Please advise if the Councilor who is a Director of Exeter City Futures has ensured that there is no conflict of interest with her position as a Councillor.
Dear Exeter City Council,
I understand that the following has been given approval, please advise how the Councillor who is also I understand a Director of Exeter City Futures ensured that there was no conflict of interest with her role at Exeter City Council:
Outline planning approved for 60,000 sq ft of new offices located at Exeter Business Park
Plans for sustainable office buildings have been given the go ahead at a prime business site situated at Exeter Business Park, following proposals by sustainable property developer Grenadier Estates.
Grenadier’s plans for top-end energy-efficient offices on the two-acre site were approved by Exeter City Council, and the developer is looking at building up to 60,000 sq ft of sustainable Grade A office buildings.
Peter Quincey, Director of Property at Grenadier Estates, said: “All of our developments are built with sustainability at the forefront, and the new site at Exeter Business Park will not be any different. All buildings will meet stringent environmental standards and we will aim to optimise energy efficiency through a fabric first approach combined with renewable technologies.
“The design and specification of the new buildings will consider cradle to grave carbon which looks at the whole building lifecycle stages from construction, use and end of life. We will also be working with Exeter City Futures to reduce the number of people coming to work by car.“
Exeter City Futures is a community interest company that is working in partnership with Exeter City Council to help the city become energy independent and congestion free by 2025, and has been involved in the scheme. CEO and founder Glenn Woodcock said: “Exeter City Futures is proud to work alongside Grenadier Estates, a great example of how we are working with developers to deliver buildings with extremely high levels of performance and energy efficiency in Exeter. This shows how forming partnerships and collaborative projects will help us achieve our energy independence goal.”
Grenadier will shortly be approaching architects for proposals and concept ideas to move the development forward. The news of the approved plans comes after Grenadier Estates announced plans to build a 22,000 sq ft, EPC A rated office building, also within the same business park. The construction of Emperor House has already begun, and will include key energy efficiency features such as a new 138 kW solar array.
Yours faithfully,
Deborah Russell
Thank you for your request for information. I will arrange for a response
to be issued as soon as possible. If you have any queries about the
progress of your request, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please note that information relating to schools, education, trading
standards, social care (e.g. care homes) and highways is held by Devon
County Council and your request should be re-directed to them. Their
contact details are as follows:
Information Compliance Manager
Strategic Intelligence
Room L10
County Hall
Topsham Road
Telephone: 01392 384679
Email: [email address]
Kind regards
FOI Officer
for Corporate Manager, Policy, Communications and Community Engagement
Exeter City Council
Civic Centre
Exeter EX1 1JN
Tel: 01392 277888
email: [Exeter City Council request email]
Disclaimer: [1]
Visible links
Dear Exeter City Council,
By law the authority should have responded promptly, please can you advise when I will receive a response?
Yours faithfully,
Deborah Russell
Thank you for your request for information. I will arrange for a response
to be issued as soon as possible. If you have any queries about the
progress of your request, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please note that information relating to schools, education, trading
standards, social care (e.g. care homes) and highways is held by Devon
County Council and your request should be re-directed to them. Their
contact details are as follows:
Information Compliance Manager
Strategic Intelligence
Room L10
County Hall
Topsham Road
Telephone: 01392 384679
Email: [email address]
Kind regards
FOI Officer
for Corporate Manager, Policy, Communications and Community Engagement
Exeter City Council
Civic Centre
Exeter EX1 1JN
Tel: 01392 277888
email: [Exeter City Council request email]
Disclaimer: [1]
Visible links
Thank you for your email.
Your application is not one that falls under the provisions of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000. However, the Council is happy to confirm the
position with you.
Your email concerns the proposed development under Application Number
16/1215/03 by Grenadier Estates Limited and concerns Land between Pinn
Lane and Junction 29 M5 which concerns the outline approval for new
offices located at Exeter Business Park. This was a delegated decision
made by a Council Officer under delegated powers set out in the Council's
It is our understanding that Councillor Denham has no interest in
Grenadier Estates.
Kind regards
Policy Officer
Executive Support
Direct Line 01392 265875
Dear Exeter City Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Exeter City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Please advise if the Councilor who is a Director of Exeter City Futures has ensured that there is no conflict of interest with her position as a Councillor.'.
My complaint is that I understand that there is a connection as Exeter City Futures is funded by and supplied staff by Oxygen House and Oxygen House is the holding company for Grenadier Estates according to their website 'our holding company, Oxygen House (formerly known as Andromeda Capital)'.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Deborah Russell
Thank you for your request for information. I will arrange for a response
to be issued as soon as possible. If you have any queries about the
progress of your request, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please note that information relating to schools, education, trading
standards, social care (e.g. care homes) and highways is held by Devon
County Council and your request should be re-directed to them. Their
contact details are as follows:
Information Compliance Manager
Strategic Intelligence
Room L10
County Hall
Topsham Road
Telephone: 01392 384679
Email: [email address]
Kind regards
FOI Officer
for Corporate Manager, Policy, Communications and Community Engagement
Exeter City Council
Civic Centre
Exeter EX1 1JN
Tel: 01392 277888
email: [Exeter City Council request email]
Disclaimer: [1]
Visible links
Dear Ms Russell,
Thank you for your request for an internal review of the handling of your
FOI request dated 11 August 2017 and entitled 'Please advise if the
Councillor who is a Director of Exeter City Futures has ensured that there
is no conflict of interest with her position as a Councillor'.
I have reviewed the Council’s response to you. Your application was not a
request for information that falls under the provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. However, the Council provided you with the
information you requested. I am satisfied that the response was correct.
I note that you have submitted a corporate complaint dated 12 September
2017 relating to this matter. This is being dealt with separately and I a
response will be sent to you in due course.
If you are dissatisfied with my response to your appeal, you may refer the
matter to the Information Commissioner's Office for determination. The
contact details are:
The Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
SK9 5AF.
Telephone: 08456 306060 / 01625 545745
Email: [1][email address]
Yours sincerely
Bruce Luxton
Corporate Manager
Executive Support
Direct Line 01392 265166
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