Policies and Procedures around children not educated within a school setting.
Dear Shropshire Council,
Please can you provide your current policies and procedures as of November 22 about the following:
Your current policy on children that are electively home educated, and your current procedures including any template letters used in relation to how you make initial contact with a new home education family, and how you make the decision in relation to if a child's home education received is suitable or not.
Your current policy on EOTAS and current procedure for families to access EOTAS were appropriate for their child.
Your current policy and procedure on personal budgets concerning education provision detailed in EHCPs.
Your current policy and procedures in relation to children missing education.
Yours faithfully,
Michelle Louise Zaher
Dear Michelle Louise Zaher,
Your request for information regarding the following has been
received: Policies and Procedures around children not educated within a
school setting..
Many Thanks,
Information Governance Team
Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate
Tel: 01743 252179 or 252774
Email: [Shropshire Council request email]
If this is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act,
or similar legislation, please submit your request using our online form,
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5. https://www.shropshire.gov.uk/
Dear Shropshire Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Shropshire Council's handling of my FOI request 'Policies and Procedures around children not educated within a school setting.'.
A response for FOI should have been received by 20th December 22. Please can the information be supplied and an explanation for the delay provided.
Yours faithfully,
Michelle Louise Zaher
Good afternoon
The following link provides the relevant information on Personal Budgets
on the local offer.
[1]Personal budgets | Shropshire Council
We are in the process of drawing up an EOTAS Policy however in the
meantime, all requests for EOTAS are considered on an individual basis,
taking account all of the relevant legislation, guidance, case law and the
individual needs of the CYP, in conjunction with parents/carers and all
involved professionals.
Tanya Miles
Executive Director of People
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