Mr McKee,
Please find attached acknowledgement of your FOI request.
Martin Ireland | Charities Team | Voluntary...
Mr Brown
Please find attached acknowledgement of your recent FOI request.
Neil Hobson
Operational Divisions Support
Margaret Wainwright
Data Protection
PIP Centre
Castle Court
3646170 -488950 Request-440606-ca69b599@whatdo they Personal Ind...
Good afternoon
Please find attached acknowledgement in respect of your FOI request.
UC HR Strand
Universal Credit Human Res...
FAO – Jakki Hanlon
Please see attached.
Frank Browne| Customer Response Team| Disability & Carers Service |
Department f...
Dear Ms Cross
Please see attached acknowledgement.
Barbara Brady| Personal Independence Payment | Department for Communitie...
Mr Thomas,
Please see attached acknowledgement letter in relation to your Freedom of
Information request – reference DFC2018-0293.
Thank y...
Please find attached the acknowledgement in response to your FOI requests.
Many thanks
Department for Communities Discretionary Support Centre 20 C...
Dear Mr Stewart,
Please see the attached acknowledgement of your FOI request
Jim Stewart
By email [FOI #528266 email]
DfC Regional Au...
Dear Mr Lloyd,
Freedom of Information Act 2000- (Our Reference: FOI1256)
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 29 September...
Dear Mr Morton,
Please find attached acknowledgement of your Request for Information. It
is my intention to issue a response by 5 October 2017.
Dear Kelly,
Please find attached acknowledgement letter in relation to your Freedom of
Information request with regards to the SRC & Armagh, Ban...
Mr Campbell please see attached acknowledgement for your Freedom of
Information Request, if you have any queries please contact me.
Many Thanks...
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached an acknowledgment of your Freedom of Information
request – Universal Credit in Northern Ireland.
Dear Mr Duddy
Following on from your recent Freedom of Information request in relation
to Staff complements please see attached acknowledgement...
Awaiting classification
Dear Mr Duddy
Following on from your recent Freedom of Information request in relation
to Staff compliments please see attached acknowledgement...
Dear Mr Duddy
Following on from your recent Freedom of Information request in relation
to Staff bonuses please see attached acknowledgement let...
Please find attached, acknowledgement to your recent FOI request.
Best regards
Neil Hobson
Operations Divisional Supp...
Mr. Brown,
Please find attached acknowledgement letter in respect of your FOI request
regarding procurement.
A Public Information Leaflet on the F...
Dear E Farrell
Following on from your recent Freedom of Information request in relation
to Direct payment of Universal Credit housing costs ele...
Dear Jonathan
Please see attached in relation to your FOI request
Regards, Geoff
Geoff Doak
Standards Assurance Unit
43-45 Falls Road Belfas...
Thank you for your request for information which was received by the
Northern Ireland Policing Board on 01st March...
Good Morning
please find attached acknowledgement letter for your Freedom of
Information Request received in the Department for Social Development...
Ricci Coulter
NIPB Ref: FOI 57/2016
Please see the attached correspondence from the Northern Ireland Policing
Dear Mr McCloy
Please find attached the response to your FOI request received in the
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Division on 22nd November 201...