
The request was partially successful.

Dear London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (London Fire Brigade),

some services provide Members of the public with access to certain documents for example Shropshire fire and rescue provide brigade orders.
with this in mind would it be possible for you to provide me with a copy of your Brigade's Fire Investigation policy?
and if there is such a policy,
what is the Service policy on Ride alongs?

Yours faithfully,

T Howells

London Fire Brigade

2 Attachments

Dear Sir or Madam


Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOIA) for information in relation London Fire Brigade policies.


Your request was received on 09 January  2017 and will be processed in
accordance with FOIA.


Should you have any queries, please don’t  hesitate to contact me quoting
the reference number above on all correspondence.


Kind regards





Sherine Malko


Sherine Malko
Information Access Manager
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street, London SE1 0LL

T: 020 8555 1200 ext. 30384
E: [1][email address]


Why not visit our website at [4]www.london-fire.gov.uk

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London Fire Brigade

3 Attachments

Dear Sir or Madam


Thank you for your request of 09 January 2017 under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (FOIA) for information in relation London Fire
Brigade (LFB)policies.


We have now processed your request and I can confirm that we hold some of
the information you have requested and this is attached above.


Please find attached above policy number 0399 (Fire Investigation
policy).  The LFB does not have a ‘ride along’ policy.


I hope you find the information provided useful. If you have any further
questions please let me know, ensuring you quote the reference number
above on all correspondence.


Your request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act
2000. If you are dissatisfied by this response you can request an internal
review by writing to the Head of Information Management and Performance at
the address below (or email [1][email address]).

Further information about your information rights (including how to raise
a concern or make a complaint) is available from the Information
Commissioner’s Office on their website at [2]www.ico.org.uk or by writing
to them at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.


Kind regards




Sherine Malko



Sherine Malko
Information Access Manager
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street, London SE1 0LL

T: 020 8555 1200 ext. 30384
E: [3][email address]


Why not visit our website at [6]www.london-fire.gov.uk

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