Please supply information for backdated claims in jobseeker's allowance procedural guidance

Department for Work and Pensions did not have the information requested.

Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Please can you supply me the following information from the jobseeker's allowance procedural guidance -

backdated claims

Yours faithfully,

Ms Cook

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5 Attachments

Dear Ms Cook
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
Yours sincerely
DWP Central Freedom of Information Team

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J Roberts left an annotation ()

The recent test case GDC v SSWP (UC)[2020] UKUT 108 (AAC) provides some information on how backdating provisions differ between the main legacy benefits and Universal Credit:

"64. The main legacy benefits (income support, employment and support allowance, housing benefit and jobseeker’s allowance) all have provisions that allow claimants to gain the advantage of an earlier claim date to the date on which the claim form is actually received. This reflects the fact that there will inevitably be postal delays, both in the DWP office sending out a paper form and the claimant in returning it once completed. Typically, legislation provides that, providing the claim form is returned within one month, the date of claim is the date on which the claimant makes an initial contact with the DWP office and expresses an intention to make a claim (see e.g. regulation 4(5) and, for income support, regulation 6(1A)(b) of the 1987 Claims and Payments Regulations).Universal credit, by contrast, is an exclusively online benefit – a claim can be made literally at any time, 24/7. It follows that no allowance need be made for e.g. postal delays or DWP office opening hours. The claimant’s pressing the “Submit claim” button at the end of Stage 3 and the Secretary of State’s receipt of that claim is effectively instantaneous. Accordingly, the universal credit regime has much more limited provision for setting any earlier date of claim."