Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy
Dear Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council,
On the 10 January 2022, I submitted a Freedom of Information Act request, asking:
" Please confirm the names and roles of all those who are on the 'strong and effective steering group' established to lead on the delivery of the strategy (as referenced page 4 of the Assessment Report produced by Knight, Kavanagh and Page. I would also be grateful for copies of the agreed notes/minutes from all meetings held to date."
In response, the Authority said:
"We an advise that the Steering Group has not yet been established but is expected to include representatives from Planning and Parks and Countryside, Sport England and Sports governing Bodies and will be closely tied to the monitoring and review framework to be established as part of the adoption of the Local Plan. No minutes are therefore yet available."
Can you please advise is this Steering Group has now been established, along with copies of the agreed notes/minutes from all meetings held to date if it has?
Cllr. Ian Lewis
Dear Councillor Lewis,
Thank you for your follow up to FOI 1587144.
This steering group has not yet been established and there are no minutes or notes.
However, David Ball, Assistant Director for Special Projects has spoken to you (16 August 2023) and explained that he will be progressing this work in the future on behalf of the Council. The steering group will be established in September 2023 and following this David is happy to talk to you, at any time, about this area of work and will provide you with any information that you require.
I hope that this response is helpful.
Yours sincerely
Tracy O'Hare
Information Management Officer
Wirral Council
PO Box 290
Brighton Street
CH27 9FQ
Email:[Wirral Borough Council request email]
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Dear InfoMgr, FinDMT,
Thanks - David Ball very helpful, as always.
Yours sincerely,
Ian Lewis
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