Dear University of Sussex,
1) please can you send me a copy of the current subject access request acknowledgment AND response letter that you use
2) a copy of the last 5 dpias completed
3) a copy of any internal mandatory information governance training that you give to staff which was written in the last 2 years including presentation slides and videos and any other media
4) a copy of any instructions given to staff members to reduce data security breaches, for example double checking work which was written in the last 5 years
5) a copy of any policies implemented in the last 2 years within the organisation to help reduce the environmental impact that the organisation has?
Yours faithfully,
Paul knight
**Please note that the University is closed for the holiday break from 21
December to 1 January inclusive, and that emails will not be picked up
during this period. We look forward to being in touch upon our return to
the office in January.**
Dear Mr Knight,
Thank you for your correspondence received on 20 December 2019.
Your request will be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and will be answered as soon as possible and within twenty working days
following the date of receipt, i.e. by 22 January 2020.
If you need to contact us about your request please quote your reference
number FOI-19-0315.
Kind regards,
Information Management Team
Division of the General Counsel, Governance and Compliance
University of Sussex, Sussex House, Brighton BN1 9RH
Visible links
Dear Mr Knight,
Please find attached the University’s formal response to your recent
Freedom of Information request.
Yours sincerely,
Information Management Team
Division of the General Counsel, Governance and Compliance
University of Sussex, Sussex House, Brighton BN1 9RH
Visible links
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