position concerning veterans exposed to multiple vaccines during Gulf War
Dear Ministry of Defence,
Q1 - Please inform me of the MOD's up to date POSITION in regards to soldiers/sailors/airmen and women/ civil servants and civilian
( employed/contracted by MOD) who were exposed to the exposure of multiple vaccinations (which is 1 of the MOD accepted exposures) prior/or during the Gulf War 1990/91, however did NOT enter Saudi/Iraq/Kuwait BUT are also suffering autoimmune conditions just the same as service personnel that entered into SaudiArabia/Iraq/Kuwait?
Q2 - Has the recent extensive Italian Study where they have concluded multiple vaccinations cause autoimmune conditions been accounted for in the current MOD position?
Thankyou in advance for an open and honest/transparent answer of which values MOD are claiming to be working parallel with in recent years!
gavin roberts
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your email of 19 July 2018 requesting information under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The MOD response is attached.
MOD People Secretariat FOI
Dear People-Sec-FOI Mailbox (MULTIUSER),
Thankyou for your reply,
I note that MOD States "it does not hold information in scope of request". I may be able to help MOD here, since i put the question up on Social Media in Veterans Groups. In just a few days 2 ex service people came forward, 1 currently based in Wales and 1 currently based in Germany. Whom both received the multiple vaccination exposures and became ill, but did not enter the Gulf region. They both receive War pensions as compensation. Due to Data Protection I do not wish to publish their names on here, but may be able to forward on their service numbers to enable MOD to put its own records up to date that is if MOD wishes to do so?. Please just request, I would be happy to help
Please find the link to the Italian study, where you can find the documents
It is Very concerning, that MOD/government claim not to know anything about such research? MOD stated they have a system in place where independant scientists are monitoring researches around the globe in reference to Gulf Veterans? With multiple vaccinations being 1 of the accepted exposures. Then surely this research could not go under the radar?
At best, Is this system flawed? At worst has it been ignored?
Now we have made the MOD aware of such information and with the majority of Gulf troops receiving 5 or more vaccines whether deployed or not. What Does the MOD intend to do with the conclusions of this study?
Will there be Swift and Transparent Action Now?
because this is affecting veterans lives. MOD now has the opportunity to be right by their veterans!
What does MOD choose to do?
Please there is no requirement for MOD to copy and paste information surrounding how many went to the Gulf and why we went etc etc. We find this an insult to our intelligence and irrelevant to the questions we ask. Also we know where and how to beg/claim help.
There is no distinct diseae. We are not claiming that. We are saying the vaccine regime compromised our immune systems and caused our autoimmune conditions. The Italian Study agrees with this, it also explains why non deployed troops suffering to and why the French and Arab countries did not suffer as they were not exposed to multiple vaccinations.
It is not rocket science! We are not 20 years old any more, we are educated.
Is the MOD going to be open and transparent as it claims performs surrounding this subject and work with veterans?
Or does the MOD choose to deny the negligence to its veterans and face us in the Court Arena?
Yours sincerely,
gavin roberts
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your emails to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) of 17 and 20
August 2018 in response to the letter referenced
DBS/SEC/FOI/2018/09726/ROBERTS which Defence Business Services sent to you
on 16 August 2018 and the Defence People Secretariat letter referenced
FOI2018/09729 dated 17 August 2018.
The MOD response to both emails is attached.
MOD People Secretariat FOI
Dear People-Sec-FOI Mailbox (MULTIUSER),
Thankyou for your reply,
It is not just myself that is disappointed with your reply, the thousands of suffering veterans with either poor support or no support will be extremely disappointed with MOD actions (In this case lack of action)
Firstly can i point out , that you state 'SOME' Veterans. The figure of suffering/suffered (deceased) is in the region of 30% - 60% (from different Organisations incl MOD) of servicemen and women suffering through the MOD's negligent multiple vaccine regime. Thousands upon on Thousands (not including the suffering children.
Also you state that the Italian study is not SPECIFIC to the Gulf 90/91, that is a very poor comment. The study confirms the only theory that explains why it did not matter whether troops deployed or not or where in the world you may be, if you are subjected to multiple vaccines it is very likely you will suffer autoimmune conditions.
It should not take veteran/s to chase around playing cat and mouse with the MOD, Veterans deserve MORE than that . There is only 1 common denominator with suffering deployed and non deployed veterans. The Nations that administered multiple vaccines to its troops (whether in theatre or not) had their immune systems compromised. The new and detailed Italian Study confirms this. 39 nations in the Gulf, the 5 Nations with multiple vaccination programs. it also explains why troops (again whether deployed or not) in the following years Iraq, Afghanistan etc the problem continued at the same rate until MOD started to reduce the amounts administered and increase the time in between vaccines. This is quite clear. Crystal Clear.
These were acts of negligence . It was clear to us young (even though unqualified in medical practise) men and women to us at the time too. That this could not be good for our bodies. As it would be today if anyone visited their GP and he would attempt to administer with 5 or more vaccinations in a couple of weeks never mind in the same day! We questioned it at the time, we were ordered to take them. Unfortunately we good soldiers/sailors and airmen and the vast majority did not disobey those orders from our superiors and we suffered the consequences and so do our children since , with a good chance their children too.
The MOD caused the AUTOIMMUNE CONDITIONS in us and our children. Take the multiple vaccinations out of the equation we would not be suffering, in line with the 34 nations that were exposed to all other exposures. The Saudis and The french were right by our sides . No multiple vaccines = No Problem .
It does not get any clearer than this. It did not even require the New Italian study to confirm it either. If MOD denies a 'Cover Up' then at best it has been negligent on top of incompetence on top of further negligence.
The current MOD should go public and apologise to Veterans for past MOD's administrations negligence . Us Veterans do not require any more smoke blowing up us. We are educated and intelligent . Anything less than a public apology and start from a clean slate would be an insult to us!
Question 1
Having taken time to digest the above facts! Does the MOD NOW intend to publicly apologise to its suffering Veterans for the Cover up?
Question 2
Having taken time to digest the above facts! Does the MOD NOW intend to publicly apologise to its suffering Veterans if NOT for a Cover up for it's past Negligence?
Question 3
Having taken time to digest the above facts! Does the MOD NOW intend to publicly apologise to its suffering Veterans for past it's incompetence?
Question 4
Having taken time to digest the above facts! Does the MOD NOW intend to publicly apologise to its suffering Veterans for any of the any/all of the above ?
Question 5
Does MOD choose to join past administrations in insulting it's suffering veterans by choosing NOT to publicly apologise for the embarrassing and appalling denial of the truth!
I/We look forward to a long awaited (nearly 30 years), honourable, transparent and crystal clear answer to the above 5 questions!
Yours Sincerely
Gavin Roberts
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