
The request was partially successful.

Dear University of Aberdeen,
1) please can you send me a copy of the current subject access request acknowledgment AND response letter that you use
2) a copy of the last 5 dpias completed
3) a copy of any internal mandatory information governance training that you give to staff which was written in the last 2 years including presentation slides and videos and any other media
4) a copy of any instructions given to staff members to reduce data security breaches, for example double checking work which was written in the last 5 years
5) a list of any policies implemented in the last 2 years within the organisation to help reduce the environmental impact that the organisation has?

Yours faithfully,

Paul knight

Foi, University of Aberdeen

Dear Paul Knight,

I refer to your email of 17 December and, on behalf of the University, I acknowledge receipt and confirm that your request is being dealt with in terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. In terms of the Act, a reply will be sent to you within 20 working days.

Yours sincerely,
Mary Sabiston
Information Compliance Officer
University of Aberdeen

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Foi, University of Aberdeen

5 Attachments

Dear Paul Knight,


I refer to your email of 17 December 2019 requesting information relating to information governance and environmental impact.

Your request has now been considered under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, ‘the Act’.
1) please can you send me a copy of the current subject access request acknowledgment AND response letter that you use
2) a copy of the last 5 dpias completed
3) a copy of any internal mandatory information governance training that you give to staff which was written in the last 2 years including presentation slides and videos and any other media
4) a copy of any instructions given to staff members to reduce data security breaches, for example double checking work which was written in the last 5 years
5) a list of any policies implemented in the last 2 years within the organisation to help reduce the environmental impact that the organisation has?

We do not have a standard request acknowledgement or response letter sent out in response to all Subject Access Requests. Each request is unique and as such any response is also tailored to the individual request. Please accept this message as notice under section 17(1)(b) of the Act that the information you have requested is not held by the University of Aberdeen.
Please find attached the last five DPIAs completed.
Our Information Governance Training is incorporated into our mandatory Information Security training, which was written over 2 years ago. Please accept this message as notice under section 17(1)(b) of the Act that the information you have requested is not held by the University of Aberdeen.
Each data breach will require tailored advice, and to retrieve the advice in each case for the last five years will require a manual search and retrieval from each individual data breach recorded. It is estimated that the time it will take to carry out this action will exceed the cost time as set out in the Freedom of Information (Fees for Required Disclosure)(Scotland) Regulations 2004. As such please accept this message as notice under section 12(1) of the Act that the University is not obliged to compile the information you have requested.
The University of Aberdeen’s environmental sustainability policy is available from the following link:
Or available through our website on our Policy Zone.

Should you be dissatisfied with this response, you have the right to request a review. A request for review must be made within 40 working days of the receipt of this reply. It must include your name and address for correspondence and specify the request for information and the grounds for dissatisfaction with the decision. Please send your request for review to [University of Aberdeen request email].

If you are unhappy with the outcome of the University’s internal review, you have the right to appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner within six months of the receipt of the University’s review response. Details on how to make an appeal to the Commissioner are available at www.itspublicknowledge.info/Appeal. Should you be dissatisfied with the Commissioner’s decision, you have a right of appeal to the Court of Session on a point of law.

Yours sincerely,
Mary Sabiston
Information Compliance Officer
University of Aberdeen

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