Post-Brexit infrastructure

The request was refused by Department for Exiting the European Union.

Calvin Karpenko

Dear Department for Exiting the European Union,

Given that the UK is set to leave the European Union on 29 March 2019, please provide the analysis that the Government has carried out on the impact that this will have on the M20 and in particular Operation Stack.

Please also provide the analysis of any infrastructure that is planned to be built, and the current (at time of reading) state of plans to improve the infrastructure to deal with the increased checks that will be required, including proposed project completion dates.

Yours faithfully,

Calvin Karpenko

DEXEU Freedom of Information Team Mailbox, Department for Exiting the European Union

Dear Calvin Karpenko,

Thank you for your FOI request, reference DEX001227. We will now respond
in line with the Freedom of Information Act.

Kind regards,


Freedom of Information Team

9 Downing Street | London | SW1A 2AG
E: [2][DEEU request email]  

You can follow DExEU on Twitter: @DExEUgov

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DEXEU Freedom of Information Team Mailbox, Department for Exiting the European Union

1 Attachment

Dear Calvin Karpenko,
Thank you for your FOI request, reference DEX001227. Please find our
attached response.
Kind regards, 

Freedom of Information Team

9 Downing Street | London | SW1A 2AG
E: [2][DEEU request email]  

You can follow DExEU on Twitter: @DExEUgov

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Calvin Karpenko

Dear Department for Exiting the European Union,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department for Exiting the European Union's handling of my FOI request 'Post-Brexit infrastructure'.

1. The Department has not actually answered the request.
- The links provided are useful but not one of them provides any analysis of the impact that Brexit will have on the M20 or Operation Stack. I note that there is a listening exercise that has been put into place but there is no analysis work provided whatsoever. Surely some analysis has been carried out on the effects that Brexit will have on Operation Stack and the M20. Some explanation as to why it would be grossly disproportionate to publish this analysis would be appreciated as I can't see any reason why this would be the case.

2. Being labeled as a 'vexatious request'.
I strongly refute the allegation that this request is vexatious. It is broad in scale as I would expect most of the points I mentioned to be covered in any analysis carried out by the Department. Given that the Operation Stack comes into effect following any sort of disruption, the imposition of stricter border controls (and especially in the event of 'No Deal') would lead to a huge amount of disruption in terms of food and energy supplies. It is of great public importance that this analysis is released so that the public can be aware of what could happen.
I don't particularly think the request is gross disproportionate. In the event that the Department still deems it to be grossly disproportionate, the Department has failed in its legal duty under Section 16 of the FOIA to provide advice and assistance so that my request can be carried out.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Calvin Karpenko

Calvin Karpenko

Dear DEXEU Freedom of Information Team Mailbox,

Ref: DEX001227

It has been 21 days and I have received no acknowledgement that my internal review request is being conducted, nor any response whatsoever in relation to my Freedom of Information request. I have not received any request to extend the timeframe.

Please kindly update me with the status of the internal review that I have requested. If I receive no response by Monday 23rd July 2018 I will have no choice but to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Calvin Karpenko

DEXEU Freedom of Information Team Mailbox, Department for Exiting the European Union

Dear Calvin Karpenko, 
Thank you for your email and we sincerely apologise for the delayed
update. We are still processing your Internal Review request and will
respond as soon as possible. 
Kind regards, 

Freedom of Information Team

9 Downing Street | London | SW1A 2AG
E: [2][DEEU request email]  

You can follow DExEU on Twitter: @DExEUgov

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DEXEU Freedom of Information Team Mailbox, Department for Exiting the European Union

1 Attachment

Dear Calvin Karpenko,
Thank you for your Internal Review request, reference DEX001227, we
apologise for the delay in processing this review. Please find our
attached response.
Kind regards, 

Freedom of Information Team

9 Downing Street | London | SW1A 2AG
E: [2][DEEU request email]  

You can follow DExEU on Twitter: @DExEUgov

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