Norfolk Constabulary
D. Perry
Freedom of Information Department
Jubilee House
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
Date: 5th
of February 2010
Tel: 01953 42 4487
Fax: 01953 42 4080
Non-Emergency Tel: 0845 456 4567
Dear Mr Perry
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: FOI 664/09
I write in connection with your request for information received by the Norfolk Constabulary on the
23rd of November 2009, in which you sought access to the following information:
1. How many members of your Police Force have been arrested in the last year? Preferably, I
would like the statistics of arrests made from October 2008 to October 2009. If this is not
possible, then I would like you to give me the latest statistics you can i.e. August 2008 to
August 2009.
2. What were the reasons for these arrests and how many members of your police force were
arrested for each offence?
3. How many of these arrests led to convictions in court?
Extent of Searches to Locate Information:
To locate the information relevant to your request, searches were conducted within the
Professional Standards Department of the Norfolk Constabulary.
This response will be published on the Norfolk Constabulary’s web-site.
Result of the Searches to Locate Information Relevant to your Request.
The following information has been provided by the Norfolk Constabulary’s Professional Standards
Department. All of the information relates to the period October 2008 to October 2009.
Information relevant to part 1 of your request 6
Information relevant to part 2 of your request
• 1 Officer – Assault
• 1 Officer – Harassment
• 1 Officer – Fraud
• 1 Officer – Theft
• 1 Officer – Misconduct in a Public Office
• 1 Officer – Road Traffic Offences
Information relevant to part 3 of your request 1
Should you have any further queries concerning this request, please contact me quoting the
reference number shown above.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Kindleysides
Freedom of Information Department
A full copy of the Freedom of Information Act (2000) can be viewed on the ‘Office of Public Sector
Information’ web-site;
The Norfolk Constabulary is not responsible for the content, or the reliability, of the website referenced. The
Constabulary cannot guarantee that this link will work all of the time, and we have no control over the
availability of the linked pages.
Your Right to Request a Review of Decisions Made Under the Terms of the
Freedom of Information Act (2000).
If you are unhappy with how your request has been handled, or if you think the decision is
incorrect, you have the right to ask the Norfolk Constabulary to review their decision.
Ask the Norfolk Constabulary to look at the decision again.
If you are dissatisfied with the decision made by the Norfolk Constabulary under the Freedom of
Information Act (2000), regarding access to information, you must notify the Norfolk Constabulary
that you are requesting a review within 2 months of the date of its response to your Freedom of
Information request
. Requests for a review should be made in writing and addressed to:
Freedom of Information Decision Maker
Professional Standards Department
Norfolk Constabulary
Operations and Communications Centre
Jubilee House
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
In all possible circumstances the Norfolk Constabulary will aim to respond to your request for us to
look at our decision again within 20 working days of receipt of your request for an internal review.
The Information Commissioner.
After lodging a request for a review with the Norfolk Constabulary, if you are still dissatisfied with
the decision, you can apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision on whether the request
for information has been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
For information on how to make application to the Information Commissioner please visit their
website at or contact them at the address shown below:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625 545 700