Post Offices Suspense Accounts
Dear Post Office Limited,
In her letter of response to the BEIS Select Committee’s current inquiry into POL and Horizon (24th June 2020) former POL CEO, Paula Vennells, stated in relation to POL’s Suspense Accounts:
‘Since it was a technical financial control issue, I asked the CFO to look into it...I cannot remember how this was resolved’ (p 15, para 53).
i) Did this request of the CEO to her CFO generate a report into POL’s Suspense Accounts? If so, please can you release its findings?
ii) Were any other investigations into POL’s Suspense Accounts conducted after independent Forensic Investigators Second Sight raised concerns over their origins? If so please can you release their findings?
iii) Did POL’s external auditor ever raise concerns over the unexplained accumulation, scale or origin of POL’s Suspense Accounts?
Yours faithfully,
Eleanor Shaikh
Dear Ms Shaikh,
Please find an acknowledgement attached to your Freedom of Information
Kerry Moodie
Information Rights Team
Ground Floor
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury Street
London EC2Y 9AQ
0333 665 3951
Dear Ms Shaikh
Please find an update attached to your Freedom of Information request
Kerry Moodie
Information Rights Team
20 Finsbury Street
London EC2Y 9AQ
Tel: 0333 665 3951
Email: [1][Post Office request email]
Visible links
1. mailto:[Post Office request email]
Dear Ms Shaikh,
Please find the response attached to your Freedom of Information request.
Kerry Moodie
Information Rights Team
Ground Floor
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury Street
London EC2Y 9AQ
0333 665 3951
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