Policy papers for legacy prosecutions in Northern Ireland

Ministry of Defence did not have the information requested.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

On the 21 April, the former Minister for Veteran Affairs, Johnny Mercer MP, told BBC Newsnight that 'not a single word' had been committed to paper in relation to a policy paper addressing legacy prosecutions in Northern Ireland.

Whilst previous FOIs have taught me that, often, the government will not release draft policy papers, can I ask the MoD to confirm or deny if there is a draft policy paper on legacy prosecutions in Northern Ireland in existence (i.e. if a word has been committed to paper).

If I am able to see this draft policy paper, if it exists, please can you share with me.

If such a paper exists, can I ask if such a paper was ever shared with the Office for Veteran Affairs in draft form or not.

Yours faithfully,

Iain Overton

SPO DJEP-NI Inquests-0Gp (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Overton,


I am writing in response to your email of the 22 April which requested
information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please find the
Department’s response attached.


Kind regards

Directorate of Judicial Engagement Policy

Ministry of Defence Main Building | Whitehall | London | SW1A 2HB