Requests similar to 'Possible cluster munition contamination in the Falkland Islands'

Our Reference:CPSC/700/7/3 Mr Richard Moyes By Email Date: 16 March 2010 Dear Mr Moyes, FOI REQUEST 18-02-2010-125314-002 MOYES Tha...
49 EOD Sqn Det of the Royal Engineers / Port Stanley
Response by British Army to Mariano Sciaroni on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Sciaroni,   Please see the attached documents in reference to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards,   Workfo...
FOI2022/13812   Attachments 2 of 3   Kind regards,   JFD Secretariat   United Kingdom Glossary of Joint and Multinational Terms and Defi...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Ministry of Defence to Brian Farnet on .

Partially successful

Attachment to response. Case_Number,Subject,Date_Received,Status,Media_Date_Sent 04-01-2005-083224-001,,01/01/2005 00:00,Quick Response - Closed,31/0...
FOIA Records Since 2010
Response by Royal Air Force to Eli Hayes on .


Dear Mr Hayes,   Please see attached response to your request for information.   I apologise for the delay in responding   Regards   In...
FOIA Records Since 2010
Response by Royal Navy to Eli Hayes on .


Dear Mr Hayes,   Please see attached response to your request for information.   I apologise for the delay in responding   Regards   In...
FOIA Records Since 2010
Response by British Army to Eli Hayes on .


Dear Mr Hayes,   Please see attached response to your request for information.   I apologise for the delay in responding   Regards   In...
List of FOI Requests
Response by Ministry of Defence to Kacey Montagu on .


Dear Ms Montagu,   Apologies for the delay in providing you with a response to your Freedom of Information request.   Please find attached our...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr Farnet, Please see the attached reply to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act Regards Brian...
JSP 398: dated list of editions and copy of extant edition
Response by Ministry of Defence to Ceri Gibbons on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Gibbons,   Please find attached a further response to your request for internal review.   Yours sincerely,   MOD Information Right...
EIR at former Nats site Hurn
Response by Education Funding Agency to Andrew Jolley on .


Dear Mr Jolley, Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 19 March 2015. You requested the following information: All known e...
Please find our response attached. Andy Manders HQ Land Forces Secretariat +--------------------------------------------------------------------...
Dear Mr Dawson, Request for Information DESB Annual Reports 2005-2009 The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the Cop...
Dear Simon Ramacci,   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST - REF NO - FOIK1580   I refer to your request for information recei...
UXO incidents
Response by Health and Safety Executive to Harry Smith on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Smith,   Further to your recent enquiry for information requesting Details held on the EIDAS database of incidents relating to unexploded...
Classification of Textron Sensor Fuzed Weapons
Follow up sent to Foreign and Commonwealth Office by Richard Moyes on .

Partially successful

Thanks for the request for clarification. What I am seeking to determine is whether the UK Govt considers the Textron Sensor Fuzed Weapon (CBU-97) to...
UXO explosion incidents
Response by Health and Safety Executive to Tim Walters on .

Awaiting classification

Mr Walters,   Please find attached HSE’s response to your EIR Request Ref 202009202. My apology for the time it has taken to respond to you.  ...
Dear Ceri Gibbons   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Defence. Yours sincerely The Ministry...
List of all FCO FOIs Jul 2010-May 2012
Response by Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Ric Lander on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Lander   Here is the reply to your FOI request 0596-12.    Best wishes   Information Rights Team Foreign and Commonwealth Office...
Dear Mr Moyes,   Please find attached a letter responding to your various questions submitted last year to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office....
List of FOI Requests
Response by Defence Infrastructure Organisation to Joe on .


Good Morning Mr Smith,   With apologies for the delay, please find attached the response to your recent request.   Kind regards,   DIO Sec...
Fossil fuel investments / divestment at Leeds
Response by University of Leeds to People & Planet on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Laura Freedom of Information Response (Our Ref: L/23/189) Thank you for your Freedom of Information ('FOI') request, reference L/23/189. Your r...
Mr O'Brien Please see attached response document with publications. Thanks Amanda DJEP-CLCP-Claims team MINISTRY OF DEFENCE DC&L(F&S)CLAIMS ANNUAL...
Dear Mrs Meadows, Please find the attached to this email: • HG-014-08167 The Hold - 9 Architectural Design Report_Redacted Kind regards, Oliver FOI...
Cardiff DPRTE
Response by Defence Infrastructure Organisation to Jonathan Mantle on .


Dear Mr Mantle,   Please see attached response to your Freedom of Information request of 21 April 2016 relating to information given to attendees...