universal Jobmatch (UJ) account, create a CV and give DWP access to it. 
75. If the claimant does have a UJ account, review the claimant’s activity on 
UJ and proactively suggest ways to improve the matches they receive. 
Motivate and support claimants to respond to suitable matches. 
76. Update any other details on LMS and other systems as appropriate. 
Referral to the DEA for claimants with complex health conditions 
If applicable consider referral to the DEA, see Chapter 04 Conducting the 
NJWFI conditions for details. 
Concluding the interview 
77. If the claimant is voluntary and has decided that they do no want to access 
PWPS, record this information in LMS conversations; do not set the PWPS 
pilot marker. 
78. For all other ESA claimants, where the PWPS pilot marker is not already 
set, set the ESA pilot marker to ‘Started PWPS’. Once the pilot marker is 
set, it must not be removed.  
79. Please Note: If the claimant has been accessing PWPS as a JSA claimant 
the PWPS pilot marker should be updated to show they are now an ESA 
80. The PWPS pilot marker should remain at ESA even if the claimant 
changes benefit unless they make a claim to JSA. In these instances the 
PWPS guidance for JSA claimants must be followed. 
Note: do not set the marker for IB claimants. 

81. For all ESA claimants, where the PWPS pilot marker is not already set, set 
a workflow 50 weeks from the Work Programme Completer Interview for 
Adviser Support to book an ‘End of PWPS’ interview. Annotate workflow 
with prefix – “End of PWPS - Book ESA end of PWPS Interview - DO NOT 
DELETE until < insert date workflow matures>”. 
Note: guidance on booking and completing an ‘End of PWPS’ interview will 
be published before June 2014. 
82. The Adviser considers if future interventions are needed and if so how far 
ahead this should be, for how long and whether it will be voluntary or 
mandatory for the claimant to attend.  
83. The majority of WRAG claimants will be mandated to the Jobcentre Plus 
Offer, this includes participating in additional WFIs (Flexible Interventions) 
and undertaking specific Work Related Activity (WRA).  
84. However, some claimants in the WRAG are not required to attend any 
WFIs or comply with any conditionality no matter who they receive support 
from. These are: 
  Full Time Carers  
  LP with a child under 1  
  Claimants at or over Pension Credit age. 
Please note: A lone parent with a youngest child under 5 (but over 1) is 
required to attend WFIs but is not required to undertake mandatory Work 
Related Activity.  
85. If future interventions will be mandatory, explain to the claimant the 
importance of attending them and the consequences if they do not. A copy 
of the sanction fact sheet will already have been issued to the claimant 
with the appointment letter  
86. According to local arrangements, the Adviser books the next Intervention 
or sets a workflow as reminder to arrange the meeting nearer the time.  
For further information on booking and conducting flexible interventions 
see chapter 5 - Flexible Interventions. 
87. The Adviser concludes the interview, reminding the claimant they are 
required to notify any changes of circumstances to Jobcentre Plus and 
reimbursing travel expenses where appropriate. The Adviser tells the 
claimant when they will next meet. 
88. Where it is appropriate reimburse the claimant’s travel, child care and/or 
replacement care expenses to attend the Flexible Intervention. See 
guidance on payment of claimants' travel and childcare expenses. 
Note: the forms to claim expenses are currently used for Lone Parent 
claimants only. Until these have been updated, annotate these as ESA. 
Difficult interviews 
89. If you find an interview traumatic or distressing, because of discussions 
around the claimant’s experiences, or as a result of threats and 
intimidation during the interview, you can obtain support through 
consulting your line manager or other colleagues. Alternatively, you can 
also get help, including legal advice, through the Employee Assistance 
Programme from Right Corecare on 0800 652 3304. 

Victims of domestic violence 
90. If during the course of an interview the claimant indicates that they have 
any concerns or that they are victims of domestic violence you must 
always signpost them to the most appropriate help available. Agree with 
the claimant how they would like to receive information about the help 
91. If the claimant has access to the internet signpost them to the GOV.UK 
website - Domestic abuse to enable them to get the expert help and 
advice they need, or details can be printed from the site and issued to the 
claimant. If it is not appropriate for the claimant to use the GOV.UK 
website advise them to access other available help through the Citizens 
Advice Bureau (CAB), their family doctor, other local organisation or 
Domestic Abuse helplines. 
92. For further information on the action to take for victims of domestic 
violence see chapter 15 Victims of Domestic Violence. 
Labour Market Prompts for PWPS claimants 
93. On receipt of a Labour Market Prompt, undertake the following checks to 
determine the action to take: 

Check if the claimant is voluntary,  
  If they are no further action is required. 
  If not go to step 2 

Had they had an NJWFI as part of this claim? 
  If not, book an NJWFI no further action is required.  
  If yes, go to step 3 

If yes check if it was after the completion date.  
  if yes the Adviser should consider if the claimant’s 
circumstances would make a Flexible Intervention 
appropriate, no further action is required. 
  If no go to step 4 

Have they participated in a completer interview? 
  if yes the Adviser should consider if the claimant’s 
circumstances would make a Flexible Intervention 
appropriate, no further action is required. 
  If no book an ‘ESA – WP completer – Mandatory’ 
Voluntary Claimants 
94. For purposes of Post Work Programme Support voluntary claimants are: 
 Support 
 Credits 
  Full Time Carers 
  Lone Parents with a youngest child under one 
  Claimants at or over the age at which they are eligible to receive 
Pension Credit 

  Claimants awaiting their initial WCA outcome (no Work Programme 
access unless already participating) 
  Claimants appealing a WCA decision that they have no LCW i.e. 
disallowed ESA 
  IB claimants  
95. All activity will be entirely voluntary, they may volunteer for support from 
the Jobcentre Plus Offer, but they cannot return to the Work Programme. 
96. For information on checking if the claimant falls into these groups see 
Annex 2. 
NJWFIs for PWPS claimants 
97. The purpose of the NJWFI for PWPS claimants is to identify the support 
received when on the Work Programme and allow us to tailor an 
appropriate package of support through the Jobcentre Plus Offer that will 
help the claimant move into / closer to work.  
98. Where possible the Adviser will need to review the Exit Report as part of 
the interview and transfer any relevant information to the claimant’s action 
Confirming if a NJWFI has taken place 
99. There may be cases where a mandatory claimant who has completed the 
Work Programme has not had an NJWFI as part of their current claim.  For 
  A claimant who was referred to the Work Programme whilst in receipt of 
JSA, subsequently makes a claim for ESA and is placed in the WRAG 
prior to their completion date, or 
  A voluntary ESA claimant becomes subject to mandatory activity 
following a new/repeat WCA after the completion date. 
Please note this list is not exhaustive 
100.  These claimants must be invited in for a NJWFI.   
101.  If the NJWFI is booked to take place within 26 weeks of the completion 
date the claimant will be part of PWPS.  
102.  For claimants where the NJWFI is not booked to take place within 26 
weeks of the completion date these claimants will have an NJWFI and 
access the Jobcentre Plus Offer on either a mandatory or voluntary basis 
dependent on their circumstances. Follow the activity in Chapter 04 
Conducting the NJWFI These claimants will not participate in PWPS. 
103.  To check if the claimant has already had a NJWFI after the start of the 
Jobcentre Plus Offer view the claimant’s Intervention History by clicking on 
the IntHist button. 
104.  If the claimant has not had a NJWFI after the start of the Jobcentre 
Plus Offer or they have had one previously but there has been a break in 
the claim, it is important to establish why this is. 
105.  If the NJWFI has been deferred (the interview type will be recorded in 
the notes box of the JP Marker) then it should not be booked until the 
deferral matures on the JP Process Report as ‘WFI Deferred’
106.  If the NJWFI was booked and the claimant Failed to Attend (FTA) or 
Failed to Participate (FTP) and has been sanctioned, the NJWFI will not 

be booked until the claimant re-engages in order to have the sanction 
107.  If a NJWFI has not been deferred or FTA/FTP then book one 
immediately for the earliest Adviser diary slot.  
Arranging the NJWFI 
108.  Arrange and book the WFI as detailed in Chapter 3.  
109.  In addition to the guidance in Chapter 3, check in conversations if an 
Exit Report has been received.  District SPOCs and local offices will need 
to liaise closely to ensure advisers have access to Exit Reports received 
from Providers. 
Note: non-receipt of an Exit Report will not prevent the interview taking place 
Action two days before the NJWFI appointment  
110.  There are three activities that must be completed by adviser support 
two days before the appointment is due to take place.  These are:  
  where the Exit Report has been received in the office, pass it to the 
  ensuring any outstanding Work Programme sanctions are ended, and  
  contacting the claimant to remind them of the appointment, see Chapter 
3 for details, and 
End any outstanding Work Programme sanctions 
111.  When the claimant completes the Work Programme any mandatory 
WRA requirements cease and any outstanding sanctions must be ended.   
112.  To check for outstanding sanctions: 

Access the ‘View Client Details’ window.  Click on [Decn] to 
open the ‘View Referral/Decision Details - Name’ window. If 
more than one labour market question is held, a window will 
open showing a list.  
Note: If the button reads [NoDec], there are no outstanding 
Work Programme sanctions, Go to step 5. 

If there is a ‘WP Failed to Undertake WRA’ question further 
checks are needed to see if the sanction is still in place, if not 
Go to step 5. 

Access JSAPS dialogues JA513525 to see if there are any 
ESA sanctions where the transgression date was within the 
claimant’s Work Programme start and completion dates and 
there is no ‘End date’ entered. 
Where there are no open sanctions, Go to step 5. 

Where there is a sanction in place notify the Benefit Centre 
immediately by completing and sending form JCP27 so that 
the Benefit Centre will lift any sanction.  When completing 
section 2 of the form use the following information: 
  Where available insert the ‘date of transgression’ from 
JA513525 (pre 12 December 2013 will may not have a 

  In the ‘On’ field insert the date the day after the 
completion date displayed in the WP marker on LMS. 
  Use the tick box ‘the requirement to take part in a …..’ 
and write ‘The claimant completed WP’ in the 
additional info box’ 
  In the Complete below as appropriate’ section select 
ESA tick box and use the date the day after the 
completion date displayed in the WP marker on LMS. 
and strike through the inappropriate wording about 
applying fixed periods. 
An example JCP27 is available on the ESA/IB adviser site. 
Note: A separate JCP27 needs to be completed for each 
ESA sanction that meets the criteria described in step 3 
A desk aid has been published on the adviser site, showing 
how to complete the form. 

Once checks have been completed record ‘PWPS sanction 
activity completed <insert today’s date>
’ in conversations 
on LMS. 
Note: This must be recorded so that advisers can see checks 
have been completed, regardless of if there were any 
sanctions in place. 
Preparing for the NJWFI 
113.  In addition to the action detailed in chapter 3, where the claimant’s Exit 
Report has been received from the provider, review it. 
Note: non-receipt of report will not prevent the interview taking place.  
114.  Check LMS conversations to ensure adviser support has carried out 
PWPS Sanction activity, where there is no evidence set a workflow in LMS 
for Adviser Support to prompt them to complete required activity. 
115.  If the claimant fails to attend (FTA) or fails to participate (FTP) in the 
completer interview, see the FTA/FTP guidance. 
Conducting the NJWFI 
116.  Discuss the purpose of the interview, including its role in determining 
the next steps of work preparation activity from the Work Programme and 
Jobcentre Plus Offer. 
117.  In addition to the guidance for conducting a NJWFI detailed in chapter 
04, if available review the exit report and in discussion with the claimant 
determine how it will shape the ongoing support through PWPS, log 
relevant details on LMS; if not available discuss with the claimant what 
support they have received whilst on the Work Programme. 
Concluding the NJWFI  
118.  Where the PWPS pilot marker is not already set: 
119.  Set the ESA pilot marker to ‘Started PWPS’. Once the pilot marker is 
set, it must not be removed.  
120.  Please Note: If the claimant has been accessing PWPS as a JSA 
claimant the PWPS pilot marker should be updated to show they are now 
an ESA claimant. 

121.  The PWPS pilot marker should remain at ESA even if the claimant 
changes benefit unless they make a claim to JSA. In these instances the 
PWPS guidance for JSA claimants must be followed 
 . 
  set a workflow 50 weeks from the Work Programme Completer Interview 
for Adviser Support to book an ‘End of PWPS’ interview. Annotate 
workflow with prefix – “End of PWPS - Book ESA end of PWPS Interview - 
DO NOT DELETE until < insert date workflow matures>”. 
Note: guidance on booking and completing an ‘End of PWPS’ interview will 
be published before June 2014. 
122.  On completion of the NJWFI claimants that have completed 104 weeks 
on the Work Programme will be mandated to the Jobcentre Plus Offer as 
part of Post Work Programme Support. 
123.   The Adviser considers if future interventions are needed and if so how 
far ahead this should be, for how long.  
Please note: A lone parent with a youngest child under 5 (but over 1) is 
required to attend WFIs but is not required to undertake mandatory Work 
Related Activity.  
124.  According to local arrangements, the Adviser books the next 
intervention or sets a workflow as reminder to arrange the meeting nearer 
the time.  For further information on booking and conducting Flexible 
Interventions see chapter 5. 
125.  Remind the claimant of their responsibility to attend and participate in 
Flexible Interventions or undertake WRA. 
126.  Advise the claimant that they are required to notify any changes of 
circumstances.  For example, change in health, if they start work, or 
become a full time carer. 
127.  Where it is appropriate reimburse the claimant’s travel, child care 
and/or replacement care expenses to attend the NJWFI.  See guidance on 
payment of claimants' travel and childcare expenses. 
Note: the forms to claim expenses are currently used for Lone Parent 
claimants only.  Until these have been updated, annotate these as ESA. 
128.  End the interview in LMS.  When prompted for Caseload or Non 
Caseload, select ‘Yes’ for Caseload for all claimants. LMS will 
automatically set the JP Review Reason to ‘Three Year Backstop Trigger’ 
and set a review date. The ‘Three Year Backstop’ process no longer 
applies and these cases will not appear on the JP Process report. 
Difficult interviews 
129.  For information see details in the Completer Interview section. 
Victims of domestic violence 
130.  For information see details in the Completer Interview section. 
Annex 1 Work Programme completer Date and Exit Report 
1.  A claimant who has completed their 104 weeks on the Work Programme 
will have a Work Programme Marker status of ‘WP-Completer’.  The 
marker will be updated automatically 104 weeks after the WP Start Date. 

2.  The Work Programme completer date is located in the Work Programme 
Marker.  A claimant who has completed their 104 week allocation will have 
a completer reason ‘End of Allocated Time’ and the completion date is in 
the field next to it. 
3.  The Exit Report Request and Return dates are also located within the 
Work Programme Marker and will be updated by the person actioning the 
request.  If the either field is blank then the action has not taken place. 
Note: Exit Reports are only requested if the claimant appears on the LMS 
MIS Report 3 weeks prior to them completing their 104 weeks on the Work 
Annex 2 Checking if claimant is voluntary or mandatory 
1.  This annex is split into two sections.  The first part details checks that 
should be made by the Jobcentre when confirming the current participation 
status.  The second part details the checks made by the District SPOC 
when booking interviews, following receipt of the LMS MIS Report, on 
behalf of the Jobcentre. 
Checks for Jobcentres 
2.  Users must determine whether the claimant will be mandated to the Post 
Work Programme Support (PWPS) process, or offered a place on a 
voluntary basis. 
3.  For purposes of PWPS voluntary claimants are: 
 Support 
 Credits 
  Full Time Carers 
  Lone Parents with a youngest child under one 
  Claimants at or over the age at which they are eligible to receive 
Pension Credit 
  Claimants awaiting their initial WCA outcome 
  Claimants appealing a WCA decision that they have no LCW i.e. 
disallowed ESA 
  IB claimants  

4.  If the claimant does not meet one of the criteria above, they will be 
mandated to PWPS following completion of 104 weeks with their Work 
Programme provider. 
5.  If they do meet the criteria then they can only participate in PWPS on a 
voluntary basis. 
Check to see if claimant in Support Group 
6.  Access JSAPS dialogue JA791797 (ESA Personal Assessment Outcome 
Enquiry) to establish the WCA outcome. 
7.  If the Decision Type/Reason is Limited Capability Support Group the 
claimant has been placed in the Support Group. 
8.  Alternatively check to see if the ESA classification within the LMS JP 
marker is set to ‘Support Group’.  
Check to see if the claimant is ESA credits only 
9.  To establish if the claimant is a Credits Only case, access JSAPS dialogue 
JA504611 (General Enquiry) which will show weekly rates of £0.00 for 
Credits Only cases or JA523614 (Award Details Enquiry) which will show 
award payable of £0.00 for Credits Only cases. 
Check to see if the claimant is a full time carer 
10. If the claimant is in receipt, or has an underlying entitlement to, Carer’s 
Allowance (CA), they are classed as a Full Time Carer. 
11. To determine if the claimant is in receipt (or underlying entitlement) to CA 
Access JSAPS dialogue JA761761 (ESA Claim Details Enquiry – Picklist) 
- a ‘Y’ next to ‘Other Benefits’ indicates that there is Other Benefit interest 
for this claimant. 
12. To access these details, enter ‘Y’ in the square brackets next to ‘Other 
Benefits’ and press Enter – this will display dialogue JA767645 (Other 
13. In this dialogue, if the ‘Type’ column is ‘08’ this indicates a Carer’s 
Allowance interest. Check that the 'For' column contains '01' as this 
indicates that the claimant and not someone else in the household is 
entitled to Carers Allowance'. 
14. For those showing as ‘01’ in the ‘For’ column, if the ‘Rec’d’ column 
contains ‘Y’ (received) or ‘U’ (underlying entitlement) then the claimant is a 
Full Time Carer.  
Check to see if the claimant is a lone parent with a youngest child under 

15. Within LMS check the Parent Marker, and if it is set to ‘Lone’ you will need 
to check the age of the youngest child in the Child Details window. 
16. The child details window is available via the CBW Hotspot to the right of 
the status marker, or via the Hotspots dropdown. 
17. If the age of the youngest child is shown as ‘0’ the claimant has a child 
under age 1. 
Check to see if the claimant is at or over the age at which they are 
eligible to receive Pension Credit 

18. Check within LMS to see if the claimant’s Pension Credit Date field is set 
to ‘Yes’ and the date within the hotspot is today or in the past. If it is the 

claimant is at or over the age at which they are eligible to receive Pension 
Check to see if the claimant is awaiting their initial WCA outcome  
19. The claimant may have made a claim to ESA within the last few weeks of 
their WP participation, having been referred to WP as a JSA claimant, and 
as a result they may be awaiting their initial WCA outcome. 
20. To check that the claimant is awaiting their initial WCA outcome, you 
should to see if the ESA Classification within the LMS JP Marker is set to 
‘WCA outcome awaited’. If it is the claimant is awaiting their initial WCA. 
Check to see if the claimant is appealing a WCA decision that they have 
no LCW i.e. disallowed ESA 

21. Check to see if the ESA classification within the JP marker is set to ‘WCA 
– Disallowed - appealed’
22. If it is the claimant is appealing a WCA decision that they have no LCW 
and are only able to access PWPS voluntarily for the duration of the 
Check to see if the claimant is an Incapacity Benefit claimant 
23. Check the primary benefit marker within LMS, if it is set to ‘Incapacity 
Benefit’ the claimant will only be able to participate in PWPS on a 
voluntary basis.  This can be confirmed by checking CIS to see if a claim is 
still live in payment in the awards screen. 
Checks for District SPOC teams 
24. Where a district SPOC team is checking the participation status of 
claimants for purposes of booking interviews and they don’t have access 
to JSAPS, they should make a simple check of the ‘Current Cust Grp’ field 
in the Work Programme marker. 
25. Claimants must be booked a mandatory completer Interview if the 
opportunity type shown is: 
  ‘WP ESA (IR) WRAG 3/6 Mth Mandatory’
  ‘WP ESA (IR) WRAG 3/6 Mth Mandatory ExIB’
  ‘WP ESA (IR) WRAG 3/6Mth Stock’
  ‘WP ESA (IR) WRAG 12Mth Mandatory’, or 
  ‘WP ESA (c) WRAG Mandatory
26. If the opportunity type shown is: 
  ‘WP ESA (IR) WRAG 3/6 Mth Voluntary’ 
  ‘WP ESA (IR) WRAG 3/6 Mth Voluntary ExIB’ 
  ‘WP ESA (IR) WRAG 12Mth Voluntary’ 
  ‘WP ESA (c) WRAG Voluntary’ 
you need to make an additional check to see if there is evidence that a child 
aged under 1 is in the household or that the claimant is a carer. If not then the 
claimant be booked a mandatory Completer Interview.  For all other claimants 
with these opportunity types offer a Voluntary Completer Interview. 
27. If the ‘Current Cust Grp’ field is blank, the claimant should be offered a 
Voluntary Completer Interview. 

Guidance queries and help 
28. If you are unable to find an answer to a particular question regarding the 
process within this guide you must contact the Jobcentre Plus Live 
Support Advice Line.  Do not give the Advice Line number to customers or 
outside bodies under any circumstances, it is for the use of Jobcentre Plus 
staff only.  Details of how to contact them can be found by clicking on the 
following hyperlink, Advice Line Home Page. 
29. Please do not use the ‘E-mail page owner’ and ‘Page information’ links at 
the bottom of each page of guidance to raise policy queries.  These should 
only be used to report broken hyperlinks. 
30. Please use the comments box at the bottom of each page to submit 
suggestions for guidance improvement only, any questions raised via this 
route will not be answered. 

Document Outline