Police Sation Closures

The request was successful.

Dear Avon and Somerset Constabulary,

As a result of the sale of police stations where can a citizen find a police officer, in any given geographical locality ie where do officers operate from?

How the removal of police stations has effected finding a place of safety for citizens vulnerable to crime.

The total number of PCSO's in your establishment

Yours faithfully,

A C Grabham

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

1 Attachment

Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667

Email foirequests@avonandsomerset.police.uk    





Private Our Reference 1319/14

A C Grabham Your reference  

[FOI #239623 email] Date 28 November 2014




Dear Mr Grabham


I write in connection with your request for information dated 17^th
November concerning the below questions.


Specifically you asked: “As a result of the sale of police stations where
can a citizen find a police officer, in any given geographical locality ie
where do officers operate from?


How the removal of police stations has effected finding a place of safety
for citizens vulnerable to crime.


The total number of PCSO's in your establishment”


An individual can contact us via a number of different ways, details of
which are available on our website. I include a link for ease of
reference: [1]www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/contact-us/.   We do not hold
any information specific to your second question. 


As of the 30^th September the headcount of PCSO’s was 506, (Full time
equivalent is 335.68).


Yours sincerely


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department



Please note:

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website, some of which may contain a link to additional
information, which may provide you with further clarification.

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure (copy



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Dear #Freedom of Information Requests,
Thank you for your partial answer to my request, I point out that the information you have provided is inaccurate.
In answer to my question "As a result of the sale of police stations where can a citizen find a police officer, in any given geographical locality ie where do officers operate from?"
Your answer "An individual can contact us via a number of different ways, details of which are available on our website. I include a link for ease of reference: [1]www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/contact-us/."

Have you looked at your website?
It has not been updated to account for current events for example it shows Bath Police Station as open, and others that I and you know to be closed. Therefore please answer this question a website is of little use to a citizen needing protection promptly.

Yours sincerely,

A C Grabham

Tom Hodder left an annotation ()

Bath Police Station will still be open and operating a front desk for the public to visit for the next 15months.

A C Grabham left an annotation ()

Avon and Somerset are closing and selling 27 Police Stations in total this question is to find out where Police Officers will be geographically based. You cannot protect a community if you are 70 miles or more away from the scene of an incident.

Tom Hodder left an annotation ()

I don't disagree, just pointing out you picked a bad example...

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

Mr Grabham
I have made enquiries this morning concerning the accuracy of the information on our website. I have been informed that Bath police station is still operating as a police station at this time, therefore the information is correct.

Please let me know of any other details you believe are accurate and I will of course check these details also.

Many thanks

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