Police Protecting Children
Dear Humberside Police Authority,
In relation to the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 please could you provide the following information in relation to incidents concerning protection of children:
1. how many reported incidents were graded as requiring:
a. A routine response?
b. A prompt response?
c. An urgent response?
2. In relation to question 1. How many of the incidences were reported by:
a. School
b. Public
c. Victim
d. Social Services
e. Hospital
f. Other (please state)
3. In relation to 2C. How many of the victims were 'child of the offender'
4. In relation to 2d. How many were recorded as 'Welfare check'
5. In relation to the person investigated, how many were a 'known offender'.
6. In relation to Police Protection Orders was the reporter of the original incident
a. School
b. Public
c. Victim
d. Social Services
e. Hospital
f. Other (please state)
7. In relation to Police Protection Orders was the incident recorded as:
a. A crime against a child
b. Mental Health Concerns
c. Domestic Violence
d. A crime against other
e. Other (please state)
8. How many Police Protection Orders were made in each year?
If you would like me to reword my question so that it fits how you store your data, making it easier to comply within the 18 hours, please ask me to clarify.
Yours faithfully,
Sophie Rises
Dear Ms Rises,
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act received on 27 January 2011.
I am afraid that we do not hold the information that you are requesting.
This information might be held by Humberside Police and so I have
transferred your request to them today. The Section dealing with your
request is the Information Compliance Unit and they are based at Police
Headquarters, Priory Road Police Station, Priory Road, Hull, HU5 5SF
(e-mail address [1][email address])
Yours sincerely
Louise Johnson
Louise Johnson
Member Support Manager
Telephone: 01482 334819 (internal 2319)
E-mail: [2][email address]
Fax: 01482 334822 (internal 2322)
Humberside Police Authority
Pacific Exchange
40 High Street
Hull HU1 1PS
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