Police households exempt from legislation
Dear Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner,
Can you explain how a serving police officer and their household are exempt from
1) Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 running roadside motor trade repairs
2) walking past and owning obviously illegal cars with limo tint and illegally spaced number plates owned by them and their household.
3) How they are exempt and their household are exempt from harassment and anti social behaviour repercussions.
4) Why Bridgwater police station is like the wild west for breaches of protocols and illegal behaviour - what accountability will there be to avoid next police scandal
How when the Met police were found to be massively corrupt and criminals such as Wayne Cousins acted with impunity- when Avon and Somerset police are going to be less criminal and more accountable.
Yours faithfully,
This mailbox is not monitored 24/7 and if your email relates to an
operational policing matter requiring urgent police attention or
assistance, such as a report of crime or a safety concern then please
contact Avon and Somerset Constabulary by dialling 101 or via their
website at this[1] link.
If it is an emergency please dial 999 and ask the operator for the
Thank you for contacting the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). This is
to acknowledge receipt of your message.
The PCC values your feedback and only by listening to your views can he
truly ensure that the voice of the public is heard in policing. Emails are
one of the best ways to communicate with the PCC, however you will
appreciate that the PCC receives a considerable number of letters, emails
and telephone calls every day.
Please note that the most up to date information on the government
restrictions and guidance is available [2]here. Regretfully we cannot
manage or respond to reports of COVID-19 related restriction breaches. If
you are wanting to report a breach of the COVID-19 government restrictions
then please do so via the Avon and Somerset Police website:
Please kindly accept that correspondence will need to be prioritised and
if a response is required, the PCC will aim to reply within 30 working
Information about how we use your personal data can be found in the PCC’s
Privacy Information and Privacy
Notice [4]https://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/h....
You can stay up-to-date with the work of your Police and Crime
Commissioner by signing up online to receive regular newsletters
at [5]www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk. You can also follow him on Twitter
@ShelfordMark and @AandSPCC, or by liking us on Facebook.
Yours faithfully
Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
Avon & Somerset Police & Crime Commissioner, Valley Road, Portishead,
Bristol BS20 8JJ
Tel: 01278 646188
Dear Mr Young,
Thank you for your email request sent on the 14th April, please note that
the Freedom of Information Act allows a right of access to recorded
information. For the purpose of the Act, information that is already
recorded or documented at the time of the request can be disclosed
(subject to any relevant exemptions). Information will not be held for the
purposes of the Act where it relates to, for example, understanding,
knowledge and opinion and is not recorded.
In this instance we would need to create an answer or confirmation to your
questions. As such the answer is not recorded.
As Police and Crime Commissioner I have no statutory power to investigate
allegations of inappropriate conduct by Police Officers below the rank of
Chief Constable or against the quality of policing service. The
Professional Standards Department (PSD) of Avon and Somerset Constabulary
manage complaints against the Police, handled either centrally or locally
and under the direction and control of the Chief Constable, unless it is
most serious and then it is investigated by the Independent Office of
Police Conduct (IOPC).
Should you wish to make a complaint against a specific Police you can do
so online on the Avon and Somerset Police website at:
Avon and Somerset aspire to provide outstanding policing for all. I am
assured by not only the Chief Constable’s actions in response to the Casey
Review but her actions since her appointment to root out misogyny, racism
and other poor behaviours that only seek to undermine the incredible work
that the police do every day. I try to ensure that the majority of my work
to hold Avon and Somerset Police to account and monitor performance is in
the public domain to ensure transparency and in turn, enable the
communities I serve as PCC to hold me to account. Firstly, you may wish to
read the statement I issued on the 23^rd March in response to the review
which is available here:
[2]PCC statement on Casey review | OPCC for Avon and Somerset
It is clear to me that Chief Constable Crew is taking this report very
seriously and we both agree that there is no place in Avon and Somerset
Police for the negative cultures, behaviours or attitudes depicted within
the report. I will be monitoring the local response to the Casey Report
closely but also, the recent HMICFRS PEEL Inspection for Avon and Somerset
Police which you may be interested to read and is available here:
[3]Avon and Somerset - His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire
& Rescue Services (HMICFRS) – Home (justiceinspectorates.gov.uk)
Whilst there are many areas of work that require improvement, Avon and
Somerset Police were graded as outstanding in engaging with and treating
the public with fairness and respect. I discussed this report with the
Chief Constable live on the 12^th April 2023 during our publicly broadcast
Performance and Accountability Board which is available here and I would
encourage you to watch:
[4]Oversight Boards | OPCC for Avon and Somerset
Other ways I hold the Chief Constable to account in Avon and Somerset are
available via the below links:
• Reporting against the national performance measures for policing
[5]Performance | OPCC for Avon and Somerset (avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk)
• The incredible work of my volunteer teams who independently review
police complaints, use of police powers such as taser and stop and
search and finally our Independent Custody Visitors who ensure the
rights and wellbeing of those detained in custody.
[6]Independent Scrutiny of Police Complaints Panel Reports | OPCC for Avon
and Somerset (avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk)
[7]Independent Scrutiny of Police Powers Panel Reports | OPCC for Avon and
Somerset (avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk)
[8]Independent Custody Visiting Scheme Annual Reports | OPCC for Avon and
Somerset (avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk)
Finally, if I may, I just wanted to offer some personal reassurance. The
overwhelming majority of Officers in the police are good, honest & decent
people. They live and work in the same communities and are passionate
about what they do. As Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and
Somerset please be assured that I want to ensure that the people who work
for the police uphold the values of the service, strive to do the right
thing in all situations and have the confidence of the public.
I hope the above information is helpful to you.
Yours sincerely
[9]MS sig
Mark Shelford
Avon & Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner
│ │Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner, │
│ │Valley Road, Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8JJ │
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│[10]avon-and-somerset-pcc-logo│[11]avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk │
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