Requests similar to 'Police force arrests'

Racially Aggravated Offences
Response by Norfolk Constabulary to Dan Perry on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Perry, Please see the attached PDF document in reply to your request for information. Yours sincerely, Richard Kindleysides Freedom of Infor...
Sex offenders statistics for Norfolk
Response by Norfolk Police Authority to Leila Fitt on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Fitt, Please accept the attached PDF document in response to your request for information. Although referenced in the response letter, I have...
Knife Crime
Response by Norfolk Police Authority to Lucy Smith on .


Dear Ms Smith Attached please find letter and enclosures in response to your request for information. Dawn Clarke Data Protection & Freedom of Inform...
Cost of Duties Management System
Response by Norfolk Constabulary to John Johnson on .


Dear Mr Johnson, Please see the attached PDF document in reply to your request for information. Please also accept our apologies for the delay...
Name of arresting officer
Response by Norfolk Constabulary to Debbee Norman on .


Dear Mr Norman, Please see the attached PDF document in reply to your request for information. Yours sincerely, Richard Kindleysides Freedom of In...
Prostitution related arrests in 2008
Response by Norfolk Constabulary to R Dewsbury on .


Dear Mr Dewsbury Freedom of Information Request Reference N^o: FOI 225/09 I write in connection with your request for information received by t...
Dear Mark Leech   Please see attached.   Yours sincerely     ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐...
Police force arrests
Request sent to Cambridgeshire Constabulary by Dan Perry on .


Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this...
Police force arrests
Request sent to Derbyshire Constabulary by Dan Perry on .


Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this...
Police force arrests
Request sent to Leicestershire Constabulary by Dan Perry on .


Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this...
Police force arrests
Request sent to Nottinghamshire Police by Dan Perry on .


Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this...
Police force arrests
Request sent to Lincolnshire Police by Dan Perry on .


Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this...
Police force arrests
Request sent to Northamptonshire Police by Dan Perry on .

Partially successful

Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this...
Police force arrests
Request sent to Humberside Police by Dan Perry on .

Long overdue

Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this...
Police force arrests
Request sent to South Yorkshire Police by Dan Perry on .


Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this...
Police force arrests
Request sent to Bedfordshire Police by Dan Perry on .


Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this...
Dear Mr Plough, Freedom of Information Request Reference N^o: FOI 374/09 I write in connection with your request for information received by th...
Dear Ms Norman, Please see the attached PDF documents in reply to your request for information Yours sincerely, Richard Kindleysides Freedom of I...
Dear 'Independent Police Support Group' Please see the attached PDF document in reply to your request for information Yours sincerely, Freedom of In...
Racially Aggravated Offences
Response by Humberside Police to Dan Perry on .

Partially successful

Your Ref: Our Ref:F-2009-03202 17 December, 2009 Dear Mr. Perry, Thank you for your request for information dated 23 November, 2009 concerning Membe...
Dear Mr Old Freedom of Information Request Reference N^o: FOI 082/09 I write in connection with your request for information received by the N...
8^th September 2023   Dear Dan Wilson Craw,               Our Ref: FOI 002788/23   Please find a PDF document attached in response to your...
Homophobic hate crimes reported to police
Response by Norfolk Constabulary to Nick Henderson on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Henderson, Please see the attached document, which contains the Norfolk Constabulary's response to your recent Freedom of Information requ...
BNP membership list.
Response by Norfolk Constabulary to Mark Walker on .


Dear Mr Walker, Please accept the attached PDF document as confirmation that your request for a review of our original decision has been received. Yo...
8^th September 2023 Dear Dan Wilson Craw,               Our Ref: FOI 002788/23 Please find a PDF document attached in response to your request...