Please supply lists of persons holding the Chief Actuary role at general insurance companies regulated by you or the PRA during the years 2015 to 2021 inclusive
Dear Bank of England,
Please supply lists of persons holding the Chief Actuary role at general insurance companies (together with the name of the company they held the Chief Actuary role for) regulated in the UK by you or the PRA during the years 2015 to 2021 inclusive.
For example, during 2019, recipients of the following letter:
Yours faithfully,
Patrick Lee
Dear Patrick Lee
We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 19 September below (our ref: CAS-36303-S3W8Y9).
We will reply in due course.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH | +44 20 3461 4878
Dear Patrick Lee
Please find attached response to your email dated 19 September below.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH | +44 20 3461 4878
Dear Enquiries,
Thank you for your suggestion to access this information from the FCA. Unfortunately this isn't feasible in my case (the FCA charge thousands of pounds), so I suggest another solution. In particular, you say in your reply
"The Bank does not hold the lists requested for the full period of your request. "
But you must hold it for the letter I referred to in my original request:
"For example, during 2019, recipients of the following letter:
Please would you therefore provide the list of recipients of that letter.
Yours sincerely,
Patrick Lee
Dear Patrick Lee
We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 11 January below (our ref: CAS-40515-B9R4C9).
We will reply in due course.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH | +44 20 3461 4878
Dear Patrick Lee
Please find attached response to your email dated 11 January below.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH | +44 20 3461 4878
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