Requests similar to 'Post Office Annual Accounts 21/22 Amended'

Bonus Scandal - continued
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .


Nick Read in the last Select Committee hearing stated this: Andy McDonald: Have all other recipients of such a bonus voluntarily returned the paymen...
You have previously responded to a similar request from me
Bonus Payments
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Dear Tim McCormack, Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Data Protection and Information...
Bonus Targets Endorsed by the Inquiry
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .


The controversial Inquiry Metric in the ARA of 21/22 states the following: "Any actions or plans must have been endorsed by the Inquiry and the Board...
8th August 2023 Dear information.rights, I requested information from the Post Office over a month ago. I asked for the total amount of the bonus...
Bonus paid to Nick Read
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .

Long overdue

Dear John O'Sullivan, Thank you for your patience whilst we have been handling your information request. Please find this response attached. With...
Annual Report and Accounts
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Dear Tim McCormack, Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Data Protection and Information...
Bonus Payment Scandal
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Please provide me with the following information: a) the date of the remuneration committee meeting that approved the STIP bonus payments for the yea...
Bonus Payment Scandal - Metrics 22/23
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for your patience. Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. With kind rega...
Annual ARA 22/23 (Part 1)
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .


Could you please provide an explanation to the apparent discrepancy in your recently published ARA 22/23 From the ARA 21/22 page 137 Total People Cos...
Annual ARA 22/23 -Follow Up
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .


Many thanks to Mr Norman for providing me with the information I requested in my FOI 'Annual ARA 22/23 (Part 1) Mr Norman stated that the reason for...
Publication of Annual Report 2021/2022
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .


Dear Tim McCormack, Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Data Protection and Information...
ATM Thefts by Engineer
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .

Information not held

On the 31st July an internal memo from POL indicated that an ATM Engineer had been caught stealing from ATMs - presumably POL's On the 7th August, a...
Bonus Payments 22/23
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Please tell me the date that bonus payments were made to Nick Read for the financial year 22/23. You previously informed me that bonus payments for 21...
ATM Thefts in 2013
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Thank you for your reply to my previous FOI request on this matter. Seems to me our Wincor Millionaire was quite a prolific thief if it required a sp...
Credit Agency Report
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .


Dear Tim McCormack, Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. We apologise for the delay in responding....
ATM Thefts by Engineer
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .


In reply to my Freedom of Information Request – FOI2023/00450 you stated that the Police investigated the thefts by the Wincor Engineer but did not pro...
Post Office Remuneration in Scotland
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .


You previously supplied me with this information in 2014. Could you please provide me with the latest set of figures for the following questions: a...
Bonus Payments 2021/2022
Response by Post Office Limited to Guy on .


Dear Guy Forkes, Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. With kind regards, Data Protection and Infor...
Remittance Error in Horizon 2019
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .

Information not held

In June 2019 an error in your systems was 'discovered' by your executive team that resulted in remittances not being scanned in properly to some branch...
NBIT - your new computer system
Follow up sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .

Information not held

Dear information.rights, That's another month gone by during which time POL has been readvertising developer positions for NBIT. Perhaps the person...
Further to my FOI request DBT ref: FOI2023/06543 in which you state: "With reference to Annex A, in 2022, Post Office’s Remuneration Committee recomm...
White Space Branch Openings
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .


Dear Post Office Limited Could you please provide me with the number of white space Branch Openings by year for the last 5 years. Yours faithfully,...
The Burton Report
Internal review request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .


Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of Post Office Limited's ha...
Source of Funding
Request sent to Post Office Limited by Tim McCormack on .


As previously answered by yourselves you indicated that a payment of some £52.25m was paid to Freeths from your Barclays Account on the 12th December 2...