Policy towards housing applicants with criminal convictions
Dear Shropshire Council,
I would like to obtain latest copies of any policies and procedures you have in place, particularly through Shropshire Housing / Shropshire Homepoint, that cover how to deal with applicants for housing who have criminal convictions.
Yours faithfully,
Christopher Stacey LL.B, LL.M
Dear Mr Stacey
Thank you for your email.
We are responding as a routine enquiry because this information is readily available.
Please find attached information about the single referral scheme 'RESIT' (Re-settlement of ExOffenders in Shropshire Implementation Team) that explore accommodation options for (ex)offenders whose offending history acts as a barrier to accessing accommodation, within Shropshire (subject to other eligibility as per the protocol). All relevant material is contained within the protocol itself and/or attached as appendices to the protocol.
Please note: The red writing in the attached document is to demonstrate what is different on the Shropshire version of the West Midlands protocol.
Yours sincerely
Heather Jones
Assistant Information Governance Officer
Information Governance Team
Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate
Telephone: 01743 252179
Email: [Shropshire Council request email]
Dear Information.Request,
Thank you for this. However, this doesn't deal more generally with how you deal with people who have criminal convictions but are not subject to Probation, nor subject to the other provisions you've set out in those policies.
Could you please provide me with any information you have which explains if, how and when you ask applicants for housing about their criminal convictions, and if, how and when you might seek to confirm any details disclosed by carrying out background checks, and what these checks might involve.
Yours sincerely,
Christopher Stacey LL.B, LL.M
Dear Mr Stacey
Further to your email below, please refer to the documents attached.
I hope this information helps you with your queries.
Your sincerely,
Nathan Willis
Information Governance Admin
Information Governance Team
Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate
Tel: 01743 252747
Email: [Shropshire Council request email]
Web: www.shropshire.gov.uk/foi.nsf
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