Post-op instructions

The request was successful.

Dear Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust,

Regarding post-operative instructions for day surgery patients:
1. Do you have a leaflet with instructions for patients? If yes could you please send by email?
2. When can patients return to work after inguinal hernia surgery?
3. When can patients return to driving after inguinal hernia surgery?
4. When can patients return to work after varicose vein surgery?
5. When can patients return to driving after varicose vein surgery?
6. When can patients return to work after haemorroidectomy surgery?
7. When can patients return to driving after haemorrhoidectomy surgery?

Yours faithfully,

Mr P Singh

Paul Sue, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Singh  


Please find attached an acknowledgement re your recent FOI request.  I
will be in touch once the information has been collated.




Sue Paul

Risk Systems Adminstrator

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Rampton Hospital

DN22 0PD


Direct Dial:  01777 247353

Fax:           01777 247508


Email address:  [1][email address]


[2]Click to access the Risk Intranet site


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1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://inottshc/departments/Risk%20Manag...

Paul Sue, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Singh  


Please find attached a response to your recent FOI request.  Please
confirm receipt to allow me to close the file.




Sue Paul

Risk Systems Administrator /FOI officer

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Rampton Hospital

DN22 0PD


Direct Dial:  01777 247353

Fax:           01777 247508


Email address:  [1][email address]


[2]Click to access the Risk Intranet site


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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://inottshc/departments/Risk%20Manag...